LONG TERM Plan Submissions

Report Prepared by:His Worship the Mayor – Mr T Shadbolt


Council received 219 submissions to the 2015-25 Long Term Plan and heard those submitters who wished to be heard in support of their submissions on Thursday 28 May and Friday 25 May 2015.


That the recommended decisions in Appendix One be adopted and included in Council’s 2014/15 Annual Plan.


1. / Has this been provided for in the Long Term Plan/Annual Plan?
This is part of the Long Term Plan process.
2. / Is a budget amendment required?
The Long Term Plan process establishes the budget.
3. / Is this matter significant in terms of Council’s Policy on Significance?
4. / Implications in terms of other Council Strategic Documents or Council Policy?
5. / Have the views of affected or interested persons been obtained and is any further public consultation required?
Yes, submissions have been heard and must now be debated and considered.

Financial Implications

Financial implications are addressed in individual recommendations.

2014/15 Draft Annual Plan Submissions

The matters raised that Council needs to consider are summarised in Appendix One. I have provided recommended decisions on all submission points.

Rating Discussion

The Consultation Document to the Long Term Plan identified a rates increase of 3.71% for the 2015/16 year. Council carefully assessed each of its activities to determine what are the ‘must haves’ and how they can be achieved in the most cost effective way.

Through the submission process, Council has received requests for funding as well as submissions requesting Council reduce the funding provided to some projects and activities.

If the Council agrees with my recommended decisions, the rates increase for the 2015/16 year will be higher than that proposed by the Consultation Document to the Long Term Plan. The rates change for the 2015/16 financial year will be +3.89%.


No. / Name / Submission / Recommended Decision
001 / Physicians and Scientists for Global Responsibility New Zealand Charitable Trust / Urges all Councils to apply strong precautionary policies on genetically engineered organisms for Unitary, Local and Regional plans to meet your duty of care to your community and to protect district environments. / This issue is already controlled through the HSNO legislation and there would not be any benefit in repeating this in the District Plan. There were no submissions received on genetically modified organisms when the Proposed District Plan was publicly notified in 2013.
No change to Long Term Plan.
002 / Kane Titchener / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
003 / Mary Byrne (Flouride Free NZ) / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
004 / Mrs Maskell / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
005 / Jules Tapper (Lakes District Air Rescue Trust) / Requesting financial support of $50,000 per annum for the next three years. Also seeking the same support from QLDC and SDC. / Submission acknowledged. Council considers that funding for this project would best come from Regional Council or Central Government.
No change to Long Term Plan.
006 / Mary Byrne / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
007 / McGuinness Institute / Overview of the McGuiness Institute’s recent work.
•LocalNZ and Living Standards workshops
•Project Strategy NZ
•Project One Ocean
•Project Talent NZ
•Project Pandemic Management
No recommendations, but to provide a context for decision-making. / Submission acknowledged.
008 / Noeline Gannaway / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
009 / Emergency Management Southland / Considers that delaying the alternate water supply until 2025/26 is too risky. Supports option 2 or would like Council to consider bringing work forward to 2019/20 or re-scope the project to consider low cost alternatives for example encourage or subsidise business / households to store rainfall run-off.
EMS prepared to work with Council on this via the inclusion of a project in the EMS business plan in 2016/17. / Council has deferred this project for two reasons.
•Investigative work needs to be done before actual development of an alternative supply can occur.
•From an affordability aspect given that our community now has to shoulder the financial burden of replacement of asbestos cement pipes earlier than previously anticipated.
Council accepts that the deferral extends the risk but it is intended that investigative work still proceeds.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Alternative Water Source project until 2025/26.
010 / Neil Cruickshank / Strongly against the expansion at Splash Palace. Too many gymnasiums already in the City, Council should not provide such services even if cost neutral. Regular user of the pool and find it fit for purpose with no expansion to changing rooms necessary. Creation of a gym will take business from private enterprise. / Submission acknowledged. Council survey results of Invercargill Residents from August 2014 showed a strong demand for a gym at Splash Palace. These results parallel similar findings from a survey of Splash Palace users undertaken several years ago that showed a large proportion of Splash Palace users who did not belong to a gym would attend a gym at Splash Palace.
Additionally, Council is proposing to provide items of gym equipment suitable for physically and cognitively disabled persons, something that commercial gyms in the city do not provide.
Splash Palace admission numbers already exceed design specifications and we regularly receive feedback from customers about lack of space in the changing rooms and this is particularly evident when schools or groups are also using the change rooms.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will undertake the expansion and the fitness centre following the consideration of a Business Plan.
Support Option 2 in Clean Air – Home Heating. Is good to encourage home heating improvements. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will provide $500,000 for a home heating assistance package.
Do not support any expansion of the Museum, especially the user pays scheme for a Tuatarium. The numbers given for people attending is highly optimistic and have little faith in the overall scoping of the project. / The project to construct a Kakapo and Tuatara enclosure is not specifically included in the 2015 - 2025 Long Term Plan Consultation Document. This project will therefore be subject to a separate consultation process.
The Kakapo and Tuatara enclosure consultation document will provide further detail about options for entry to the Tuatara enclosure including for free and by payment.
The Museum staff has already begun working with Venture Southland to identify tourism opportunities that will be of benefit to tourists, the Museum and Southland.
No change to Long Term Plan.
011 / Lynn Jordan / Opposition to the continuation of fluoridation of the Council Water Supply. / Council is aware of the debate on the ethics and effectiveness of fluoridation and has heard the argument from both sides. To date it has no plans to stop fluoridation but will follow with interest the challenges to the continuation of fluoridation made in other communities.
No change to Long Term Plan.
012 / Heather Kelly / Submit that the City is not in an economic position to consider extension/s to the Southland Museum and Art Gallery at the present time.
Submit that the Art Gallery and I-site areas of the current museum be moved into a CBD building. This would free up much ground space in the Pyramid for museum exhibits.
Submit that making local people pay to see the Tuatara will put them off visiting the museum. / The majority of funding for a proposed museum redevelopment will be requested from funding organisations and central government Regional Museum development funds. Approximately 20% would be sought from Invercargill City Council.
The Southland Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board owns the building which contains the Art Gallery and i-SITE operations. The Trust Board does not own any property in the city centre in which to relocate these operations and has no other incentive to relocate them there.
If any benefit is to be gained by relocation of the Art Gallery and i-SITE to the city centre it would have to be promoted and funded by the recipient of that benefit.
The Southland Museum and Art Gallery Trust Board is investigating ways in which access to Tuatara will be free for local people but paid for by visitors to Southland if a tuatara and kakapo enclosure is built.
No change to Long Term Plan.
013 / Robin Chen / Alternate Water Supply - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Alternative Water Source project until 2025/26.
Stormwater – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of stormwater pipes.
Sewerage - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of sewerage pipes.
Roading - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will use ratepayer funding to meet the gap left by NZTA.
Footpaths – Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will decrease it’s spend on footpath renewals.
Expansion at Splash Palace - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will undertake the expansion and the fitness centre following the consideration of a Business Plan.
Clean Air – Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will provide $500,000 for a home heating assistance package.
Playground Equipment - Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to disestablish some playgrounds.
Disposal of Reserves – Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to dispose of some reserves.
Exchange of Reserves – Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to exchange some reserves.
Archives Building Expansion - Opposes Council’s proposal. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Archives Building Expansion project until 2025/26.
Supports Council’s Infrastructure Strategy. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan.
014 / Bob Ferguson / Splash Palace
Submits that the existing male changing rooms are inadequate. The proposed extensions of the two new change rooms along with the three existing change rooms and the planned way of utilising them to provided flexibility as exclusive or supplementary rooms to overcome these shortcomings sounds like it could be a workable and suitable solution.
Does not participate in gym activity, but would submit that one disruption would be better than coming back in the future to do it again. / Thanks submitter for his comments. Agree entirely with comments regarding change room space in order to provide flexibility in change room requirements. Also to provide patrons with a more comfortable and higher level of service.
Also agree with undertaking the gym expansion at the same time as the changing room upgrades.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will undertake the expansion and the fitness centre following the consideration of a Business Plan.
015 / Fiona Black / Alternate Water Supply - Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Alternative Water Source project until 2025/26.
Stormwater – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of stormwater pipes.
Sewerage - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of sewerage pipes.
Roading - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will use ratepayer funding to meet the gap left by NZTA.
Footpaths – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will decrease it’s spend on footpath renewals.
Expansion at Splash Palace - Supports Option 2 – submits that it is a great idea and questions if anything can be done to fix the limited seating. / Thanks submitter for her comments. With regard to seating investigations are being undertaken to address the limited seating at the facility.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will undertake the expansion and the fitness centre following the consideration of a Business Plan.
Clean Air – Supports Option 2 – submits that the clean air act is ridiculous in a place where the wind blows everything away. Submits that even with assistance low income people will have to maintain their bills from heating off the grid. / It is usually on calm winter evenings that Air Pollution standards are exceeded. Heat pumps are one option and approved wood burners are another.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will provide $500,000 for a home heating assistance package.
Playground Equipment - Supports Option 1 – submits that money should be invested in maintaining the playground equipment and parks facilities as it appears they have been allowed to come into disrepair. / Submission acknowledged. All existing equipment is well maintained and in a safe condition.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to disestablish some playgrounds.
Disposal of Reserves – Supports Option 2 – submits that the good number of reserves is what makes Invercargill a great place to raise families. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to dispose of some reserves.
Exchange of Reserves – Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to dispose of / exchange some reserves.
Archives Building Expansion - Supports Council’s proposal. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Archives Building Expansion project until 2025/26.
Opposes Council’s Financial Strategy – submits that Council is starting to move away from looking after the Community. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan.
Opposes Council’s Infrastructure Strategy – submits that we should spend more on infrastructure. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan.
Submits that accountability should be a priority for the Council. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan.
016 / Jason Wills / Alternate Water Supply - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Alternative Water Source project until 2025/26.
Stormwater – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of stormwater pipes.
Sewerage - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will increase expenditure on replacement of sewerage pipes.
Roading - Supports Option 1 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will use ratepayer funding to meet the gap left by NZTA.
Footpaths – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will decrease it’s spend on footpath renewals.
Expansion at Splash Palace - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will undertake the expansion and the fitness centre following the consideration of a Business Plan.
Clean Air – Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will provide $500,000 for a home heating assistance package.
Playground Equipment - Supports Option 2 / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to disestablish some playgrounds.
Disposal of Reserves – Supports Option 1 – submits that Council should talk to those people directly affected. / Submission acknowledged. The whole community will be consulted when the process continues.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to dispose of some reserves.
Exchange of Reserves – Supports Option 1 – submits that Council should talk to those people directly affected. / Submission acknowledged. The whole community will be consulted.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will continue with the process to dispose of / exchange some reserves.
Archives Building Expansion - Supports Council’s proposal. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan. Council will defer the Archives Building Expansion project until 2025/26.
Supports Council’s Financial Strategy. / Submission acknowledged.
No change to Long Term Plan.