New York State Society of
Radiologic Sciences, Inc.
52nd Annual Conference
Roaring Brook Resort and Conference Center
Lake George, New York
First Business Meeting
Friday October 19, 2001
Meeting called to order at 11:45 a.m.
Paulette Peterson – President Presiding
Welcome to all attendees and introduction of Board of Directors
Dominick DeMichele – Immediate Past President
Paulette Peterson – President
Joseph Whitton – President Elect
William Brennan – 1st Vice President
Eileen Doyle – Treasurer
Barbara Neumann – Secretary
Lynne FreelandAnderson – Director
Anthony DeVito – Nominating Chair
Heidi Burns - 2nd Vice President
Rules of Procedure
- Sergeant-at-Arms were appointed as follows:
Chief Sergeant-at-Arms - Ann Konopa
Assistant Sergeant-at-Arms - Ann VerschuureAnn Verschuuren
The Chief Sergeant-at-Arms reported to the President that thirty-eight voting members were present in the room, forty-six members were registered, and thus a quorum had been established.
President Peterson read the Rules of Procedure
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to adopt the Rules of Procedure.
Action: The motion carried unanimously.
President Peterson addressed the assembly concerning making Robert Geiser a Lifetime Member of NYSSRS. President Peterson called for any discussion, hearing none, a motion was made.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to make Robert Geiser a Lifetime Member of NYSSRS.
Action: The motion carried unanimously.
President Peterson introduced Committee Chair Members:
Steve Herrmann - Bylaws
William Smith - Credentials
Robert Geiser - Membership
Cindy Smith - Education
Hildye Oberstein - Vendor
President Peterson asked for a review and adoption of the 2000 Conference Business Meeting Minutes.
Members cited correction need to page #5, including names of Nominating Chair to include HildeHildy Oberstein and Ann VerschuureAnn Verschuuren.
Members cited correction need to page #7, eliminating HildeHildy Oberstein and Ann VerschuureAnn Verschuuren from Nominating Chair.
President Peterson called for any additional corrections or changes. Hearing none, a motion was made.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded accepting the 2000 Business Meeting Changes with the necessary changes.
Action: The motion carried unanimously.
- Bylaws Committee Report:
Steve Herrmann reporting. Article 9 Part B, existing by-law was read aloud. correction. Proposed change was read aloud.
Members of the Board of Directors shall be active members for at least two years, practice at least half time in the profession and have served as an Officer in the State, District or Chapter or as a Chairman of a NYSSRS Committee. or have been a member of a District or Chapter for two years. In addition, the President and President Elect shall have served at least one term on the Board of Directors of NYSSRS.
President Peterson called for a discussion on the proposed change. Hearing none a motion was made.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to accept the Report of the Bylaws Committee.
Action: The motion carried unanimously.
- Nominating Committee Report
Anthony DeVito reporting. Anyone interested in serving on the NYSSRS Board, please see Anthony.
President Peterson informed the Assembly of several Chapter Delegate positions up for election:
Nuclear Medicine
Quality Management
CTat Scan
Discussion revolved around what the Chapter Delegate responsibilities are.
President Peterson reviewed that the ASRT have approximately 5400 members from New York State, while NYSSRS has approximately 550 members.
President Peterson recessed the First Business Meeting at 12:25 pm.
Seconded Business Meeting
Friday October 19, 2001
Meeting called to order at 5:30 pm.
Paulette Peterson – President Presiding
Rules of Procedures have been adopted.
- Credentials Report
The Sergeants-at-Arms reported that a quorum was established.
- Secretary Report
Secretary informed the membership that no correspondence have been received regarding the passing of any of our members.
President Peterson called for a moment of silence to acknowledge September 11th.
- President Report
President Peterson held the Winter Board Meeting, February 2001 in Buffalo NY. President Peterson also attended the ASRT meeting in June 2001.
President Peterson informed the assembly that the Radiologist Society of New York State is sponsoring a Bill called "The Act to Amend Article 35". This would allow Radiologic Technologist in New York State to inject IV contrast. Currently, Article 35 and The Act to Amend Article 35 are both stalled in State Legislature.
President Peterson attended meetings for Central New York State, Niagara Frontier, and the Rochester Society of Radiologic Technologist.
- Treasurer Report
A detailed financial statement was provided by the Treasurer Eileen Doyle (see attachment). A copy was provided in the registration packet. No questions were brought forth, the report was accepted and shall be filed for audit.
- Committee Reports
- Membership Committee Chair Robert Geiser Reporting. A total membership of 550 members. This includes 28 Emeritus and 5 Lifetime Members.
- Education and Scholarship Committee - Cindy Smith Committee Chair submitted a written report. Cindy Smith brought up late registration for the Student Bowl. This is the first year we had a definite cutoff date for registration. Discussed involved the number of schools registered, and have we had late registrants before.
Motion: A motion was made and seconded to continue as in the past and enforce a cut-off date in the future in the Student Bowl. the registration cutoff date for the Student Bowl.
Action: The motion carried unanimously.
- Communication
President Peterson reported that the NYSSRS received a Thank You note from the ASRT for the Silent Auction at the ASRT Conference in June 2001. ASRT did contact President Peterson offering help after the September 11th disaster. The ASRT did donate monies and held a blood drive for the American Red Cross.
President Peterson recessed the Second Business Meeting at 6:15 pm.
Third Business Meeting
Saturday October 20, 2001
Meeting called to order at 11:30 am.
Paulette Peterson – President Presiding
Rules of Procedures have been adopted.
- Credentials Report
The Sergeants-at-Arms reported that a quorum was established.
- Introduction of Guests
President Peterson introduced all Past Presidentspresent. No LifetimeMembers or and Emeritus Members Present.
- Distribution of Charters
President Peterson handed out Charters to:
Central New York Society of Radiologic Technologists
Mid-Hudson Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Mohawk Valley Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Nassau Suffolk Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Niagara Frontier Society of Radiologic Technologist
Northern New York State Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Rochester Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Southern Tier Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Westchester Society of Radiologic TechnologistsTechnologist
Rochester Mammography Association
Finger Lakes Radiation Therapy Society
The Capital District and AERT did not receive a Charter, as they did not meet the documentation requirements this year. President Peterson stated that any Society that did not receive a Charter would be considered for renewal at the Winter Board Meeting in January 2002.
- Old Business
President Peterson discussed the new conference format:, two-days and twelve credits. Members discussed the topics for the next conference, bone dexascan, mammography, CAT scan and MRI.
Immediate Past President Dominick DeMichele discussed one or two approved CE credit newsletter for mMembers.
Membership brought up the subject of decreasing the registration fee for members and increasing the fee for non-members.
Membership discussed changing the site location for the conference. Board members will investigate if this option is financially viable.
- New Business
Eric Hartfield, for the Student Liaison committee, will mail out questionnaire (concerning sStudent issues) to all tTechnological pPrograms in New York State.
Membership would like to see inquired about the possibility of a New York State / District combination fee for mMembership. President Elect Joseph Whitton discussed a pilot program with Nassau Suffolk and Central New York Districts at their spring conference. Both local Boards turned down the fee structure citing conflict of interest. President Elect Joseph Whitton and Board Members will be approaching the local District concerning the about a combined fee structure.
President Peterson was contacted by Mary Anne Harvey (NYS DOH) concerning a group known as "WIN-Healthcare Association of New York." This group is comprised of nursing associations and management groups within New York State. Its purpose is to loosen some of the current regulations and provide grants for continuing education. President Peterson addressed the assembly about joining this organization. NYSSRS board members were asked by the membership to investigate this organization before making a decision to join.
President Peterson discussed Article 35 are in the process of becoming a Bill.
ASRT Issues-Restructuring
President Peterson discussed the current structure of the ASRT. There are currently nine Regions. Each Region is permitted to have one Chapter Delegate per Chapter. Eleven Chapter Delegates are needed for representation per Region. Affiliate Delegates are permitted two Members per Affiliate. This will give all Regions equal representation.
President Peterson asked Steve Herrmann (ASRT restructuring Task Force) to present the plan that the ASRT has for restructuring. Steve Herrmann reviewed the history behind the ASRT plan. The ASRT Plan for restructuring would limit size of delegates by permitting One State Affiliate Delegate. Chapter Delegates would be elected by a national vote, one representative per Chapter, and one Commission on Education instead of the current number of three. The restructuring plan received a favorable presentation at the ASRT meeting of June 2000. This is not the final plan, but continues to be a work in progress with further information to follow at the ASRT Conference in June 2002.
Membership discussion involved how this would limit representation of each individual Region in the USA. Stronger Regions would have more strength in getting their candidates elected. Mentoring of Chapter / State Representatives would be eliminated.
Steve Herrmann inquired if there were any specific issues involving Chapter Delegates. Deidre Costic provided specific issues in the Radiology and Mammography Chapter. Steve Herrmann will bring all concern and issues back to the ASRT Restructuring Task Force.
President Elect Joseph Whitton discussed the Liaison luncheon that was held on October 19, 2001. Local affiliates were asked to discuss the ASRT restructuring plan with their membership. President Elect Joseph Whitton ask for all feedback on this issue.
President Peterson received several Motions
Motion 1 from the Assembly was authored by Eileen Doyle and seconded by Mel D. Thornhill. President Peterson read the Motion.
Motion: Move that the Board of the NYSSRS send a letter listing the concerns arising from the proposal from the ASRT suggesting the restructuring of the House of Delegates.
Action: Thirty-seven votes for, one abstention. Majority of the votes for the Motion, Motion carried.
Motion 2 from the Assembly was authored by Mel D. Thornhill and seconded by Marianne Short.
President Peterson read the Motion.
Motion: Nominate Mary Annn Paeskey Emmanueallliy for Life Membership in the NYSSRS, Inc. I shall appreciate the Board of Directors considering this Motion for action at the next annual Meeting.
Action: A Vote was taken. The Motion carried unanimously.
Motion 3 from the Assembly was authored by Don Wertz and seconded by Beverly Gargasn.
President Peterson read the Motion.
Motion: A Motion to raffle off two 1 year Memberships in the NYSSRS. A current Member would received a 1-year Membership and that individual would give the second 1-year Membership to a current non-member.
Action: A Vote was taken. The Motion carried unanimously.
President Peterson called for any new business, hearing none; the third business session was recessed at 12:55 pm.
Fourth Business Meeting
Saturday October 20, 2001
Meeting called to order at 9:30 pm.
Paulette Peterson – President Presiding
President Peterson presented awards for the Student Bowl competition. Eight teams participated; awards were presented as follows:
Third Place - Orange County Community College
Second Place - VA Medical Center, Northport
First Place - Bartone School - NY Methodist Hospital
Student Essay contest winners were announced.
Third Place - Simon Hawley, Monroe Community College, Rochester NY
Second Place - Dana Orstein, Orange County Community College, Middleton NY
First Place - Kenneth Wallace, VA Medical Center, Northport NY
President Peterson called for any new Business, hearing none; Madame President adjourned the 52nd Annual Conference at 9:50 pm.
Nominating Chair Anthony DeVito
Respectfully submitted by: ______
Barbara A. Neumann RT (R) (M) (CV)
Secretary, NYSSRS, Inc.