As outlined in the AHA Management Plan the Chairman’s report to the AGM measures the success of what we have achieved in the last season against the specified tasks.

  • To support the CSHA in their Mission – The AHA have provided teams for all competitions, players to every CS team, coaching where requested, manage CSHA teams, provide the balance of members and the secretary to the CSHA Executive and sub committees.
  • To support to EH – A division of the County Championships this season was hosted at Aldershot 10-11 May.
  • To maintain the AHA on a sound financial footing – Achieved, see item4.
  • The seeking and maintaining of suitable sponsors – Our baseline of sponsorship remains with Forces Financial and Inter Sports.
  • The maintenance of a publicity and communications website – Achieved – we must continue towork change member’s behaviour from information push to information pull. The need to go from an email based communication system to a bulletin based system has been fully explained and agreed – our actions must now speak for us.

The development of AHA facilities:

  • No1 and No 2 pitch are currently in good order.
  • Possible consideration could be made to laying a small practice pitch.
  • Support to Representative Army Teams and players –Player non-availability has been better considering the continuing pressure of operations. Much of this was down to relatively early identification of team/squad players combined with a pro-active approach of targeting COs and other key gatekeepers.
  • At Corps level a significant increase in Corps Hockey has been noticed –An increase from the 42 league games played in 12-13 to 72 games played in 13-14. Combined with a good level of activity in BA(G) this has achieved the Chairman’s first aim which was to grow hockey at the ‘grass roots’. Now further effort needs to be focused on unit level sport.
  • Results for the 2013/14 Season– I draw your attention to the AHA website for a full set of result however, highlights are:
  • Inter-Corps Indoor – Men’s-REME, Ladies - REME.
  • Inter - Service Indoor – Men’s Seniors –1st, Ladies –winners for the 14th year in succession. U23 –1st, Masters – 1st.
  • Inter – Service Outdoors – Men’s Senior –1st, Ladies – 1st, U23 – Runners Up to RAF, Masters –Runners Up to RAF, Lady Masters – Runners Up to RAF.
  • Army Cup – Major Units, winners11 Sigs, runners up Wimbish Station.
    Minor Units, winners 5 Med Regt, runners up 4 Med Regt.
  • Development of Coaches through CS schemes – Corps have been directed to take full advantage of the opportunities available.
  • Assessment, Coaching and Development of Umpires – This still remains an area for improvement and againmembers are asked to assist by identifying potential development opportunities to the AHUA office who will pass them on to the relevant body in the association. Capt Paul Robinson is now constructing an Umpiring Database which can be found on the website as well as through the AHUA.
  • Development of Tournament/Match Officials within the emerging CS framework – An area that will need continuing development.
  • Tour Plan – The AHA Tour Instruction setting out the aim, structure, financial and media aspects of Army Team tours is published on the website. Focus is on U23 Tour to Scotland later this year.

I close this report on last year’s activity with a look forward. The ASCB asks us to maintain a rolling 5 year ManPlan, thus the 2014-2019 plan draft is before you. Having received no comments I ask that you accept it.

Dickie Head

R A Head

Lt Col
