BMIS235 Email Etiquette Assignment NAME: ______

Professor Chen Due Date: ______

Assignment: Email Etiquette

Due: Tuesday, March5 [sections 3 &4], Wednesday March 6 [section 5]

Goal: Students will be able to properly use technology in their communication.

Scenario: Tracy is taking BMIS 235. She is required to work with three fellow students as a

group on a term project. Through the whole semester, she needs to communicate with her

professor and her group members. The following questions require your reflection on your

actions in different situations.

Question 1: Please explain which email elements (subject, cc, bcc, and priority levels) that

Tracy should take into account in her email to her professor or her group members.

Question 2: Right before the due date of the presentation, Tracy has a few questions about the

requirements of the term project. She will email her professor for help. Draft an email message

for Tracy. Your email should include proper use of email elements, as well as demonstrate

proper email etiquette.


Assignment Process:

Step 1. Read and reflect on the Email articles provided in Blackboard for this assignment. They are under “Assignments” – Then, select “Email Etiquette Assignment”

·  12 Tips for Better E-mail Etiquette

·  Writing for Business Purposes: Elements of Email Etiquette

·  Email Etiquette

·  Purdue OWL – Email Etiquette

Sep 2. Create a Word document for Question 1 as follows:

·  12 point font, 1” margin on all sides

·  Include your Name and Class (e.g., BMIS 235 Time 1:15 Section 3, Spring 2013) at the top of the page

·  Print your Word document to hand in, and

·  Submit your Word document to Blackboard under “Assignments” – Then, click “Email Etiquette Assignment (Bb Submission)”.

Step 3. Send your response to Question 2 in an email message to my gmail account at (for the purpose of saving all your assignment safely and correctly; however, other regular emails please sent to )