Standard 1:


Issue #1:



CA Title 24, Sections 3105A(d)2 and (k)

U.S. Department of Justice Technical Assistance

Manual, Title II


  1. Wheelchair accessibility is required for one telephone in every bank of two or more public pay telephones.
  1. Volume control is required on all wheelchair accessible telephones noted above and on 25% of all other public pay telephones.
  1. When there are a total of 4 or more public pay telephones in any County building, there must be a one TTY.
  1. When there are banks (co-locations) of three or more public pay telephones, there must be a TTY shelf and outlet connection in each bank.


  1. All County telephones purchased since 1990 are hearing-aid compatible.
  2. All County public telephones are owned by Pacific Bell, which will be fiscally responsible for needed modifications.


  1. Review public telephones in buildings/floors occupied by the department for compliance, as above.
  1. Report needed public pay telephone modifications to the Disability Compliance Chief immediately. The Disability Compliance office will arrange for modifications with the County's Telecommunications Division.

Issue #2:



U.S. Department of Justice Technical Assistance Manual, Title II, 7.1000. A public entity must ensure that its communications with individuals with disabilities are as effective as communications with others.


  1. State and local government agencies that provide emergency telephone services must provide “direct (TTY) access” to individuals who rely on a TTY for telephone communications.


  1. Accordingly, TTY machines, or their equivalent, will be operative in the following locations: ● 911 Center
  • Mental Health Treatment Center
  • Child Protective Services
  • Adult Protective Services

*Additional TTY machines will be kept in service at all County jails, the Disability Compliance Office, the Employment Job Line, and departments specifically requesting placement of a TTY in their program.

  1. Equal access to the full range of County services and programs for the deaf and hearing impaired will be provided through use of the California Relay Service (CRS) throughout all other County programs.
  1. The California Relay Service (CRS) cannot adequately access County Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automated Attendant Systems, due to the length of the messages and complex menu selections. All new County Interactive Voice Response (IVR) and Automated Attendant lines will carry an initial message statement that will refer TTY and CRS users to the telephone number of a person who can assist them.


  1. Maintain TTY equipment mentioned in #a, above. Monthly tests will be logged by the Disability Compliance office to all County TTYs, excluding jail machines which are portable and for inmates use only. These TTYs will be monitored by the Sheriff's department's ADA coordinator.
  1. Provide annual department training on the CRS so that all current and future County employees are aware of how to accept and handle relayed calls in the normal course of business.