Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held at the Mevagissey Activity Centre

On Thursday 15 September 2016 at 7pm.

Present Cllrs. M Roberts (Chairman), J Daniel, M Facey, J Morgan, G Shephard, D Speed.

In Attendance Cllr. J Mustoe (CC), P Howson (Clerk), 1 member of the public.



1. Apologies were received from Cllrs. A Chesterfield, K Robinson, J Whatty.

Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the reason for Cllr. Florence’s prolonged absence be formally approved. Carried.

2. There were no Declarations of Interest or Gifts.

3. Police report received from PCSO Julie Carpenter for the period 16/08-14/09/16 detailing a total of 7 crimes, all of which have been detected and are being dealt with, as follows: 3 x common assault, 3 x using threatening and abusive behaviour, 1 x drunk in charge. In addition, the police responded to a road traffic collision on Valley Road, youths in the park displaying anti-social behaviour, a mobility scooter in collision with a vehicle, and an electric cable hanging low over the road. PCSO Carpenter is providing temporary cover until a permanent replacement for PCSO Hemming is appointed in December.

4. Dog Control Order (Portmellon Beach) Enforcement Report received stating that 4 dog owners using the beach had been spoken to, but they had left without incident and no penalty notices had been issued.

5. Public participation. Mr Martin Hopkinson spoke regarding agenda item 10d (planning application for a conservatory for the Mevagissey Activity Centre), explaining that the funding was dependent on a bequest.

6. Proposed by Cllr. Speed, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the minutes of the meeting held on 18 August 2016 be accepted. Carried.

7. The clerk reported that:

·  a sign had been affixed to the memorial railings forbidding the chaining of bicycles;

·  Ms Sally Hodgson conveyed her thanks to the council for the token of appreciation received for helping Cllr. Facey to clean the Valley Rd toilets;

·  The Post Office had confirmed that there were no plans to change the current Jubilee Hall PO service;

·  the continued requirement for the St Andrew’s police room had been confirmed, and the balance of the annual rent would be paid;

·  the Valley Road playground improvements have been delayed by an issue with the surfacing supplier, with materials now expected mid-October;

·  an update to the ‘untidy sites’ initiative reported that 15 Polkirt Hill was now completed and the case closed, the work specification for 11 Polkirt Hill was awaited from the surveyor, and follow up site visits were scheduled for 17 Polkirt Hill and Riverside Flats;

·  unless ten or more local electors request an election to fill the current vacancy on the council by 30th September, it will be filled by co-option at the next meeting.

8. The Ward Member reported that:

·  he had reported a number of issues with Vicarage Hill, including even more surface water than usual, pot holes at the top and vegetation growing in the road near Shipbuilders Close;

·  St Peter’s Church had been chasing to get the churchyard cut, and this has now been done;

·  Polkirt Hill gullies are now due to be replaced in December, and not November as previously reported;

·  together with Cllr. Roberts, he will be meeting Ocean Housing at Wesley Court next Tuesday;

·  he will be out tending the War Memorial next Friday evening with volunteers, and the steps near Shilly Ally Op later this month;

·  he is continuing to pursue the Cliff Street landslides with Bert Biscoe and Highways;

·  he has arranged for information to be displayed on the Polstreath Water Quality board;

·  he has offered his support to the Feast Week Committee re. filling out road closure applications, etc;

·  he has met PCSO Julie Carpenter and asked her to try to attend Council meetings every other month;

·  he asked CORMAC to cut the verges along Pentewan Valley and Valley Road, and this has been done.

9. To receive Correspondence.

·  Request for donation from Cruse Bereavement Care, c/o S Austell Community Hospital;

·  Letter from Mr John Dabbs, St Andrew's Church, thanking MPC for the partial rental payment for the police room and thanking former PCSO Hemming for his service to the village.

Proposed by Cllr. Morgan, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that a grant of £100 be made to Cruse. Carried.

10. To consider Planning and Licensing Applications.

10a. PA16/07551 : Existing balcony increased along with door window alterations. Penolva, Chapel Point Lane, Portmellon, Mevagissey PL26 6PP.

Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Speed that the Council has no objection. Carried.

10b. PA16/07126 : Listed building consent for various works. 15 Tregoney Hill, Mevagissey PL26 6RD.

Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the Council supports the application. Carried.

10c. PA16/07607 : Proposed construction of carport with first floor office and bedroom. The Ashes, Tregoney Hill, Mevagissey PL26 6RQ.

Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Shephard, that the Council has no objection, subject to a condition appropriate to the existing control. Carried.

10d. PA16/06090 : Proposed conservatory on side of Activity Centre. Mevagissey Activity Centre, Valley Road, Mevagissey PL26 6RZ.

Proposed by Cllr. Daniel, Seconded by Cllr. Speed that the Council supports the application. Carried.

10e. PA16/02290 : Erection of a two storey extension to rear of property to extend kitchen and bathroom to existing ground floor flat, create a double garage, utility room and workshop, two no 1 bedroom self-contained flats to first floor and two no 1 bedroom self-contained flats to attic area. Pentillie House School Hill Mevagissey Cornwall PL26 6TQ. APPEAL AGAINST REFUSAL.

Resolved that the previous objection stands, but that the clerk should request the site visit to be public.

10f. The following Planning Applications have been Approved (included for information only):

• PA16/02469 : Various works to trees. Mevagissey House, Vicarage Hill.

• PA16/06013 : Replacement windows and door, re-covering of roof, insulation of roof space. 17 The Cliff.

• PA16/06014 : Listed building consent for the above. 17 The Cliff.

• PA16/07712 : Non-material amendment following grant of planning permission. Linden Lea Tregoney Hill.

• PA16/06975 : Application for a non-material amendment. Land North of Moonfleet School Hill.

11. Finances.

Bills to Pay / Salaries / £ / 647.17
HMRC (Income Tax & NIC) / £ / 207.87
Signage for memorial railings / £ / 37.20
Postage / £ / 7.68
Footpaths - 2nd cut / £ / 171.60
Valley Rd football pitch maintenance (2015-16) / £ / 1,148.62
Valley Rd. PC maintenance May-July 2016 / £ / 740.10
Valley Rd. PC water charge August 2016 / £ / 583.94
Voucher in appreciation of cleaning Valley Rd. PC / £ / 28.50
St Andrew's police room (balance) / £ / 350.00
Valley Rd PC August cleaning / £ / 804.44
TOTAL / 4,727.12
Accounts / Amount available to spend as of last meeting / £ / 38,019.06
Expenditure last month / £ / 4,256.06
plus St Andrew's police room / £ / 250.00
Refund of bank charge / £ / 15.00 / received
Unpresented cheques / £ / 550.00
Balance (money in bank) / £ / 34,078.00
Available to spend / £ / 33,528.00
Bank Statements (01/09/2016):
Current Account / £ / 1,718.29
Deposit Account / £ / 32,359.71
TOTAL / £ / 34,078.00

Proposed by Cllr. Shephard, Seconded by Cllr. Speed that the accounts be accepted and the bills paid. Carried.

12. Cllr. Shephard reported that the Neighbourhood Development Plan Steering Group would meet in October.

13. There was no update from the Affordable Homes Working Group.

14. Cllr. Facey reported that Cormac were now providing a much improved service at the Valley Road public toilets.

15. Advice on public rescue equipment at Portmellon was expected shortly from the Mevagissey Coastguard.

16. Cllr. T Barron was absent and therefore unable to progress the proposed Coastal Community Team bid.

17. It was agreed not to respond to Cornwall Council’s Consultation on Controls on Free Distribution of Printed Matter (Flyering).

18. Proposed by Cllr. Facey, Seconded by Cllr. Morgan that the revised version of the Financial Regulations, updated to reflect the July resolution to delegate to the Clerk the power to authorise urgent repairs, be adopted. Carried.

19. Proposed by Cllr. Speed, Seconded by Cllr. Daniel that the revised local authority bank mandate be approved.


20. Proposed by Cllr. Morgan, Seconded by Cllr. Facey that the Council supports Cllr. Roberts in his application for the vacancy on the Cornwall Planning Partnership. Carried.

21. The meeting ended at 8.05pm. Date of next meeting: 20 October 2016.

Signed ...... Dated ......