Group of series:
Country / Institution / Statistics Finland
Contact person responsible for SA / Milka Suomalainen ()
General Information
Frequency / monthly
Published series/
relevant series / Kind of adjustment / NACE nomenclature (number of series)
4 digits / 3 digits / 2 digits / 2 letters / 1 letter / MIGs / Total
Raw series / x / x / x / x
Only calendar adjusted / x / x / x / x
Other adjustments (e.g. outliers correction)
Only seasonally adjusted
Seasonally and calendar adjusted / x / x / x / x
Method used / TRAMO/SEATS
Software used / JDemetra+ 2.0.0
Publications / Index of turnover of trade (includes the volume figures)
Calendar Adjustment
Trading/working day adjustment
(both published and confidential series) / Kind of calendar effects / NACE nomenclature
4 digits / 3 digits / 2 digits / 2 letters / 1 letter / MIGs / Total
No effect / G473
Trading/working day
(1 regressor ) / G47_NF_OTH2
Moving holidays (Easter) / G47_FOOD, G47_NF_HLTH,G47_NF_OTH2, G47_X_473, G4711, G4791 / G472 / G46, G47
Leap year / G47_NF_HLTH,G4711, G47_NF_OTH1,G47_NF_OTH2, G47_NFOOD_X_473, G47_X_473, G4711, G4719, G47_FOOD / G46, G47
Others / G4711,G47_NFOOD_X_473, G47_X_473, G47_NF_OTH1, G47_NF_HLTH,G47_NF_CLTH,G47_FOOD, G4719, G4791 / G472 / G45, G46,G47
No calendar adjustment
Calendar used / National
Other Pre-Adjustment
Detection and replacement of outliers / Level shifts, outliers and transitory changes are manually treated when necessary.
Seasonal Adjustment
Model/filter selection / Type / NACE nomenclature
4 digits / 3 digits / 2 digits / 2 letters / 1 letter / MIGs / Total
Automatic / x / x / x / x
Seasonal adjustment decomposition / Type
Multiplicative / G47_FOOD, G47_NF_CLTH, G47_NF_HLTH, G47_NF_OTH1, G47_NF_OTH2, G47_NFOOD_X_473, G47_X_473,G4711, G4719, G4791 / G472, G473 / G45, G46, G47
Direct adjustment / indirect adjustment via components / Direct adjustment
Consistency amongst the different levels of breakdown / Direct approach, no benchmarking
Time consistency
(monthly/annual or quarterly/annual)
Model, filters, outliers, calendar regressors
re-identification / Partial concurrent adjustment is used. Re-identification once a year.
Parameters / factors re-estimation / Monthly
Horizon for published revisions / The whole time series are revised in each publication.
Quality Indicators
Quality measures used / -
Availability Of Structural Metadata
Links to methodological reports / -
Links to national calendar used / -
Availability of detailed information sufficient to allow users to replicate the process / -
[1]Annex of ESS Guidelines on Seasonal Adjustment, 2009 edition