Standard Format for Terms of Reference (ToR)
Request for:Santiago Gonzalez / Consultant / X / Individual contractorOrganizational Unit: UNEP/ ROLAC
1. Purpose (justification for request)
1.1 Explain the requirement for a consultant / individual:
The Caribbean Biological Corridor (CBC) is a framework, established by the Governments of the Dominican Republic, Cuba and Haiti in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean (UNEP/ROLAC) and financed with funds of the European Union (EU), for addressing biodiversity loss, through regional cooperation. The CBC therefore provides a framework for cooperation between the countries of the insular Caribbean for the protection of biodiversity through environmental rehabilitation, particularly in Haiti and the alleviation of poverty as a means of reducing the pressure on biological resources. It therefore provides a context whereby targeted action can be taken which contributes to the reduction of biodiversity loss in the Caribbean and the American Neotropics. It is also critical as a means of establishing baselines, particularly for environmental rehabilitation, interventions, as well as providing a platform for enhanced bi-national cooperation between Haiti and the Dominican Republic and multi-national between the countries of the Caribbean.
The framework provided by the Caribbean Biological Corridor covers the ecosystemsof the eastern tip of Cuba, the territory of Haiti and the western half of theDominican Republic (see map). The rationale for its establishment from an ecologicalperspective lies in the similarity of the terrestrial ecosystems in the threeparticipating countries. The area of the CBC which falls within the Insular Caribbeanis one of the most important biodiversity hotspots worldwide and supportsexceptionally diverse ecosystems, ranging from mountain cloud forests to cactusscrublands as well as several threatened species, including two species of Solenodon(giant shrews). This area is also remarkable for the diminutive nature of much of itsfauna. It is one of 25 hotspots which harbour 44 percent of plant species and 35percent of vertebrates in only 1.4 percent of the Earth’s surface2. More importantly,it is one of the eight hotspots located in the Americas3. The high level of endemismof the Insular Caribbean is exemplified by the presence of 23.5 endemic plants every100 km24. Endemism rate in this region is three times that of Brazil’s Atlantic forests,four times that of the tropical Andes, 12 times that of Mesoamerica. The totalnumber of endemic species (7,000) is only surpassed by few areas in the Americascovering larger stretches of land. The area biodiversity significance is underscored bythe fact that these high levels of biodiversity cover only an area of 234,124 km2.
A unique feature of the CBC is the high level of political support it receives from theGovernments of Haiti, Cuba, the Dominican Republic, and UNEP. These countries andUNEP have over the past three years met at regular intervals at technical, politicaland policy levels to devise a strategy for addressing the environmental situation onthe island of Hispaniola, shared by Haiti and the Dominican Republic, with Cubaproviding much of the technical expertise required. The political commitment of thethree participating countries and UNEP is embodied in the Santo DomingoDeclaration of July 2007. The commitments contained in the Santo DomingoDeclaration of July 2007 are further reflected in the Plan of Action of the CBC signedon 7 August 2009 at Barahona, Dominica Republic. The signing of the Plan of Actionin effect established the formal context within which the actions in support of theCBC take place and is considered as the umbrella framework for donor coordinationand action in support of the CBC.
The first major funded project under this framework is the EC funded project whichis being implemented by UNEP entitled “The Demarcation and Establishment of theCaribbean Biological Corridor (CBC): as a Framework for Biodiversity Conservation,Environmental Rehabilitation and Development of Livelihood Options in Haiti theDominican Republic and Cuba.” A major output of this project will be theestablishment of an institutional mechanism to support the further development ofthe CBC. Other outputs include, inter alia, Demarcation of the Caribbean BiologicalCorridor, Pilot Demonstration Projects for Rehabilitation of Degraded Lands and
Alternative Livelihood Development; Community Based Propagation Centres tofacilitate the rehabilitation of degraded areas; the promotion of alternative energysolutions as a means to reduce the pressure on the resource base; the establishmentof Community-Private Sector Partnerships as a means of facilitating private sector involvement in the CBC and human resources development as a means ofempowering local communities to better manage the environmental and natural resources of the CBC. In addition, the context provided by the EC/UNEP CBC project also provides a context of enhancing aid effectiveness as exemplified by the goal of strengthening the Network of Protected Areas for the Island of Hispaniola and mitigating Threats to Protected Areas.
1.2 Qualifications / special skills or knowledge:
1.3 Ultimate result of services:
The Tender Reviewer (consultant) is responsible for reviewing the expressions of interest of the Bidding Process UNEP-ROLAC-ITB-2011-001 for the services and equipment according to technical specifications below:
- Collection of remotely sensed data of at least eight pilot sites in the frontier areabetween Haiti and the Dominican Republic; and
- The provision and operationalization of a Geographic Information System, to bebased at the Tri-National Project Unit of the UNEP/EC Project mentioned abovelocated at Barahona, Dominican Republic
1.4 Legislative authority reference:
The Tender Reviewer reports directly to the UNEP/EC CBC Project Task Director.
1.5 Title and identification number of programme / project:
1.6 Duration:
During or at the end of six weeks the Tender Reviewer needs to submit an Evaluation Summary and Recommendation document. The document must show comparisons of the evaluation of expressions of interest, reasons for the selection and the winner.
2. Funding
2.1 Source of Funds: / Regular Budget / Extra-budgetary / X2.2 Allotment Account / Budget Line:
2.3 Indicative level of remuneration
The amount of USD $,000.00.
3. Travel involved
Not Applicable.
Travel will be organized by: / Substantive Office / Selected candidate4. Workplan
4.1Objectives, output expectations and performance indicators:
4.2 Specific tasks and responsibilities:
The Tender Reviewer has to:
- Review the assessments undertaken by the Tender and where required:
- Request supporting documentation, more information or clarification if necessary;
- Query discrepancies;
- Review recommendations provided by Procurement and where required amend, reject or endorse any recommendation(s); and
- Consider matters relating to the efficiency and effectiveness of the procurement process.
4.3 Reporting lines:
The Tender Reviewer reports directly to the UNEP/EC CBC Project Task Director.