NES PTO Meeting Minutes

October 4, 2012

Attendance: Mandi MacDonald, Andrea Brunner, Maggie Colangelo, , Shawn Crosby, Lisa Haug, Nan Pelletier, Cathy Bennett, Candace Campbell, Melissa Hanna, Julie Learson, Sirena Baur, Principal Murray, Sandi Jo Giancaspro, Laura Cleary from NM Youth Agency

Meeting called to order at 9:05am

Secretary's Report: Nan Pelletier made motion to approve September minutes. Candace Campbell seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.

Treasurer's Report: beginning balance as of 10/4--$5937.56


·  Overspent on Welcome Back folders---possibly because copies done at Staples.

·  Welcome Back Movie cost less than expected and made a profit, giving us $663.31 extra in the budget.

·  If purchasing items for the PTO, remember that we are a tax exempt org.

·  Maggie Colangelo made motion to approve the report. Candace Campbell seconded the motion. All in favor, motion approved.


·  Request from from Sue Steinberg for $500 for creative connections in art. It would only be for one third grade class (20 students). We will ask her to amend the request to benefit more students. Mandi MacDonald made motion to deny. Nan seconded the motion. All were in agreement.

Principal's Report:

·  Mrs. Murray thanked the PTO for the Pre-K/K directory

·  Curriculum night had a 70% attendance rate.

·  There is still an open first grade position—the candidates will go before the board next week.

·  More fingerprinting dates have been added.

·  A PTO representative is needed on the Wellness Committee (meets quarterly). Melissa Hanna volunteered.

·  Mrs. Murray requested a planter between the front doors and hopes to receive a donation of both the planter and plants.

·  The 3rd grade Capital trip was questioned—she will speak with the teachers.


·  Fall Fundraiser currently has about $4200 in profit. We were hoping for $6000.

·  Bus Evacuation drill will be Monday, October 15 at 8:50—we are good on volunteers.

·  Coffee with Mrs. Murray will be Thursday, October 18 at 9:30am—need bakers

·  Spooktacular Dance—October 26--Maggie Colangelo asked for small giftcards to go in raffle baskets.

·  Book Fair—will be open different hours this year as the conference schedule has changed.

·  Family Fun night on Friday, November 30—Nan Pelletier will chair with help from Shawn Crosby.

Open Positions for 2012-2013:

Science Cart Co-Chair—Julie Learson will be leaving NES next year and needs 1-2 people to learn what to do this year to take over next year.

Open Forum:

--Silent Auction donations are needed for March. We will confer with the other elementary schools to see if we can combine the work.

--PTO directory should go out in the next couple weeks.

--Yearbook pricing—cost has gone up slightly. We will adjust the cost but not add any more pages.

--Laura Cleary spoke about the Youth Agency’s upcoming Parent University.

--Grade Level Liasons:

-Excel: teacher-Shaefer; PTO-Sandi Jo Giancaspro

-K: teacher-Sprindis; PTO-Julia Taborsak?

-1st: teacher-Conn; PTO-Andrea Brunner

-2nd: teacher-O’Laughlin; PTO-Nan Pelletier

-3rd: teacher-Jankowski; PTO-Sandi Jo Giancaspro

Meeting adjourned at 10:30 am

Next meeting: Thursday, November 1, 9:00 am

Respectfully submitted,

Andrea Brunner