Nashua Fly Casters
September 14, 2017 Meeting Minutes
Meeting started at 6:35 PM.Those members in attendance were Bob Cox, Steve Descoteaux, Brenda Philippon, Ray Philippon, Chuck Tarr, Tom Ryan, Alan Sherburne, Mariel Sherburne, Mike Swaney, Leif Merryfield, Kelly Merrifield,Kare Karlsen, Keith Clemens, Dick Farr, Jim Lynch, John Cronin, Bob Ward and speaker, Joe Goodspeed.
The minutes were voted on and accepted. Kare Karlsenreported that the treasury is in FAIR shapewith a cash balance of $1,701 after paying for the club cookout(in June), worms for the kids derby and buoys/rope(in July), and porta-pottyand Burke advertising for July and August.. He mentioned that we now have59 paid members due to three members deciding to rescind their memberships; Dave Appleton, Dick Henry and Alex Brooks.
October 12,2017
Crossway Church Pond
MEETING at 6:00pm
50/50 RAFFLE
Stocking will take place in October once the temps cool down. The discussion was raised at to how many fish to stock due to our treasury balance? It was suggested that fewer fish be bought since we stocked more than normal in the spring and we always have holdovers. The final quantity will be decided at the Oct meeting.
Mark Thornton installed the new buoys and rope. He has received the new signs. The first and LARGER sign will be positioned as you pull in and toward the pond and will be and the 4smaller signs will replace those that are now around the pond. A post is need for the larger sign and hardware is needed to hold the rope on the buoy posts. Since the signs mention video monitoring, the signs will not be put up until we have purchased a camera.
Keith Clements offered to check on cost of video cameras. 1) Wireless camera that sends information to a cell phone at a cost of $7.00 to $12.00 per month for the line and a camera in the $250-$350 range. Kare Karlsen offered to use his phone if we elect this option. 2) Purchase a camera that stores pictures to an internal disc. The cost would be somewhere in the $200-$300 range and we would need someone to check the camera on a regular basis. Further discussion is needed on which to purchase and where to place the camera.
Kare Karlsen mentioned that our website costs are $21 for hosting and $50 to maintain per month and is this cost worth the number of new members we get from its use? It was recommended that we check with Burke advertising on how many hits we get per month? And if not justifiable, then decide if we should only update the website on a quarterly basis and email the minutes to all the members.
Kelly Merryfield suggested the use of Face Book and she will discuss further via email to Ray.
Burr Tupper has offered to give members instructions on tying tube flies. However due to a hitch in his Monday night schedule, another evening will have to be decided upon by members.
Respectfully submitted,
Harry Mink, Secretary and Brenda Philippon
“Be patient and calm---for no one can catch fish in anger.”
Herbert hoover