Edexcel BTEC First in Sport
Unit 1: Fitness for Sport and Exercise
Fitness for Sport and Exercise Practice Assessment
Time allowed: 1 hour
The total mark for this paper is 50.
Students may use a calculator for this exam.
Information to candidates:
Write your answers in the spaces provided.
Answer all questions.
1. A coach notices that a member of the team has not been turning up to training
sessions and his performance has been poor lately. He tells the player he needs to turn up to training at least twice per week.
a) Which part of the FITT principle has the coach referred to?(1)
Tick one of the boxes.
2. Stretching before sports performance is important.
What kind of stretch is being performed in the picture below?(1)
Jane holds the position still for 5-10 seconds.
ballisticPNF static
3. The principles of training help to guide safe and effective training programmes.
Choosing from the list, write the correct principles of training next to
complete the definitions
- means making the training specific to the individual's sport or activity
- is how long an individual will train for
- means gradually increasing the workload of exercise, causing adaptation and leading to improvements in performance
Specificity Variation Time
Intensity Progressive Overload Type
4. Figure A shows the Borg (6-20) Rating of Perceived Exertion scale.
What is it used to determine?
Muscular endurance
Physical fitness
Exercise intensity
Figure A
b) If a person gave an RPE of 14, what would you expect their heart rate
to be?(1)
Write your answer in the box.
5. Zac is training to develop his speed. He sprints for 50 metres, then
takes a three-minute rest. He repeats this eight times.
a) What is the name of this type of speed training?(1)
Hollow sprints
Fartlek training
Interval sprints
Acceleration sprints
Zac performs the 35 m sprint test in 4.9 seconds.
b) Using the values in figure A, rate Zac's performance.(1)
Figure A
Excellent Good Average Fair Poor
<4.8 4.8-5.09 5.1-5.29 5.3-5.6 >5.6
6. The photos below show people practising different exercises using free weights.
a) Write down the type of exercise being performed in each picture.(3)
Write your answers in the boxes.
7. Free weights can be used to develop different fitness components by varying the
weight used and the repetitions completed.
a) Select the intensity (% 1RM) to match the goal of the wrestler.(1)
Goal: Strength
Intensity: 50-60%
Repetitions: 6
b) Select the intensity (% 1RM) and repetitions to match the goal of the
Muscular Endurance
8. Body composition can be estimated in several ways.
a) Which of the following is NOT a method for estimating body composition? (1)
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Skinfold testing
Body weight measurement
Sally is 23 years old. She is 1.6 m tall and weighs 70 kg.
b) Calculate Sally's BMI. (3)
Show your working.
Using the information, interpret Sally's BMI result.
Tick the correct box.
Underweight Normal Overweight Obese
< 20 20-25 25-30 >30
9. Below is a picture of several athletes performing the multistage fitness test. The
athletes are required to run between cones spaced 20 metres apart.
Which component of physical fitness is this test used to measure?
Muscular endurance
Muscular strength
Aerobic endurance
Michael performed the one-minute press-up test.
b) Which component of physical fitness is this test used to measure?(1)
Muscular endurance
Muscular strength
Aerobic endurance
10. The Jackson-Pollock nomogram method requires three skinfold measurements.
a) Which three skinfold measurements are used for females?(3)
suprailiacthigh chest
Olivia is 17 years old. Her sum of three skinfolds is 47 mm.
b) Using the nomogram, work out Olivia's estimated body fat percentage. (2)
Olivia is a gymnast.
c) Suggest why a low body fat percentage gives her an advantage in her
11. One of Kyle's training goals is to decrease his body fat percentage.
There are two fitness tests which could be used to determine baseline values for body fat percentage; skinfold testing and BIA.
What does BIA stand for?
Biological Index Analysis
Body Impedance Analysis
Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis Biological Index Assessment
Kyle prefers to use BIA to estimate body fat percentage because it is a quicker and easier test to perform.
b) Kyle selects BIA testing for the reason of:(1)
Practicality Reliability Validity
12. During exercise, the heart rate increases. Therefore, heart rate can be used to
indicate exercise intensity.
a) Which formula allows us to calculate HR max?(1)
200 - age (years) 220 - age (years) 240 - age (years)
Jennifer is 34 years old.
b) Calculate Jennifer's HR max.(1)
Show your working.
Jennifer knows she should train at 60-85% intensity to improve her aerobic endurance.
c) Calculate Jennifer's lower and upper training zones.(2)
Lower heart rate training zone
Upper heart rate training zone
Show your working.
13. A long jumper is training to develop sport-specific power. He performs explosive
jumps over hurdles and onto boxes to develop power in his legs.
a) What is this method of fitness training called?(1)
Free weights Plyometrics
Interval training Circuit training
Plyometric exercises involve two types of muscular contraction.
b) Write down the names of these types of muscular contraction.(2)
14. During football training, the goalkeepers are often doing their own specific training while the outfield players work together.
Identify one physical fitness component and one skill-related fitness component which may be particularly important to goalkeepers and explain your answer. (4)
15. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Illinois agility run test to
determine the agility of a performer. (8)
Practice Assessment Answers
1. Frequency (1)
2. Static (1)
3. Specificity, time, progressive overload (3)
4. a) Exercise intensity (1) b) 140 (1)
5. a) interval (1) b) good (1)
6. a) Squat, upright row, bench press (3)
7. a) 90% (1) b) 50–60%, 20 (2)
8. a) Body weight measurement (1) b) 27 (3) c) Overweight (1)
9. a) Aerobic endurance (1) b) Muscular endurance (1)
10. a) Suprailium, thigh, triceps (3) b) 19% (2) c) Gymnastics is an aesthetic sport (1), having a low body fat improves performance (1) (2)
11. a) Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (1) b) Practicality (1)
12. a) 220 – age (1)
b) 186 (1)
c) 60% of 186 and 85% of 186 (1), correct answer of 112-158 (1) (2)
13. a) Plyometrics (1) b) Eccentric, concentric (2)
14. Award 1 mark for each correct fitness component and 1 mark for a reasonable explanation:
Flexibility – having an adequate range of motion in the lower and upper parts of the body will be particularly important to dive for the ball, reach for the ball in the air and perform long goal kicks.
Reaction time – good reaction saves will require a quick response to a stimulus, e.g. the ball or a striker’s movement.
A mark may be awarded for other sensible explanations. Coordination or balance may also be accepted as a skill-related fitness component, with a reasonable explanation. (max 4 marks)
15. Award 1 mark for each of the following points.
Advantages: (max 4 marks)
minimal cost to set up
easy test method (practicality)
may be administered in a relatively small space, inside or outside depending on space available / weather conditions
may be repeated and an average test result taken (reliability)
doesn’t require calibration of equipment
results can be compared against normative tables / peers / other players in a team
Disadvantages: (max 4 marks)
relevance only to games players (validity)
careful measurement of cones required / time-consuming
knowledge of test and data required
performers may improve with practice of completing test rather than showing an improvement in agility
Accept other suitable answers