Class VIII
Holidays are about experiences and people, and tuning into what you feel like doing at that moment.
It’s time to Relax, Reflect and Recharge!
Dear Parents,
It is summer vacation time again, a time to relax as well as fruitfully occupy thechildren in various scholastic and co-scholastic areas. Keeping this in mind, our teachers have designed and framed interesting project work/ assignments to be completed during the summer vacation to encourage in-depth learning, clearing concepts and preparing ground for improved academic output. As parents, kindly motivate and lend support to your children and ensure that they complete the given work well-in-time and to the best of their ability. Your encouragement can actually make a huge difference to the ultimate learning outcome of these projects. .
Please note the following:-
- Make your child read Hindi and English story books and children’s Science magazines.
- Encourage them to practice sums.
- To make them aware of their surroundings,tell them to watch various informative T.V.ChannelslikeDiscovery Channel, National Geographic Channel,History Channel and Animal Planet.
- Last but not the least,make them practice English and Hindi writing to improve their hand writing.
Everyone would be packing and getting ready to travel during the vacation. Here are some tips to following during your travel:
- Research basic information about your destination
- Leave a copy of your itinerary with a trusted family member or friend
- Make a list of important emergency information
- Go over basic safety information, rules, and procedures, such as what to do if you get lost or sick
- Travel light
- Pack essentials in your carry-on bag
- Bring along a basic first aid kit
General Instructions for the homework:
•Submit your work in a file/folder with a cover page.
•Each subject to be submitted in a separate file / folder
•Use ruled or perforated sheets.
•Present your work neatly and as creatively as possible.
•The work should be hand written.
Your holiday homework this year is a fun mix of all the aspects of the language. It has beendesigned to ensure that you enjoy and learn at the same time.
1.Read the famous book ‘Little Women’ by Louisa M. Alcott
Write a short summary of the story (75 words) and name the main characters.
Find one synonym and one antonym for all the 20 words.
Present your work creatively.
2. Make a poster on any of the followingtopics :
a)Donate blood
b)Save girl child
c)Stopviolence against women
Use a thick A4 size sheet and be as creative as you can.
3.Make a beautiful bookmark for your Literature reader. Decorate it and write a famous quotation by a well know poet or author.
शीर्षक- पर्यावरणसंरक्षण
४. पर्यावरणअसंतुलनपरएकनाटकअपनीव्याकरणकीउत्तरपुस्तिकामेंलिखिए।
निर्देश- प्रश्नसंख्या१'२केलिएए४शीटकाप्रयोगकीजिए।
SCIENCERevise the topics covered till now.
- Read newspaper everyday; prepare a scrap book using science related articles.
- ACTIVITY: Use the same scrap book showing the different uses of synthetic fibres. Give information about:
The type of synthetic material used for clothing, with samples of those fibres
Advantages & disadvantages of various synthetic fibres over natural fibres
Different types of plastics, their advantages and their usage in different areas of life with related pictures.
The effects on the environment
Methods to reduce pollution caused by plastic
The three R’s of conservation.
- ACTIVITY:Microorganisms are the small organisms that can only be seen with the help of microscope. There are five major types of microbes. i.e. Bacteria, Algae, Virus, Protozoa & FungusPrepare the report using pictures on the following topics
Roll no: 1-10: The uses of beneficial microbes.
Roll no: 11-20: The diseases caused by microbes in plants & animals.
Roll no: 21-30: The Preservation of food.
Roll no: 31-40: Food poisoning: causes, Symptoms, prevention& cure.
Group 1 / R.No 1-5 / Energy resources and conservation
Group2 / R.No 6-10 / Waste management
Group 3 / R.No 11-15 / Agriculture and food security
Group 4 / R.No16-20 / Environmental issues and concern
Group 5 / R.No21-25 / Health
Group 6 / R.No26-30 / Disaster management
Group 7 / R.No31 onwards / Aid to physically
Prepare an illustrative project file on the following:
- You are remodeling your room and need to furnish it. Set your budget for the same. Make a list of things you need to make your room complete. Visit at least two stores from where you can purchase the things you need. Make a note of their costs, discounts offered, taxes you have to pay etc. and represent it in the tabular form given below.
Store Name / Item Name / Item Cost / Discount / Sale Price / Quantity Purchased / Subtotal / Sales Tax / Final Cost
{Make your project creative. Click pictures while shopping and paste them in your file. You can also paste pictures of items purchased by you (if any)} (Roll No. 1-7)
- Suppose your father is planning to purchase a new car (in the range of Rs 4 lakhs to Rs 9 lakhs )in the month of June and he wants to get it financed. Collect the information about finance schemes offered by at least 3 different banks for the cars selected by you. Represent the data in tabular form giving the details of the down payment, rate of interest and EMIs which will have to be paid if the scheme is selected for 3 years or 5 years. On the basis of this, help your father to choose the best car.
(Roll No. 8-14)
- You are required to purchase grocery and toiletries for your house for a month (budget is Rs 12000 approx) .Make a list of things you require in the whole month. Suggest different shops or marts from where you can get all the products at one place.Write the discount % on each item. Compare the rates of 2 to 3 shops and suggest which is better and why.
Store Name / Item Name / Item Cost / Discount / Sale Price / Quantity Purchased / Subtotal / Sales Tax / Final Cost
(Roll No. 15-21)
- Two different families (consists of 2 Adults and 2 children ) approached you for guidance regarding their travel plans for 5 days 6 nights.
1.Choose any one state of your choice
i) Andhra Pradesh
ii) Tamil Nadu
Prepare a detailed project report depicting the following information
i) Per head per day cost
ii)Package (includes number of days, boarding and lodging facilities and mode of transport).
iii) Important places to be visited(search for the information on internet).
iv)Record the maximum and minimum temperature for the same duration and plot it on a graph.
(Roll No. 22 to 30)
2. Choose any one state of your choice
i)Jammu &Kashmir
iii)Himachal Pradesh
iv)Uttar Pradesh
Prepare a detailed project report depicting the following information
i) Per head per day cost
ii)Package (includes number of days, boarding and lodging facilities and mode of transport).
iii) Important places to be visited(search for the information on internet).
iv) Record the maximum and minimum temperature for the same duration and plot it on a graph.
(Roll No. 31 to the last roll no.)
1)Collect pictures of six Heritage Sites in India (given below). Write about their architectural style in your scrap file.
- Ajanta & Ellora
- Agra Fort
- ChhatrapatiShivaji Terminus (CST)
- Chola Temples
- Mahabodhi Temple
- Sun Temple
2)Collect information regarding the recent Nepal earthquake and make a project based on it. Ensure you include the precautions that can be taken during such a calamity.
FRENCH1.Paste the pictures of famous french cheese, wines , monuments, cars,perfumes and french flag in your Note-book and label them .(With the help of Internet)
1.Conjuguez les verbes suivants au présent. appeler, essuyer, vendre, offrir, remplir, peindre, promettre, pouvoir, vouloir, revenir, faire, oublier, connaître, essayer, tomber, répondre. Writethem in yournote-bookwiththeirmeaning.
2.Do Q.No.16 given on Page no-26 in your Work-book.
3.Do Q No-1 given on Page no-9 in your work-book.
4.Préparez la carte d’identité de votre instituteur / institutrice.
5.Write ‘Lesadjectifs’ in your note-book.
6.Racontezvotrejournéetypique. Do it in your note-book.
7.Speak in french with your family and friends.
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1. Visit museum and Art Galleries and make report.
2. Collect reproduction of old masters (artist) and copy any one in A4 size sheet with colour.
3. Draw human figure in different posture (minimum 20 ) in A4 size sheet.