Cissy Andreas 875 Mercantil Avenue
La Union, New Mexico 88021
Anabel Tanabe Fax (505) 874-8335
Virginia M. Galindo
March 12, 2009
Dear Parents,
On February 19, 2009, during Parents/Teacher Conferences, 171 parents indicated that they would be in favor of a vote to consider a Uniformly Dressed Policy for students at La Union Elementary. As a result, it was decided to send a formal ballot so that all parents with children attending La UnionElementary School, in grades Pre-school through fifth grade, would have an opportunity to vote on such a policy.
A uniform dress code policy at La Union Elementary would be affordable and would require students to wear the specified items of clothing—a La Union logo T-shirt, blue jeans, socks, and athletic/sport shoes. The Uniformly Dressed Policy will be adopted at La Union Elementary if at least seventy-five percent of the parents vote and two-thirds of those votes approve a school uniformly dressed policy.
If you have more than one child enrolled in La Union Elementary, please fill out the ballot included in this letter for each child and return them to the school. If approved by the La Union Elementary community, and the GadsdenIndependentSchool District school board, the Uniformly Dressed Policy at La Union Elementary will go into effect for the 2009-2010 academic calendar. All ballots need to be returned to La Union Elementary not later than Friday,March 13, 2009. Any ballots returned after this date will not be counted.
I am in favor of a Uniformly Dress Code Policy at La Union Elementary
I am not in favor of a Uniformly Dress Code Policy La Union Elementary
Parent Name (please print): ______
Parent Signature: ______
Child’s Name:______
Child’s Teacher:______Grade: ______