January 2013doc.: IEEE 802.11-13/0031r1

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Minutes of the IEEE P802.11 Full Working Group
Date: 2013-01-14
Name / Company / Address / Phone / email
Stephen McCann / Research in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd / 200 Bath Road, Slough, Berkshire, SL1 3XE, UK / +44 1753 667099 /

IEEE 802.11 Interim Meeting – Session #137

Hyatt Regency, Vancouver, British Colombia, Canada

January13th– 18th,2013

IEEE 802 Wireless Opening Plenary, Monday, 14thJanuary 2013

8:02802.11, 802.15, 802.16, 802.18, 802.19, 802.21, and 802.22 Chairs called the joint meeting to order. IEEE 802.15 attendance is included as Annex A.

General announcements:

·No photography

·Social – Steam Works Pub

·Straw Poll of new attendees: 1

8:04IEEE patent policy

802.15 WG chair read the IEEE-SA instructions and displayed the four slides explaining patent policy and informed the attendees that additional information could be found on the PatCom web site.

802.15 WG chair read IEEE anti-trust policy.

8:09Financial report by Jon Rosdahl (CSR) docs 11-13-0020-00, 15-13-0024-00

Net Worth

·July 1, 2012 – $433,424.66

oIEEE account: $391,948.68 + $462.69 = $392,411.37

oFace-to-Face: $194,868.70+$45,300-$30,209.32+$2,400.09-$171,346.18 = $41,013.29

·Sept 1, 2012 – $562,733.66

oIEEE account: $392,411.37 + $266.67 = $ 392,678.04

oFace-to-Face: $41,013.29+$52,500-$7,816.99 +$106,650 -$22,290 = $170,055.62

·Oct 31, 2012 – $457,267.69

oIEEE account: $392,678.04 + $87.14= $ 392,765.18

oFace-to-Face: $170,055.62 +$53,700 -$7,677.01 +$5,300 -$158,876.10 = $64,502.51

·Dec 31, 2012 – $599,205.26

oIEEE account: $392,765.18 + 123.43 - $7465.06 + 108.61 = $385,532.16

oFace-to-Face: $64,502.51 +90,000- $14,285.23 +105,750.00 – 32,294.18 = $213,673.10


Registration Income: $208,650 $231,000

– Hotel Credits $3,500 $3,500 (if pickup is >50%)

– Registrations 325 343

– Meeting Expense Estimate: $227,409 $229,793

– AV$17,953 $19,531

– Financial Fees$11,433 $12,550

– Meeting Planner$39,525 $39,025

– Food & Beverage$95,201 $92,000

– Network Services$41,897 $42,687

–Social$12,500 $14,850

–Shipping $7,250 $7,250

–Misc $1,650 $1,600

Surplus/(Deficit) $(15,259) $4,707

8:12Wireless and IMAT announcements by Rick Alfvin (15-13-027-00)

8:16Review future sessions

·March 17-21, 2013, Caribe Royale, Orlando, FL, USA, 802 Plenary Session

·May 12-17, 2013, Hilton Waikoloa Village, Big Island, HI, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session*

·July 14-19, 2013, Geneva, 802 Plenary Session

·September 15-20, 2013, Nanjing China, 802 Wireless Interim Session*

·November 10-15, 2013, Hyatt Regency Reunion, Dallas, TX, USA, 802 Plenary Session

·January 19-24, 2014, Hyatt Century Plaza, Los Angeles, CA, USA, 802 Wireless Interim Session*

8:18Working Group Updates

·802.1 by T Jeffree

TG interworking

TG time sensitive networking

·802.11 by B Kraemer (Maxell): 324 voters, 31 potential voters


TGac - VHT <6GHz


TGah- Sub 1GHz

TGai – Fast Initial Link Setup


TGak – General Link

TGaq – Pre-Association Discovery

Standing Committee





802.15 by B Heile (125 voters, 18 nearly voters)

TG4j: MBAN (complete)

TG4k: LECIM (passed sponsor ballot, 260 comments)




TG4q: ULP (Ultra Low Power amendment) just starting

TG8: PAC (Peer Aware Communications) working on technical guidance document

TG9: KMP (Key Management Protocol) early stage draft development

SGl2r: Layer 2 Routing

IG-SRU (Spectrum Resource Utilization)

802.16 by Roger Marks (42 voters, 802.16-13-0015)

Maintenance: 16r3 and 16.1-2012

Grid: 16n, 16.1a (sponsor ballot recirc comment resolution)

TG: 802.16q (heterogeneous)

TG: 802.16.r

SG: 802.16.3 (metrology)

802.18 by M Lynch (8 voters)


802.19 Steve Shellhammer (Qualcomm) (48 voters) doc 19-13-0012

·TVWS Coexistence WG ballot comment resolution

802.21 Subir Das (22 voters) doc 21-13-009-00

·TG21c – single radio handover – finalize comment resolution

·TG21d – multicast group management – proposal discussion

·OmniRAN ECSG (Max Riegel)– just started

802.22 Mody (33 voters)

·TGa – Enhanced MIBS expected completion is Dec 2013

·TGb - Enhanced Broadband Services and Monitoring Applications

·SG – advanced beaconing

802.24 Gilb (27 voters) 24-13-004-02

·Response to ITU-R question 236 /1

·Review changes to PAP2 section 6.7

·Review new SIF contributions from 802.22, 802.11

·Develop publicity plan

8:44Joint meeting adjourned

IEEE 802.11Opening Plenary, Monday 14thJanuary 2013

The chair Bruce Kraemer(Marvell) opened the meeting at 08:59Pacific DaylightTime (PST). The other officers are:

1st Vice-chair (VC1):Jon RosdahlCSR

2ndVice-chair(VC2):Adrian StephensIntel

Secretary:Stephen McCannResearch in Motion (RIM) UK Ltd

There are 324 voting members of IEEE 802.11

There were 129 people in the room.

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-1432r1)

1.1.Chair: I’ve re-arranged some of the meeting slots from the version posted 30 days ago.

1.2.So are there any more modifications required at this moment?

1.3.No objection to the approval of the agenda

1.4.Comment (C): There is a minor typo on the session number within the file itself.

1.5.Chair: Ok, that will be corrected within the next revision.

  1. November2012Minutes(11-12-1288r1)

2.1.Review and approve joint minutes from the San Antonio, November2012 meeting.

2.2.Any objection to approving the November2012 minutes 11-12-1288r1by unanimous consent

2.3.Moved: Stephen McCann, 2nd: Stuart Kerry

2.4.Following neither discussion nor dissent these minutes were approved by unanimous consent.

  1. Notices

3.1.No photographs at this meeting and please turn your mobiles to vibrate.

  1. Meeting Graphic

4.1.This is a summary of all room allocations for the week

  1. Attendance

5.1.Welcome to the 1new participant in this meeting.

5.2.Chair: Please note that Stephen McCann (Secretary) will be holding a newcomer’s session at 10:30 this morning, presenting the document 11-13-0049r1.

  1. Treasurers report (11-13-0020r0)

6.1.VC1: This is the current budget status. Note that as IEEE 802.1 has joined us this week (about 40 people), our income is slightly higher than expected and hence the numbers are in the black.

6.2.There will be an update on meeting attendance later in the week.

  1. Call for essential Patents(11-13-0021r0)

7.1.VC1: read out the currentPatCom rules and then called for essential patents information, as shown by:


7.3.There were no issues raised regarding the call for essential patents.

7.4.VC1: read out other policies and procedures for the meeting.

7.5.Also please remember the documentation guidelines and please update all changes to those documents presented.

7.6.VC1: Please note that the current version of the IEEE-SA by-laws has been recently updated and there are some new links (slide #9).

7.7.VC1: Document 11-13-0001r0 is a proposed new IEEE 802.11 Operations Manual (OM) update. Note there is a new section which will be discussed during the Wednesday mid-week plenary.

  1. Status of all groups (11-12-1433r0)

8.1.PAR extensions

8.1.1.There are a couple of PARs which will need to be extended towards the end of 2013.

8.2.Chair Elect Appointments

8.2.1.There are two new groups this time, TGak - General Link (Donald Eastlake, pro-tem) and TGaq – Pre Association Discovery (Stephen McCann, pro-tem). Officer nomination elections will occur during the first sessions of these groups this week to be ratified at the mid-week plenary.

8.2.2.Candidate nominations for these groups are still open.

8.3.Missing Officers

8.3.1.There are a couple of people who are not able to attend this week.

8.3.2.TGaj will have their interim next week in Shenzhen, China and are not present this week.

  1. Announcements (11-12-1434r0)

9.1.LoA database

9.1.1.There are 8 entries for 2012 and 2 entries for 2013

9.2.Joint meetings

9.2.1.There is a joint meeting with IEEE 802.1 on Thursday morning.

9.3.Room Assignments

9.3.1.No changes at this point. Please note that most of the IEEE 802.11 meetings are on this level (3rd) and the 4th level. Lunch is on the 34th floor and the elevators now have 34 on their electronic button selectors (they did not over the weekend).

9.4.IEEE 802 items

9.4.1.The other working groups are meeting this week and their agendas are included in the slides. Please note that IEEE 802.16 are also meeting this week.

9.5.March 2013 Plenary

9.5.1.Please note that he early bird cut off for the March 2013 plenary registrations is next Friday.

9.6.January 2013 (TGaj) Meeting

9.6.1.Please note that registration for next week’s TGaj meeting in Shenzhen, China is still open.

9.6.2.Please also send an email to the meeting organizers so they know you are coming,

9.6.3.Note: The next TGaj interim will be in April 24/25 in Beijing, China.

9.7.IEEE-SA Staff

9.7.1.There are no IEEE-SA staff here this week.

9.8.Wednesday Social

9.8.1.Please note this is on Wednesday evening and is at the Steam Works brewery about 8 blocks away at 18:30, near the waterfront. There is no transportation provided.

9.9.Wednesday Mid-Week Plenary Topics

9.9.1.Definition of qualifying interims towards voting rights

9.9.2.IEEE 802.1 architecture document

9.9.3.Liaisons and affirmation of the new group chairs.

9.10.March 2013 Plenary topics

9.10.1.Hopefully there will be a request for TGac conditional approval. The sponsor ballot pool is not currently open.


9.11.1.In March 2013, there is 1 tutorial scheduled regarding 5 GHz spectrum.

  1. Voting status, attendance, meeting network & documentation (11-12-0096r1)

10.1.VC2: This document provides all the information about attendance, documentation and other news about the group.

10.2.Please use the IMAT system for attendance. If you have problems please send VC2 an email.

10.3.There are 18 normal slots this week and TGac has evening slots on Monday and Tuesday evening.

10.4.Please note that there is online calendar suitable for downloading to smart phone and tablets.

10.5.If you wish to synchronize with the local document server, please do so, rather than using the external bandwidth from the hotel meeting venue.

10.6.Question (Q): Regarding reciprocal credits between IEEE 802 working groups, will this be discussed on Wednesday or Friday?

10.7.VC2: No, but does this need to be discussed?

10.8.Answer (A): Not sure at the moment.

  1. Publicity & timelines


11.1.1.IEEE 802.11ad press release was published during CES last week in Las Vegas.


11.2.1.No recent changes, but please can all chairs send the secretary any required updates prior to the Thursday evening CAC meeting.

  1. Group Summaries(11-12-1433r0)

12.1.Editor’s meeting

12.1.1.Tomorrow morning at 7.00am, including the ANA status, style guides and numbering situation.

12.2.Extra notes for the following groups were made:

12.3.WNG presentation is currently scheduled for Tuesday morning.


12.4.1.Will be addressing the topic of when an initial letter ballot will occur for this group.

12.4.2.C: There were 400 informal comments gathered at the end of last year and about half of these have been resolved. Ideally a draft 1.0 could be produced this week. Therefore the remaining un-resolved comments would be rolled over into the initial letter ballot.

12.4.3.They meet for the first time tomorrow and then each day during the week. There were about 200 initial comments received in the request for comments.


12.5.1.Please note that a published copy is now temporally available for members.


12.6.1.Hopefully a draft 3.0 letter ballot will be balloted this week.

12.6.2.TGak and TGaj

12.6.3.These are new groups this week and will establish officers, before starting technical work.

  1. Recent Ballots

13.1.Chair: There have been none recently.

  1. Any Other Business


  1. Recess

15.1.Meeting recessed at 10:00PST.

Wednesday, 16thJanuary 2013

IEEE 802.11 Mid Week Plenary

Presiding chair: Bruce Kraemer (Marvell) opened the meeting at 10:30PST.

129people present.

  1. Approve/modify joint opening agenda(11-12-1432r3)

16.1.Chair: Are there any proposed changes?

16.2.Any objection to approving this agenda?

16.3.No objection, so moved and approved.

  1. Call for Essential Patents

17.1.The call for essential patents from Monday still applies

17.2.No statements

  1. CAC

18.1.Reminder about 19.30PSTmeeting on Thursday in “Regency E”.

  1. Other Announcements (11-12-1434r0)

19.1.Social: The social is at the Steam Works Brew Pub, at the base of Richards St., starting at 6.30pm, down by the harbour front. However, please take your badge and one for guests. Badges for guests can be obtained from the IEEE Registration desk.

  1. Liaisons

20.1.Liaison volunteers to IEEE 802.24 and IEEE 802 OmniRan

20.1.1.Chair: this is a request for a liaison to this group. This person needs to attend the IEEE 802.24 meeting and then report back.

20.1.2.Similarly we need a liaison for the new IEEE 802 OmniRan group. If you are interested please can you contact the chair.

20.1.3.C: OmniRan is meeting PM1 today, not PM2.

20.1.4.Chair: Ok, thanks,

20.2.IEEE 802.19: Co-existence (11-13-0128r0)

20.2.1.Various issues arising from the IEEE 802.19 meetings this week.

20.2.2.No questions

20.3.Bluetooth SIG

20.3.1.Chair: we have been waiting for an agreement from the Bluetooth SIG for an official liaison, but that has not been agreed at the moment. Therefore we have to skip this item.

20.3.2.The candidate is Jim Lansford.

20.4.Wi-Fi alliance (WFA)

20.4.1.The news this time is that the WiGig Alliance and the Wi-Fi Alliance will unify their operation.

20.4.2.Last meeting was in Tokyo October 2012.

20.4.3.Of interest to IEEE 802.11 are the following groups: GHz tests based on 11ad 2.0 based on 11u based on 11af

20.4.4.In addition there are also topics concerning: Grid Management Conversation

20.4.5.The next WFA meeting is in Shanghai, China, during the week starting March 4th.

20.4.6.No questions


20.5.1.No questions

20.5.2.C: In March there will be a joint IETF-IEEE 802.11 meeting on the Saturday. This is not open to all members, but open to officers to discuss common areas of interest. The IETF is meeting in the same venue as IEEE 802.11 but the week before.

20.5.3.Chair: This gives a chance to review documents like RFC 4444.

20.6.TVWS in Japan

20.6.1.C: There are no updates from the TVWS Japan Promotion Committee

20.6.2.No questions.


20.7.1.Chair: In addition to this report, within WNG there have some discussions about “Carrier Offload”. Although it’s early, it would be useful to try and collaborate with 3GPP at some point in the future.

20.7.2.Chair: It looks as though the RAN topics may be of direct interest to IEEE 802.11. Hopefully there will a more formal liaison in place by the March 2013 meeting.

20.7.3.No questions

  1. TGak officier elections(11-13-1444r1 slide #4)

21.1.The nominations are:

21.2.Chair: Recommend Donald Eastlake, 3rd (Huawei) to the WG.

21.3.Vote: 34-0-1

21.4.Secretary: Recommend ZHUANG Yan (Huawei) to the WG.

21.5.By acclamation

21.6.WG Chair: I would like the group to affirm these positions.

  1. TGaq officier elections (11-13-1444r1 slide #5)

22.1.Chair: One nominee (Stephen McCann - RIM)

22.2.Vote Results: For: 32, Against: 0, Abstain: 0

22.3.Vice-chair: Two nominees (Yunsong YANG – Huawei, Dwight Smith - Motorola Mobility)

22.4.Technical Editor: One nominee (Dan Gal - Alcatel-Lucent)

22.5.WG Chair: I would like the group to affirm these positions.

22.6.C: Please can be new editor send an email to Adrian Stephens for contact reasons.

  1. Room change requests(11-13-1432r3)

23.1.There are several changes on the room schedule.

23.2.TGac: Please cancel the Thursday slot if the later motion passes.

23.3.TGaf: Please cancel the remaining slots this week if the later motion passes.

23.4.REG: They would like to have 2 additional slots for new work, Thurs AM2, PM1

23.5.TGah: The group has adjourned for the week, so additional slots can be cancelled.

23.6.TGmc: They would like the PM1 slot please.

23.7.Chair: Ok, so I’ve arrange a new graphic for all these changes, assuming that later motions are approved. Is there any objection to tabling this decision?

23.8.None seen.

  1. Working Group Motions (Old Business) (11-12-1444r1)

24.1.TGac Recirculation Ballot Motion (slide #7)

24.1.1.Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB190 on TGac D4.0 as contained in document 11-12/1277r10,

24.1.2.Instruct the editor to prepare Draft D5.0 incorporating these resolutions and,

24.1.3.Approve a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot asking the question “Should TGac D5.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

24.1.4.[In TGac: Moved: Eldad Perahia, Seconded: Robert Stacey, Result: 11,0,0]

24.1.5.Moved by Osama Aboul-Magd on behalf of TGac

24.1.6.For: 104, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

24.2.TGaf Recirculation Ballot Motion (slide #8)

24.2.1.Having approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB189 and the Comment Collection on TGaf D2.0 and D2.2 respectively, as contained in document 11-12/1017r29

24.2.2.Instruct the editor to prepare Draft 3.0 incorporating these resolutions and,

24.2.3.Approve a 14 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot, asking the question “Should P802.11af D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?”

24.2.4.[In TGaf: Moved: Yongho Seconded: Zhou Lan Result: 11-0-0]

24.2.5.Moved by Richard Kennedy on behalf of TGaf

24.2.6.VC2: Is 14 day a typo. Can we change this to 15? to amend: change 14 to 15 days Adrian Stephens, 2nd: Jon Rosdahl

24.2.7.Amended Motion: approved comment resolutions for all of the comments received from LB189 and the Comment Collection on TGaf D2.0 and D2.2 respectively, as contained in document 11-12/1017r29 the editor to prepare Draft 3.0 incorporating these resolutions and, a 15 day Working Group Recirculation Ballot, asking the question “Should P802.11af D3.0 be forwarded to Sponsor Ballot?” main motion seconded: Jon Rosdahl 100, Against: 0, Abstain: 0 (Motion passes 100%)

  1. TGac sponsor ballot pool

25.1.TGac Chair: Please can I request the formation of the sponsor ballot pool for Tgac.

25.2.Chair: yes. This is typically arranged through the IEEE staff. Is 60 days ok for this?

25.3.TGac Chair: yes

25.4.Chair: Is there any objection to requesting this from the IEEE 802 chair and IEEE-SA.

25.5.None seen

25.6.Chair: If the TGac Draft 5.0 passes letter ballot, would you like to consider forwarding it to ISO and placing it in the IEEE-SA Store.

25.7.TGac Chair: Yes, please

25.8.TGac Chair: Please can you now remove the TGac remaining slots for this week.

25.9.Chair: yes

  1. TGaf draft and timeslots

26.1.Chair: If the TGaf Draft 3.0 passes letter ballot, would you like to consider forwarding it to ISO and placing it in the IEEE-SA Store.

26.2.TGaf Chair: Yes, please

26.3.TGaf Chair: Please can you now remove the TGaf remaining slots for this week.

26.4.Chair: yes

  1. Modified Agenda (11-13-1432r3)

27.1.Chair: Is there now any objection to approving 11-13-1432r3 as the modified room assignment for the rest of the week?

27.2.None seen.

  1. Proposed update to rules (11-13-0001r0)

28.1.VC2: This is regarding the rule about maintaining voting rights over 4 meetings. The current rule is slightly ambiguous.

28.2.This change clarifies this rule.

28.3.C: This new statement applies to the loss of rights. However, to gain voting rights you can use an interim as the starting point.

28.4.VC2: If a person attends an interim, then they still qualify, as it is a sliding window.

28.5.C: Ok, I agree.

28.6.VC1: Note: this is not a change to any rule. The rules are in the IEEE 802 P&Ps. This change just clarifies how this rule is applied within the IEEE 802.11 operations manual (OM).

28.7.C: So, doesn’t this mean that a change should be made to the IEEE 802 P&P.

28.8.VC1: Yes, I think this would be a good improvement to the IEEE 802 P&P.

28.9.C: I believe that this is not actually valid in the IEEE 802.11 OM. It should be in the IEEE 802 P&P.