“Come …follow me”

Mark 10:17-22


I. The LONGING that POSSESSED The Man A. He had possessions. B. He had potential. C. He had position.

D.He had purity.

II. The LORD That PERECEIVED The Man A. He is questioned with regards to the Character of the Savior B. He questioned him with regards to the Condition of his Soul

III. The LIFE That Was PRESENTED The Man A. His Problem Was Revealed B. His Pride Was Rebuked

IV. The LEAVING That Was PERILOUS To The Man A. He Left The Savior B. He Lost His Soul 1. He Made An Earthly Choice 2. He Made An Eternal Choice

There are multitudes of people today that just exist and nothing more. They have a life that is filled with many wonderful things, but that is it. Their life is empty; there is a void in their life. We are going to look this morning at a man who almost had it all, but in realty had nothing.

Almost everyone who follows any type of sports, whether as a participant or a spectator, has witnessed the disappointment of "coming close" to a victory. We have witnessed time running out in the football game with the ball on the one yard line. Perhaps for you it was the final out of the baseball game with the tying and winning runs is scoring position. In any situation "coming close" equates to "coming short.” Almost just does not get it.


This young man was in search of something. When people read this story of the“rich young ruler” they are quick to condemn him. But as you look carefully at this story, there are many reasons to commend this young man.

This young man was searching for the answer to his questions.

In spite of all he has going for him, this man had one mighty big skeleton in his closet! In spite of all that he had, he still had an itch he could not scratch! He had found that his youth left him unsatisfied. His money had left him feeling unfulfilled. His morality, his clean living and his religious activity left him unhappy.

A.He had possessions.

We know that he was rich. According to (22)“he had great possessions.”He lived in the finest mansion. He ate the finest foods. He drank the most expensive wine. He slept on the most comfortable bed. He traveled in the longest chariot. He was somebody.

Now who would ever have thought that we would have united those two words together in verse22: sad and rich? They tell us that something was missing in his life.

B. He had potential.

Matthew 19:22 tell us he was a young.

C.He had position.

Luke tells us that this man was a “ruler” (Luke 18:18). This probably means that he was an influential leader in the local synagogue. It was very rare that a young man would be a ruler of a synagogue. He was highly respected, very devout, and very religious.

D.He had purity.

According to all the information we have about this man, it appears that he was very moral (20). He lived a good, clean life.

HOWEVER, in spite of everything he has going for him, this young man had one mighty big skeleton in his closet! He had much, but with his much, he had an itch he could not scratch! This fellow has a lot going for him, but he knows that he is missing the most important thing of all: a saving relationship with peace with God. This is what lead the questions he asked the Lord,“What must I do to inherit eternal life?”

Someone asked Daniel Webster, “What is the greatest thought that has ever past through your mind?” Daniel Webster replied: “The greatest thought that has ever passed through my mind is the thought that one day I am going to have to stand before God. One day I am going to have to give a personal account of my life before God.”

In this young man’s mind and heart he realized that in spite of his possessions; in spite of his position; in spite of his purity, he was going to meet God. He had a longing to have peace with God which the things of this world cannot bring. This longing possessed this man. Somehow his riches had not been able to buy him what he was missing in his life. Somehow the position that he had gained so early in his life had not satisfied the deep longing of his heart.This young man was yearning for something more than he already had.


Let’s give this young man his due! He is concerned about theright thing, and he

comes to the right Person, and he came in theright manner, but he worded his question

wrong. This mangets a lotof things right in his encounter with the Lord. But, it is the things

he gets wrong that cause him all his trouble.

  • He thinks salvation can be earned - He is looking for a “DO” oriented salvation. He wants to have a hand in it. He wants to be involved. He wants to get his salvation like he has gotten everything else in his life: he wants to earn it for himself.
  • He thinks salvation is a reward - He seems to think that if he can just do enough good things, then God will give him eternal life as a reward. Salvation is not a reward for faithful service; it is the free gift of God’s grace! We could never do enough to reach a place where God would reward us with salvation.

When Jesus hears what this man believes about salvation, Jesus responds to him with a question, “Why callest thou Me good? there is none good but One, that is, God.”

Now you won’t understand what happened in the life of this rich young ruler and you won’t understand what Jesus was doing in his life until you learn what Jesus meant by these words.

A.He is questioned with regards to the Character Of The Savior

This man came to Jesus and he asks, what on the surface appears to be a very innocent question:“Good Master, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” When he asked Jesus this question, Jesus does something very strange. Jesus, instead of answering the question, He asks him a question.

“Why callest thou Me good? there is none good but One, that is, God.” The Lord knew that He young man had a superficial view of Him. He called Him "Good Master" (teacher), but I think he was trying to flatter the Lord; for the Jewish rabbis did not allow the word “good” to be applied to them. Only God was good, and the word must be reserved for Him alone. Jesus was not denying that He was God; rather, He was affirming it. He just wanted to be sure that the young man really knew what he was saying, and that he was willing to accept the responsibilities involved with what he.If the ruler recognizes Jesus as who He is, then he will realize that what Jesus tells him should be unquestioningly obeyed.

Before anyone can be saved they must come to a correct understanding of who Jesus Christ is. He is not just a good moral man; a teacher sent to show us the way. He is God in the flesh! He is not a way-shower; He is the Way. He is not a true dispenser; He is the Truth. He does not point out the path to life; but He Himself is the Life!

B.He questioned him with regards to the Condition of his Soul

Jesus gives the young man a list of commands; it isn’t to imply that salvation comes by keeping the commands of the law. Jesus is trying to get this man to see that he is a sinner. Jesus is attempting to get him to be honest about his spiritual condition.

Jesus wanted this man to see that he is a sinner, and as a sinner he has no ground upon which to stand before the face of God. Jesus wants him to see that regardless of what he may possess materially, he is morally and spiritually bankrupt.

The rich young ruler did not see himself as a condemned sinner before the holy God. He had a superficial view of the Law of God, for he measured obedience only by external actionsand not by inward attitudes. As far as his actions were concerned, he was; but his inwardattitudes were not blameless, and Jesus knew this.


This young man came to Jesus and said he wanted to have eternal life. Jesus did something that this young ruler didn’t like. Instead of giving this rich young ruler what he wanted Jesus gave him what he needed.

There are 2 things that must happen to any sinner if they are going to be eternal life. These things are painful.

A.His ProblemWas Revealed

Jesus had to reveal his problem. This young man’s problem was [he thought] that he had kept the Commandments, but he hadn’t. The Commandments Jesus mentioned to begin with deal with our relationship to man(the last 6 of the Ten Commandments). These are the commandments that cover our love to our neighbor.

The first (4) Commandments deal with our relationship to God.The very first Commandment that God gave Moses is found inExodus 20:3 - “Thou shalt have no other gods before Me.”

All evangelism must take the imperfect sinner and place him up against the perfect law of God so he can see his deficiency. That's an utterly essential element.

When Jesus told this rich young ruler that there was one thing he lacked, and then said to him; “I want you to give up everything that you have; sell everything; give it to the poor; take the cross, and follow Me,” and then this young man responded by going away. This young man was confessing that his god was his gold. This young man wasrevealing that money was first in his life and not the master.

Why did Jesus ask this young man to sell his riches? Because Jesus wanted to reveal to him the problem Jesus had to show this young man that his ‘gold’ could not be his god.

Now one is not saved by selling their goods and giving the money to the poor, but Jesus knew the man’s heart. Jesus knew who his god was. Jesus knew that he was covetous, and by asking him to sell his goods and giving to the poor, Jesus was forcing him to examine the deep recesses of his own heart.

The law is not given to show a man how to be saved, but to show the man that he needs to be saved. The law was not given to save us, but rather to show us we need a Savior. The law is a mirror that shows us how dirty we are, but the mirror cannot wash us.

B. His Pride Was Rebuked

Can you imagine how stunned this rich young ruler was after Jesus made this statement in about selling all that he had? This man had worked hard to make his money, and he had earned his money righteously. He had lived his life by all the right rules and by doing all the right things. And then Jesus looked right at him and said, “You lack one thing.”

This young man was about to learn a valuable lesson that we need to learn. It matters not how good a ‘sinner’ might be; all sinners lack one thing: EVERY SINNER LACKS JESUS!

Jesus made it very clear: “ONE THING THOU LACKEST.”To be saved, you don’t need Jesus and baptism.To be saved, you don’t need Jesus and Church membership.THE ONLY THING YOU NEED TO BE SAVED IS JESUS!

Religion will take you to Church.

Jesus will take you to Heaven.


Look closely in (10:22), “And he was sad at that saying, and went away GRIEVED: for he had great possessions.”

This story could have had a happy ending, BUT he chose to walk away from the Lord Jesus.

A. He Left The Savior

We are told that he “went away grieved.” This young man got up off his knees, brushed off his clothes, and with tears streaming down his face, he turned his back on Jesus, and He walked away.

No one ever came to Jesus with more, and no one ever left Jesus with less!

This was the saddest day of his life because the happiest day of a person’s life is when they come to Jesus! This rich young ruler left the greatest thing that he could have ever had. He left the Man who could save him from his sins. He left Man who could have given him riches beyond measure, but he turned and walked away.

Anybody who walks away from Jesus goes away sad even if you have great wealth,

In North Africa the natives have a very easy way to capture monkeys. A gourd, with a hole just sufficiently large so that a monkey can thrust his hand into it, is filled with nuts and fastened firmly to a branch of a tree at sunset. During the night a monkey will discover the scent of food, and its source, and will put his hand into the gourd and grasp a handful of nuts. But the hole is too small for the monkey to withdraw his clenched fist, and he doesn’t have sense enough to let go of his bounty so that he can escape. So he pulls and pulls without success, and when morning comes he is quickly and easily taken.

How like the sinner who refuses to let go and let God!

B. He Lost His Soul

This young man had his knees bent but not his will; he had bowed his head but not his heart.

1.He Made An Earthly Choice

He chose his possessions over Jesus!

Jesus will allow you to make the same choice. It may not be money. It may be pleasure, some sin, your family, your independence, etc. If you want it, He will let you keep it! But, ask yourself this question: “Is it really worth more than my soul?”

2. He Made An Eternal Choice

One day, this man’s youth faded and was gone. He retired from his prestigious position down at the synagogue. Finally, age and disease overtook him and even his vast wealth couldn’t prolong the inevitable, and he died. When he did, he found out that his religion and his moral lifestyle were not enough. When he died, he found himself in Hell, lost forever, because he had walked away from the only hope he had ever had: Jesus Christ.

Here was a young man who had all that this life had to offer, now walks away and chooses all that hell has to offer.

In his own eyes, he left with everything that could satisfy him. In reality, he left lacking one thing that could satisfy and save him!

It makes no difference what you have in this life. If you don’t know the Lord Jesus Christ as your personal Lord and Savior, YOU LACK ONE THING, and that one thing is everything.


Adrian Rogers said, “Jesus will not impoverish your life; He will enrich your life.”

George Whitfield was a great evangelist in the days of the great awakening, the early years of our country. He went all over our southland, primarily, and up the eastern coast preaching the gospel. On one occasion he was in a particular city preaching and staying in thehome of a family that was unsaved. He became so busy and so involved in his preaching activity that he didn't have the time to really sit down and talk with the family like he wanted to. So, the morning he got ready to leave he scratched on the window,"One thing thou lackest."With those words scratched on the window he left the home.

I wonder if the Lord Jesus has scratched on the window of your heart, "One thing thou lackest.”

In that one thing you lack, you lack everything.

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