7th Grade Texas History Class Guidelines

Class Rules

1.  Students are expected to be in the classroom when the tardy bell rings. Once in the classroom, students are to complete the given warm-up.

2.  Bring your spiral and tracker to class every day.

3.  Do your work.

4.  No leaving class without a pass.

5.  NO GUM, CANDY OR DRINKS allowed in class.

6.  The teacher dismisses you, NOT THE BELL.

7.  Raise your hand and wait to be recognized before speaking or leaving your seat.

8.  RESPECT other people’s thoughts, ideas and property at all times.

9.  If you are absent, it is YOUR responsibility to ask for make up work. If you are absent on a test day, be prepared to take the test on the day after you return to school.

If a student chooses to not follow our classroom expectations,

demerits will be given.

Grading Procedures

1.  All grades will be divided into two categories: Formative and Summative.

2.  Grades will be based on the following:

a.  Daily class assignments (formative)

b.  Homework (formative)

c.  Chapter tests (summative)

d.  Projects (summative)

e.  Comprehensive semester exams (summative)

3.  Most daily assignments and tests have a possible point value of 100. Dailywork/homework and quizzes will count as 50% of the six weeks grade; and tests and projects will make up the other 50%.

4.  In Pre-AP classes, formative assignments count for 40%, and summative assignments count for 60%.

5.  The district grading scale is as follows:

A 90-100

B 80-89

C 75-79

D 70-74

F 69 and below

6.  Always do your own wok! The penalty for coping is a zero for both the student giving answers and the student receiving answers. This applies to all assignments and tests unless specifically designated as group work. If you have any questions regarding an assignment, you may ALWAYS ask the teacher.

Late Work Policy

1st day late: the assignment will be graded and 50% of the grade earned will be recorded.

2nd day late: the grade will remain a zero unless the student goes to ZAP to make up the assignment. The highest grade that can be earned on a zapped assignment is a 50.


Tuesday and Thursday afternoons until 5pm

Class Supply List

2- Spiral Notebooks (minimum of 70 pages)

Map Pencils

2- Glue Sticks (I will collect these to be used by the whole class)

2- Pencils (I will collect these to be used by the whole class)

Black Pen for labeling

Red grading pen

1 box of Kleenex

Hand-held pencil sharpener (for map pencils)

Pencil bag

Contact Information

Please feel free to contact me by phone or email:


Please sign and return this page by Monday, August 29, 2011

Student Signature ______

Parent Signature ______