Big Lake Kindergarten News
September 5, 2014
Dear Kindergarten Families:
The WaKids Family Connection meetings went very well. It was wonderful to have time to connect with each child 1:1 and to visit with the parents. Here are some things to note:
- Send Mrs. Barrie and email: Please email right away at . Put your child’s name in the subject line. Tell me one or two things you liked about the WaKids Family Connection meeting or something you liked about today’s orientation. You can also give me suggestions to make it better. The first time you send me an email it will likely go to my SPAM folder. If all my parents send me an email in the next few days I can look closely for them in the SPAM folder, and then recover them. I will respond to your email so you know that I have seen it. Then, in the future, if you send me another email it will likely not be a problem. I check my SPAM folder most days, but not every day….so if you email me and I don’t respond within 24 hours please call the office and leave me a voicemail.
- Busser or Picker-Upper: You should have all completed the transportation form and turned it in when you came for your Family Connection meeting. If you child’s status changes please let me know with a note. Do not just email me as I might have a substitute that day or the district email server may be down. We will not take your child’s word for any changes. It must be in writing.
- Allergies!!!: We have at least two children in our classroom who have severe peanut and dairy allergy issues. Please pack a healthy snack with your child every day but Wednesday. This will help prevent any children from eating something that they will be allergic to. This is a peanut free classroom, so all snacks must be peanut free. I will be discussing with the class why it is important that we never share our snacks. It would be helpful if this discussion was had at home also. I will also be coming up with a list of specific foods that can be brought in for birthday treats that are safe for all the children. Look for that list soon!
- Birthday Crowns: Don’t forget the first homework project is due by next Thursday. It is very helpful if you can write your child’s name and DOB on the back of the crown. It helps me double check that I have the correct DOB on your child’s records as sometimes parents’ printing is difficult to read or they write the DOB of a different child….imagine that!
- School Supplies: If for some reason you did not send your child to school with all their supplies on the list please send the missing supplies by next Thursday. Also, remember to mark the envelope with your child’s name when you send in the $12 for the Scholastic News Magazine and the Memory Book. Most families have these tasks already completed.
- Volunteer Forms: All volunteer forms I sent home with you today need to be turned in by next Thursday so I can begin designing a volunteer schedule. Of course, this is a choice, not a “have to.” Some parents volunteer in the classroom on a regular basis, some for field trips, some for special events, some do tasks at home. There are lots of ways you can help our students at Big Lake Elementary.
- Blue Folders: Your child will come home almost every day with his or her blue folder. I expect your child to show you the blue folder’s contents every day. Ask your child about the completed student work. Scan for newsletters and other announcements. Return homework and other documents in a timely fashion. Help your child be successful by making the blue folder check a daily routine. When I see the same papers in the blue folder for several days I’m concerned the student is not getting the support from the child’s best advocate and educator, the parents or guardians! I scan the blue folder every day to check for parent notes. Let’s work together to make your child’s year the best it can be.
- Kindergarten Information: I will be sending home a Kindergarten Packet at Open House. Please take the time to read the whole packet as it should answer lots of your questions and outline the expectations in the classroom and at Big Lake School.
- Book Orders: The book orders were sent home with your child today. It is due by next Thursday. Please read the cover letter with the order forms to see how to order online or how to order by turning the payment and order form into Mrs. Barrie.
- Newsletters: Look for them to come home as needed. It is about once a week the first trimester and then it is less frequent as the year goes on. Please save the newsletters so you can refer back to them. I often give you dates to remember in advance so you can make plans on your calendar.
- Dates to remember:
- Wednesday, September 10th: Attend the annual Big lake Welcome Back Potluck sponsored by the Big Lake Parent Group. See the flier that is going home today. The potluck begins at 6:00 p.m.
- Thursday, September 11th: Birthday crowns, papers for the office, $12 fee and book orders are due no later than this date.
- Thursday, September 18th: The first Big Lake Parent Group meeting at 7:00 p.m. Daycare is provided if needed.
- Friday, September 26th: The parent group will be putting on a movie night, beginning at 6:00 p.m. Watch for a flier to come home.
- Tuesday, September 30th: We will have the Big Lake Open House, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Please make this a priority every year of your child’s education.
Remember you can always contact me with any questions through the email process or calling the school. I know we will have a great year together preparing your child to reach the standards necessary to be ready for first grade. Full day Kindergarten is a wonderful thing and I look forward to seeing the students grow leaps and bounds!!!
Many thanks,
Mrs. Renee Barrie
360 855-3525