I’d rather study

  1. arts & crafts
    Move towards Artistic
  2. literature & humanities
    Move towards Idealist
  3. business & finance
    Move towards Guardian
  4. science & engineering
    Move towards Rational

I feel best about myself when

  1. I’m graceful in action
    Move towards Artistic
  2. I’m en rapport with someone
    Move towards Idealist
  3. I’m rock-solid dependable
    Move towards Guardian
  4. I exercise my ingenuity
    Move towards Rational

In mood I’m more often

  1. excited & stimulated
    Move towards Artistic
  2. enthusiastic & inspired
    Move towards Idealist
  3. cautious & prudent
    Move towards Guardian
  4. calm & detached
    Move towards Rational

I keep coming back to

  1. perfecting my craft
    Move towards Artistic
  2. helping others affirm themselves
    Move towards Idealist
  3. helping otherds do right
    Move towards Guardian
  4. figuring out how things work
    Move towards Rational

Coming right down to it I tend ot be

  1. practical & opportunistic
    Move towards Artistic
  2. compassionate & altruistic
    Move towards Idealist
  3. dutiful & diligent
    Move towards Guardian
  4. efficient & pragmatic
    Move towards Rational

I respect myself more for

  1. being bold & adventurous
    Move towards Artistic
  2. being kind-hearted & of good
    Move towards Idealist
  3. doing good deeds
    Move towards Guardian
  4. being autonomous & independent
    Move towards Rational

I’m more inclined to trust

  1. impulses & whims
    Move towards Artistic
  2. intuitions & intimations
    Move towards Idealist
  3. customs & traditions
    Move towards Guardian
  4. pure reason & formal logic
    Move towards Rational

I’m sometimes eager to

  1. make an impression & have impact
    Move towards Artistic
  2. lose myself in romantic dreams
    Move towards Idealist
  3. be a valued & legitimate member
    Move towards Guardian
  4. make a scientific breakthrough
    Move towards Rational

I’m in a life-long search for more

  1. thrills & adventures
    Move towards Artistic
  2. self-understanding
    Move towards Idealist
  3. safety & security
    Move towards Guardian
  4. efficient methods of operation
    Move towards Rational

In facing the future

  1. I bet something lucky will turn up
    Move towards Artistic
  2. I believe in peoples’ innate goodness
    Move towards Idealist
  3. You just can’t be too careful
    Move towards Guardian
  4. It’s best to keep a wary eye
    Move towards Rational

If it were possible I’d like to become

  1. an artistic virtuoso
    Move towards Artistic
  2. a wise prophet
    Move towards Idealist
  3. a chief executive
    Move towards Guardian
  4. a technological genius
    Move towards Rational

I’d do best in a job working with

  1. tools & equipment
    Move towards Artistic
  2. human resources development
    Move towards Idealist
  3. materiel & services
    Move towards Guardian
  4. systems & structures
    Move towards Rational

As a guide to action I look primarily at

  1. immediate advantages
    Move towards Artistic
  2. future possibilities
    Move towards Idealist
  3. past experience
    Move towards Guardian
  4. necessary & sufficient conditions
    Move towards Rational

I’m most self-confident when I’m

  1. adaptable & flexible
    Move towards Artistic
  2. genuine & authentic
    Move towards Idealist
  3. honorable & respectable
    Move towards Guardian
  4. strong-willed & resolute
    Move towards Rational

I appreciate it when others

  1. surprise me with generosity
    Move towards Artistic
  2. recognize my true self
    Move towards Idealist
  3. express their gratitude
    Move towards Guardian
  4. ask me for my rationale
    Move towards Rational

When thinking about misfortune

  1. I usually laugh it off
    Move towards Artistic
  2. I often wonder why
    Move towards Idealist
  3. I try to make the best of it
    Move towards Guardian
  4. I view it from a wide perspective
    Move towards Rational

When the phone rings do you

  1. hurry to get to it first
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. hope someone else will answer
    Move towards Introverted

Are you more

  1. observant than introspective
    Move towards Observant
  2. introspective than observant
    Move towards Introspective

Is it worse to

  1. have your head in the clouds
    Move towards Observant
  2. be in a rut
    Move towards Introspective

With people are you usually more

  1. firm than gentle
    Move towards Thinking
  2. gentle than firm
    Move towards Feeling

Are you more comfortable in making

  1. critical judgments
    Move towards Thinking
  2. value judgments
    Move towards Feeling

Is clutter in the workplace something you

  1. take time to straighten up
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. tolerate pretty well
    Move towards Perceiving

Is it your way to

  1. make up your mind quickly
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. pick and choose at some length
    Move towards Perceiving

Waiting in line, do you often

  1. chat with others
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. stick to business
    Move towards Introverted

Are you more

  1. sensible than ideational
    Move towards Observant
  2. ideational than sensible
    Move towards Introspective

Are you more interested in

  1. what is actual
    Move towards Observant
  2. what is possible
    Move towards Introspective

In making up your mind are you more likely to go by

  1. data
    Move towards Thinking
  2. desires
    Move towards Feeling

In sizing up others do you tend to be

  1. objective and impersonal
    Move towards Thinking
  2. friendly and personal
    Move towards Feeling

Do you prefer contracts to be

  1. signed, sealed, and delivered
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. settled on a handshake
    Move towards Perceiving

Are you more satisfied having

  1. a finished product
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. work in progress
    Move towards Perceiving

At a party, do you

  1. interact with many, even strangers
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. interact with a few friends
    Move towards Introverted

Do you tend to be more

  1. factual than speculative
    Move towards Observant
  2. speculative than factual
    Move towards Introspective

Do you like writers who

  1. say what they mean
    Move towards Observant
  2. use metaphors and symbolism
    Move towards Introspective

Which appeals to you more:

  1. consistency of thought
    Move towards Thinking
  2. harmonious relationships
    Move towards Feeling

If you must disappoint someone are you usually

  1. frank and straightforward
    Move towards Thinking
  2. warm and considerate
    Move towards Feeling

On the job do you want your activities

  1. scheduled
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. unscheduled
    Move towards Perceiving

Do you more often prefer

  1. final, unalterable statements
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. tentative, preliminary
    Move towards Perceiving

Does interacting with strangers

  1. energize you
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. tax your reserves
    Move towards Introverted


  1. speak for themselves
    Move towards Observant
  2. illustrate principles
    Move towards Introspective

Do you find visionaries and theorists

  1. somewhat annoying
    Move towards Observant
  2. rather fascinating
    Move towards Introspective

In a heated discussion, do you

  1. stick to your guns
    Move towards Thinking
  2. look for common ground
    Move towards Feeling

Is it better to be

  1. just
    Move towards Thinking
  2. merciful
    Move towards Feeling

At work, is it more natural for you to

  1. point out mistakes
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. try to please others

Are you more comfortable

  1. after a decision
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. before a decision
    Move towards Perceiving

Do you tend to

  1. say right out what’s on your mind
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. keep your ears open
    Move towards Introverted

Common sense is

  1. usually reliable
    Move towards Observant
  2. frequently questionable
    Move towards Introspective

Children often do not

  1. make themselves useful enough
    Move towards Observant
  2. exercise their fantasy enough
    Move towards Introspective

When in charge of others do you tend to be

  1. firm and unbending
    Move towards Thinking
  2. forgiving and lenient
    Move towards Feeling

Are you more often

  1. a cool-headed person
    Move towards Thinking
  2. a warm-hearted person
    Move towards Feeling

Are you prone to

  1. nailing things down
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. exploring the possibilities
    Move towards Perceiving

In most situations are you more

  1. deliberate than spontaneous
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. spontaneous than deliberate
    Move towards Perceiving

Do you think of yourself as

  1. an outgoing person
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. a private person
    Move towards Introverted

Are you more frequently

  1. a practical sort of person
    Move towards Observant
  2. a fanciful sort of person
    Move towards Introspective

Do you speak more in

  1. particulars than generalities
    Move towards Observant
  2. generalities than particulars
    Move towards Introspective

Which is more a compliment:

  1. “There’s a logical person”
    Move towards Thinking
  2. “There’s a sentimental person”
    Move towards Feeling

Which rules you more

  1. your thoughts
    Move towards Thinking
  2. your feelings
    Move towards Feeling

When finishing a job, do you like to

  1. tie up all the loose ends
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. move on to something else
    Move towards Perceiving

Do you prefer to work

  1. to deadlines
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. just whenever
    Move towards Perceiving

Are you the kind of person who

  1. is rather talkative
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. doesn’t miss much
    Move towards Introverted

Are you inclined to take what is said

  1. more literally
    Move towards Observant
  2. more figuratively
    Move towards Introspective

Do you more often see

  1. what’s right in front of you
    Move towards Observant
  2. what can only be imagined
    Move towards Introspective

Is it worse to be

  1. a softy
    Move towards Thinking
  2. hard-nosed
    Move towards Feeling

In trying circumstances are you sometimes

  1. too unsympathetic
    Move towards Thinking
  2. too sympathetic
    Move towards Feeling

Do you tend to choose

  1. rather carefully
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. somewhat impulsively
    Move towards Perceiving

Are you inclined to be more

  1. hurried than leisurely
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. leisurely than hurried
    Move towards Perceiving

At work/school do you tend to

  1. be sociable with your colleagues/fellow students
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. keep more to yourself
    Move towards Introverted

Are you more likely to trust

  1. your experiences
    Move towards Observant
  2. your conceptions
    Move towards Introspective

Are you more inclined to feel

  1. down to earth
    Move towards Observant
  2. somewhat removed
    Move towards Introspective

Do you think of yourself as a

  1. tough-minded person
    Move towards Thinking
  2. tender-hearted person
    Move towards Feeling

Do you value in yourself more that you are

  1. reasonable
    Move towards Thinking
  2. devoted
    Move towards Feeling

Do you usually want things

  1. settled and decided
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. just penciled in
    Move towards Perceiving

Would you say you are more

  1. serious and determined
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. easy going
    Move towards Perceiving

Do you consider yourself

  1. a good conversationalist
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. a good listener
    Move towards Introverted

Do you prize in yourself

  1. a strong hold on reality
    Move towards Observant
  2. a vivid imagination
    Move towards Introspective

Are you drawn more to

  1. fundamentals
    Move towards Observant
  2. overtones
    Move towards Introspective

What seems the greater fault:

  1. to be too compassionate
    Move towards Thinking
  2. to be too dispassionate
    Move towards Feeling

Are you swayed more by

  1. convincing evidence
    Move towards Thinking
  2. a touching appeal
    Move towards Feeling

Do you feel better about

  1. coming to closure
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. keeping your options open
    Move towards Perceiving

Is it preferable mostly to

  1. make sure things are arranged
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. just let things happen naturally
    Move towards Perceiving

Are you inclined to be

  1. easy to approach
    Move towards Extraverted
  2. somewhat reserved
    Move towards Introverted

In stories to you prefer

  1. action and adventure
    Move towards Observant
  2. fantasy and heroism
    Move towards Introspective

Is it easier for you to

  1. put others to good use
    Move towards Observant
  2. identify with others
    Move towards Introspective

Which do you wish more for yourself:

  1. strength of will
    Move towards Thinking
  2. strength of emotion
    Move towards Feeling

Do you see yourself as basically

  1. thick-skinned
    Move towards Thinking
  2. thin-skinned
    Move towards Feeling

Do you tend to notice

  1. disorderliness
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. opportunities for change
    Move towards Perceiving

Are you more

  1. routinized than whimsical
    Move towards Scheduling
  2. whimsical than routinized
    Move towards Perceiving