Rhetorical Devices Exercise

Name ______Date ______

Directions: Write the rhetorical device(s) used in each of the following examples.

1. We do not ride on the railroad; it rides upon us.______

2. Can you not baffle the impatience and the passion of the child by your tranquility?______

3. Quit talking about Lebron and Wade! (2)______

4. I would try to teach them…. I would try to make them know…. I would try to make each child know…. I would teach him…. (2)______

5. We are only dust. ______

6. She turned towards me, laughed, walked off into the woods. ______

7. I’m gonna run to the store, cuz the fridge is about empty. ______

8. The ice storm, the beautiful monster, knocked out the electricity.(2) ______

9. The woods seemed to breathe a sigh of relief.______

10. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”______

11. A man can live, but he cannot live forever.______

12. He was the man who knew everything about science, a veritable genius.______

13. She cried the whole day.______

14. She was a mother and a wife and a best friend. ______

15. The lady was rescued from Walden Pond after a “Thoreau” search. (2)______

16. Mercutio to Romeo: “I am a grave man.” ______

17. It wasn’t the worst conversation I’ve ever had.______

18. “It was the best of times; it was the worst of times.” (2)______

19. Write using all the rhetorical devices you have learned – ethos, logos, pathos. (2)______

20. He was John wandering in the wilderness. (2)______

21. All hands on deck. ______

22. He was a cheerful pessimist. ______

23. I’m so mad I could—that noise is driving me crazy!______

24.New principals of Madison Central, we welcome you. ______

25. He’s got a nice set of wheels. ______

26. … a new generation of Americans born in this century, tempered by war, disciplined by a hard and bitter peace, proud of our ancient heritage…. ______

27. He got a talking-to when he got home. ______

28. “Wherein any man is bold – I am speaking foolishly – I also am bold….Are they ministers in Christ? I – to speak as a fool – am more.” ______

29. Some like hamburgers with ketchup, some with mustard. ______

30. This is the worst lie you have ever—Julia, are you listening to me? ______

31. I needed to get out of Bethlehem, out of my skin, my skull, and the ghost of my family. ______

32. I’d rather have chocolate than any other food. I’d rather have chocolate than money. ______

33.My father cried harder than anyone else. He laughed harder than anyone else. My dad lived more than anyone else. ______

34. Slow and steady wins the race. ______

35. “Don’t give up; don’t ever give up.” –Jimmy Valvano ______

36. I don’t like giving up; giving up is not my style. ______