The Scott County Fiscal Court held a regular scheduled meeting on Thursday, September 22, 2016. Judge Lusby called the meeting to order. Present were Magistrates Mr. Hostetler, Mr. Lyons, Mr. Wallace, Mr. Hoffman, Mr. Corman, Mr. Burke, Mr. Livingston, and County Attorney, Glenn Williams.
A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Mr. Lyons to approve the minutes of the previous meeting. Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Hostetler with second by Mr. Corman to approve the bills as presented and the following hand checks. Court voted unanimous.
Christina Shouse/Gen $2,500.00, Visa/Gen $140.81, Visa/Gen $102.16, Visa/Gen $1,848.45, Visa/Gen $3,041.02, Visa/Gen $1,442.17, Visa/Jail $1,337.43, WalMart/Gen $1,273.52, CMW/Road $6,139.33, Zachary Osborne/Gen $822.00, WalMart/Gen $504.03, Flooring Gallery/Gen $463.00, Keven Whitlock/Gen $350.00
Sheriff fees were submitted in the amount of $28,851.94.
Contractor, Paul Haddix asked for a guarantee of county road acceptance of West Woods subdivision roads once they are repaired. Judge Lusby affirmed it has been court procedure to accept roads upon request as long as they meet county standards. Mr. Corman stated he would agree as he felt the court has an obligation to do so. Mr. Hostetler expressed concern with a drainage area on one of the roads. Mr. Haddix stated he would repair all areas necessary to meet specification. A motion was made by Mr. Hostetler with second by Mr. Corman to accept West Woods Subdivision roads once they meet county standards. Court voted unanimous.
Constable, Charles Mills submitted resignation.
Mr. Williams gave second reading of Ordinance 16-08; An ordinance relating to changing the zone for 83.7 acres, more or less, owned by Mary Risk, located South and East of Stonecrest Subdivision, in Scott County, Kentucky, from agricultural A-1 to agricultural A-5 (rural residential). A motion was made by Mr. Wallace with second by Mr. Burke to adopt the ordinance. Court voted unanimous.
EMS Director, Brandon Remley submitted a request to hire Kevin Morris full-time. A motion was made by Mr. Corman with second by Mr. Lyons to approve the new hire. Court voted unanimous.
Jailer, Derran Broyles presented an updated Scott County Detention Center Standard Operation Procedures (SOP) manual. Judge Lusby reviewed items for attention such as salary setting and pay increases; court members agreed those items should be part of the salary schedule. Mr. Broyles will meet with Mr. Hostetler and Mr. Corman to discuss revisions.
Mallard Point Association President, Bruce Kohnz discussed a road and traffic concern on US25 North where there was a fatality last week. He asked for communication and support regarding road repairs and traffic violations. Judge Lusby stated he has been in touch with District 7 since the tragedy, but suggested contacting our state senator. Mr. Hostetler stated he would give Mr. Kohnz contact information for Senator Thayer and himself as he is the Magistrate for that particular area. Sheriff Hampton affirmed there has been strong enforcement there and it will continue.
Citizen, Tony Littrell discussed a mud issue on Double Culvert Road. Judge Lusby explained the state delay for repairs on that road; it will be re-bid next week.
A motion was made by Mr. Hoffman with second by Mr. Burke to cancel workshop on October 7th due to Fall break. Court voted unanimous.
Mr. Wallace stated Request for Qualifications (RFQ) is necessary to continue salary research. Judge Lusby agreed; Mr. Livingston and Mr. Burke will continue to assist Mr. Wallace.
A motion was made by Mr. Burke with second by Hostetler to adjourn for executive session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1F) That is to discuss or hear things that might lead to the appointment, discipline, or dismissal of an individual employee, member, or student without restricting that employee’s, member’s, or student’s right to a public hearing if requested . Court voted unanimous.
A motion was made by Mr. Hostetler with second by Mr. Lyons to come out of executive session. Court voted unanimous. Judge Lusby stated no action was taken.
Being no further business court was adjourned.