THURSDAY JULY 26 ‘Expanding Cultures’ conference program (as May 21)
TIME / SESSION / CONFERENCE THEME / CHAIR / SESSION TITLE / PRESENTERS / PRESENTATION TITLE / VENUE /9.30 am / Conference Opening / Expanding Cultures: Arts and Local Government / Helen Baker, City of Yarra / Welcome / Helen Baker, City of Yarra / Welcome and background to conference / Chapel /
9.35- 9.45 / Councillor Claude Ullin,
City of Stonnington / Welcome to Stonnington / Chapel /
9.45-9.55 / Traditional Indigenous Welcome and performers / Chapel /
9.55- 10.15 / Ministerial address / Local government, communities and the arts / Richard Wynne, Minister for Local Government, Victoria / The changing shape of community cultures and their impact on local government in Australia / Chapel /
-10.30 / Hon Nanaia Mahuta, Minister for Youth Affairs, Associate Minister for Local Government, New Zealand / New Zealand government’s adoption of the fourth pillar of ‘culture’ / Chapel /
10.30- 11.15 / Keynote Speaker
And Q and A / Jordi Pascual, Co-ordinator, Agenda 21 for Culture, United Cities for Local Government. / Global Community and Local Government: Agenda 21 for Culture / Chapel /
11.15-11.45 / Morning tea / Foyer /
/ Sue Beal, Chair, Cultural Development Network / Welcome to session /
11.45- 12.05 / Policy directions for the future: how can policy in arts and culture contribute to strength of local communities / Framing the conversation: the history of community based arts in Australia /
/ Tim O’Loughlin, Chair,
Community Partnerships, Australia Council / Australia Council’s policy directions:
arts in communities and local government / Chapel /
12.05- 12.45 / Concurrent sessions / Local government’s growing engagement with arts and cultural development: Peak discuss their responses to this development. / Chapel /
12.05 12.45 / Concurrent sessions / Stronger relationships between spheres of government: new directions for policy and funding / Elisabeth Jones and Ian Rogers, Arts Victoria
Frank Panucci, Community Partnerships, Australia Council / Arts Victoria: Local Partnerships Program
Australia Council: : Community Partnerships Program /
12.45 -- 1.45 / LUNCH / Foyer /
1.45- 2.00 / Pre afternoon warm up / Wake up call / ‘Laugh your socks off’
Laughing workshop to enliven the afternoon’s discussions / Chapel /
2.00 – 2.45 / Leading session / Local government’s engagement with Indigenous art and culture /
Cr David Wilson or Cr Fraser Brindlay,
City of Melbourne
/ How can arts contribute to local government engagement with issues for indigenous communities?Who benefits if we engage communities in cultural development programs about indigenous culture? / Colleen Marion, Director, Gathering Place, western suburbs Melbourne
The Hon Nanaia Mahuta. Minister for Youth Affairs, Associate Minister for Local Government, New Zealand / Chapel /
2.45- 3.45 / Concurrent sessions / Local government’s engagement with Indigenous art and culture /
Kim Kruger / Case studies: how can projects led by local councils benefit indigenous communities? / Maree McLachlan, City of Greater BendigoKaren Wyld, City of Onkaparinga
Kylie Belling, Artistic Director, Ilbijerri Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Theatre Co-op Ltd
/ “Passage Through Ceremony” and “Hand Me Down Project
Southern Indigenous Weavers Project ‘Interweaving People: Connecting Communities’
‘Strengthening the Aboriginal Community in Smith Street, the Dirty Mile’ / Chapel /
2.45- 3.45 / Concurrent sessions / Local government’s engagement with Indigenous art and culture:
Councillor David Wilson, City of Melbourne
/ How can we get indigenous arts on the agenda of councils?Case study of City of Melbourne’s Indigenous Arts Program / Janina Harding, Manager, Indigenous Arts Program, City of Melbourne / Getting started: lobbying council for support and resource
What’s happening now?
One outcome: Code of Practice for Galleries and Retailers of Indigenous Arts / Loft /
2.00- 3.45 / Workshop
(maximum 20 participants) / Local government’s engagement with Indigenous art and culture / Host: AnneMaree Pfabe / Steve Payne / How do we get the truth into reconciliation? / Studio 1 /
3.45-4.15 / Afternoon Tea / / Foyer /
4.15-5.00 / Final session / The changing shape of community cultures and their impact on local government in Victoria / Moderator: Sian Prior, arts journalist and broadcaster / The great debate:
Expanding Cultures: ‘Interculturalism versus multiculturalism’ : should we be encouraging maintenance of traditional cultures or new developments through interaction. / Jude Bloomfield
Jordi Pasquale
Claude Ullin, Councillor, City of Stonnington
Jill Morgan, Executive Officer,
Multicultural Arts Victoria
Khalid Abdul Wahib, hiphop artist and Youth Officer Multicultural Arts Victoria
Isabel Jackson and Jorge Torrico, City of Hobsons Bay / Chapel /
7 00-10.30 / Conference dinner /
/ EntréePitching for Communities competition
Main course
Performance by NICA students
/Highlight of the evening will be a performance by NICA students and the ‘Pitching for Communities’ competition, where teams of artists and community groups present their dream project to conference delegates
/ Prahran Town Hall /
FRIDAY JULY 27 ‘Expanding Cultures’ conference program (as at May 21)
9.30 –
9.40 am / Official welcome / Welcome and introduction to the day / What is the value of local government’s engagement with arts and cultural development? / Chapel
9.40-9.55 am / The changing shape of community cultures and their impact on local government; Victoria, Australia and overseas / State government’s relationship with local government / Penny Hutchinson, Director,
Arts Victoria / Chapel
9.55-10.40 / Keynote speaker
And Q and A / Jude Bloomfield, research associate of the International Cultural Planning & Policy Unit, De Montfort University, Leicester & Comedia, UK. / 'Intercultural Dialogue- creating the new'
10.40-11.10 / Morning tea / Foyer
11.10- 11.55 / Leading session / Improving evaluation of arts activities and cultural development / Sue Doyle, Arts Victoria / Different approaches to evaluation: how do we measure the outcomes of arts and cultural development activities? / Professor John Wiseman Dr. Kathleen Brasher, McCaughey Centre, Melbourne University / The contribution of cultural development to community well-being: key trends and emerging ideas / Chapel
12.00 – 1.00 / Concurrent sessions / Improving evaluation of arts activities and cultural development / Sue Doyle, Arts Victoria / Different approaches to evaluation: how do we measure the outcomes of arts and cultural development activities? / Naomi Berman, Assoc. Prof. David Dunt, Victoria Johnson, Lindy Joubert, Dr. Margaret Kelaher, Dr. Janet Stanley
Linda Sproul, Manager, Public Programs,
Georgie Meyer, Community Engagement Manager, Melbourne Museum
Karl Hatton, Shire of Glenelg / Measuring health outcomes of engagement in the arts: the Arts Health Strategy for the Australia Council
Measuring cultural outcomes: case study work in progress. Melbourne Museum’s efforts to measure cultural outcomes of its activities.
Measuring economic outcomes of cultural activity in Portland: the why and how / Chapel
12.00 – 1.00 / Concurrent sessions / Innovative partnerships / Marion Mathews, Regional Arts Development Officer, Horsham / Working with diverse partners: outcomes for all? / Debby Maziarz, Director, Westside Circus,
Dean Michael and Lisa Arnott, Western Metro Region Cultural Development Network
Celia Robinson and Paula Jorgenson, Moreland City Council / ‘Working in Partnership – the Rotary Youth Arts Project’
‘Making the Link; Developing Partnerships Across the Western Region’
‘Linking Glenroy’ / Studio 1/Mazzanine
12.00 – 1.00 / Concurrent sessions / Innovative partnerships / Alice Park, Senior Arts Officer, Arts Victoria / Facing the challenge of partnerships- how do we deal with differing agendas.
Safety versus creativity
Public versus community / Glenyys Romanes,
Manager Community Relationships, Department of Infrastructure
Louise Rollman
/ Train Stations as Creative Community Hubs: Exploring the potential of local train stations for creative community engagement: a multi-agency approach
‘What is public?’
Cultural development partnerships around train stations / Studio1 Mezzanine
1.00-2.00 / LUNCH / Foyer
2.00- 2.15 / Pre afternoon warm up / Bollywood dance workshop / Chapel
2.15 – 3.00 / Leading session: / Arts as a vehicle for strengthening communities and facilitating social inclusion / Arts and democratic participation in Australia: how can the arts be more strategically important to local government?’ / Pia Smith and Martin Mulligan, Globalism Institute, RMIT / ‘What role, strategies and impacts can community arts have on local communities and the relationship of participatory arts and participatory democracy? / Chapel
3.00-4.00 pm / Concurrent sessions / Arts as a vehicle for strengthening communities and facilitating social inclusion /
Jenny Wills, Local Government Community Services Association
/ Regional focus: how can local arts projects contribute to the strength of regional communities? / Marty Cunningham and Matthew TontsLindy Bartholomew
Clare Irvine, City of Maitland / The Arts and Social Well Being in Rural and Regional WA Communities
Common Ground project: Ruang’
‘Driving Innovation: Arts Practice and Innovation in a Regional Context’ / Chapel
3.00-4.00 / Concurrent sessions / Arts as a vehicle for strengthening communities and facilitating social inclusion / Issues arising from practice / Gaynor Cuthbert
Rebecca Lister
Lesley Hall, Jane Trengrove, Art of Difference Festival / Prioritising Process over Product
‘Is inclusion all that it’s cracked up to be?’
‘The Art of Disability’ / Loft
3.00-4.00 / Concurrent sessions / Arts as a vehicle for strengthening communities and facilitating social inclusion / Common concerns for local government officers: dealing with diverse communities, / Sarah Poole and Mark Wilkinson
Catherine Rinaudo
Angela Bailey, Helena Spyrou / Putting the Public in Public Art
Are you from the Commish?’ / Studio1 /Mezzanine
4.00-4.30 / Afternoon tea / / Foyer
4.30-5.15 / Peter Redden and Helen Baker / Wrapping Up the Conference
Moving Forward from Here- do we have another conference? / Jude Bloomfield
Responses: / Review of conference and discussion about future directions for the sector. / Chapel
5.15- 6 pm / Farewell drinks / Foyer
Expanding Cultures conference program as at 21.5.07