(5thIKOKS ISG 2012), July 11-15, 2012and


(3rdIKOKEC),July 14, 2012


(5th IKOKS IYG 2012), July 15, 2012


April15, 2012


Dear Shihans, Senseis, Sempais and Students,

Our organization is honored to invite you to

  • the 5th IKOK SOSAIINTERNATIONAL YEARLY GRADING 2012 (Yudansha and Kyu) (5th IKOKS IYG 2012)

hosted by IKO Kyokushinkaikan Sosai Romania BranchMusashi Dojo of Sibiu City,represented by Horatiu Adrian NEAGOIE Sensei, from July 11th through 15th, 2012, in Sibiu City, the 2007 European Cultural Capital.

The events are dedicated to Sosai Masutatsu Oyama, his life, dedication, sacrifice and greatest achievements, and will take place under the direct supervision of Yoshikazu SUZUKI Kancho, as special invitee, and the brief schedule is as follows:

  • July 11-13, 2012 - 5th IKOKS ISG 2012;
  • July 14, 2012 - 3rd IKOKEC 2012;
  • July 15, 2012 – 5th IKOKS IYG 2012;

Information is detailed in the attached Annexes (A, B, C, D)

Respectfully, Daniela Eva BOZDOC Sempai,

IKOK Sosai Romania General Secretary. In Sosai’s Budo, Spirit and Light, Osu!


IKOK Sosai International Summer Gasshuku 2012

(IKOKS ISG 2012) Details

1. Dates:2012, July11, 12, 13

2. Location: Sibiu City is located in the center of Romania, having its own international airport – Sibiu International Airport (IATA: SBZ; ICAO: LRSB) – or being close to Cluj Napoca City International Airport, or Targu Mures International Airport.

The training location is: Gym Hall of No 9 Comprehensive School, no 5 Ostirii Street, Sibiu City, Sibiu County, Romania,

3. Accommodation:

3.1. We can arrange for your accommodation at Hotel Simba 3* () at the lowest prices of downtown Sibiu. The location is only 10 minutes by car from Sibiu International Airport and 5 minutes by car from the gym. Due to the fact Kancho will be accommodated in this hotel, we suggest this location especially to the branch chiefs, countries’ representatives and black belts. But anyone may book rooms in this hotel.Hotel Simba accommodation are very affordable and are available in single and double occupancy; all rooms will be released on a first come, first served basis, as follows (breakfast included):

4 x Single Room = 29 Euro/room

12 x Double Room = 42 Euro (37 Euro in single regime).Note: 4 of these 12 double rooms might be arranged as Triple Rooms for the price of 57 Euro/room.

3 x Apartment = 55 Euro

Simba Restaurant – situated in the same location with Simba Hotel – can also offer the other two meals. Breakfasts are included in the price of the rooms, in swedish buffet regime. Vegetarian choices are also available at specific dining times, by request. The meals are on your own with the exception of Sayonara Party on Saturday evening. Ala carte items are also available.

3.2.We can also arrange for accomodation at:

- Hotel Sport 2*, 5 minutes walking from Hotel Simba, 7-10 minutes walking to the gym, designated especially for sport practitioners,14Double Rooms= around 15 Euro/Room.

- Hotel Class3*, 5 minutes walking to the gym, very well apreciated by the international teams in the last 2 editions of the IKOKEC, 26 Double Rooms= around 20 Euro/Room, 4Triple Rooms = around 30 Euro/Room and 4 Apartments (with 2 separated double-bedded rooms; 4 persons/apartment)=around 40 Euro/Room.

- HotelPremier3*, 5 minutes walking to the gym, 12 x Double Room = 32Euro/Room and 2Apartments (4 persons)= 40 Euro/Apartment.

3.3.Sayonara Partywill be organized on the 14th of July, 2011, after the 3rdIKOKEC, starting with 20.00 hours, on a special designated location.

Other Hotels: If you don’t want to attend the above mentioned offers and due to the fact that Sibiu City is touring very solicited, successfully continuing the traditions of The 2007 European Cultural Capital, it is essential to make your own room reservations as soon as possible, accessing one of the web sites:

4. Training Program and contents:Every training session will consist of 1hour & 30min for beginners (10-7 kyu), followed by 2hoursfor the advanced class(6 kyu+).Everything will occur in the spirit of Sosai’s Honbu allignment and will consist of Honbu Kihon and Kata, Kihon Ido, Bunkai, Ido-geiko, Goshin-jitsu, Kumite and Staff Training, Grading Standardization, as follows:

Wednesday, July 11, 2012, 16.00-19.30 hours

Thursday, July 12, 2012, 10.00-13.30 and 16.00-19.30 hours

Friday, July 13, 2012, 10.00-13.30 and 16.00-19.30 hours

Saturday, July 14, 2012, 09.00-19.00 hours – 5th IKOKEC2012.

Saturday, July 14, 2012, 20.00 hours – Sayonara Party.

Sunday, July 15, 2012, 10.00 hours, Grading.

5. Costs:Seminar Fee is 30 Euro, covering the specific costs of the participants, including the Sayonara Party on Saturday evening. This fee doesn’t cover the cost of your chosen accomodations. Any IKOK Sosai Branch Chief or Dojo Operator with international teams consisting of more than 5karate-ka, will be let off the 30 Euro fee.

6. Registration: Please register as early as possible by completing the attached form, and send it by each dojo operator or dojo administrator No Later Than June30, 2012.

The 30 Euro Fee will be paid upon arrival to Daniela Eva BOZDOC Sempai.

We look forward to have you here in Romania this 2012Summer Gasshuku.

All the best, sincerely yours in Sosai’s Budo, Daniela Eva BOZDOC,

IKOK Sosai Romania General Secretary, Osu!

0040-723-21-20-22 (mobile),

0040-755-24-26-23 (mobile),

0040-769-74-13-11 (mobile),

0040-369-42-46-04 (home),




1. Dates:2012, July 14.

2. Location:As stated in Annex A

The event location is: „Transilvania” Polivalent Sport Hall, Octavian Goga Street, Sibiu City, Sibiu County, Romania (see

3. Accommodation:

As stated in Annex A.

4. Specific Details:Kata and Kumite Divisions.

4.1 The Tournament Divisions (45), are as follows:

Kata Divisions (22), 2 / 3 rounds

  1. Kata MIXT under 7 years
  2. Kata Girls Individual 7-8 years (10-9 kyu)
  3. Kata Girls Individual 7-8 years
  4. Kata Girls Individual 9-10 years (10-9 kyu)
  5. Kata Girls Individual 9-10 years
  6. Kata Girls Individual 11-13 years
  7. Kata Girls Individual 14-16 years
  8. Kata Girls Seniors Category „ C” (10-9 kyu)
  9. Kata Girls Seniors Category „ B” (8-3 Kyu)
  10. Kata Girls Seniors Category „ A” (2-1 Kyu and Yudansha), 3 rounds
  11. Kata Boys Individual 7-8 years (10-9 kyu)
  12. Kata Boys Individual 7-8 years
  13. Kata Boys Individual 9-10 years (10-9 kyu)
  14. Kata Boys Individual 9-10 years
  15. Kata Boys Individual 11-13 years (10-9 kyu)
  16. Kata Boys Individual 11-13 years
  17. Kata Boys Individual 14-16 years (10-9 kyu)
  18. Kata Boys Individual 14-16 years
  19. Kata Mixt Individual 17-18 years
  20. Kata Boys Seniors Category„ C” (10-9 kyu)
  21. Kata Boys Seniors Category „B”, 8-3 Kyu
  22. Kata Boys Seniors Category „ A” (2-1 Kyu and Yudansha), 3 rounds

Kumite Divisions (23)

  1. Kumite Girls 7-8 years
  2. Kumite Girls 9-10 years, -40 Kg
  3. Kumite Girls 9-10 years, +40 Kg
  4. Kumite Girls 11-13 years, -45 Kg
  5. Kumite Girls 11-13 years, +45 Kg
  6. Kumite Girls 14-16 years
  7. Kumite Girls 17-18 years
  8. Kumite Girls Seniors -55 kg
  9. Kumite Girls Seniors +55 kg

10. Kumite Boys 7-8 years

  1. Kumite Boys 9-10 years, -32 kg
  2. Kumite Boys 9-10 years, -40 kg
  3. Kumite Boys 9-10 years, +40 kg
  4. Kumite Boys 11-12 years, -40 kg
  5. Kumite Boys 11-12 years, +40 kg
  6. Kumite Boys 13-14 years -55 Kg
  7. Kumite Boys 13-14 years + 55 Kg
  8. Kumite Boys 15-16 years
  9. Kumite Boys 17-18 years
  10. Kumite Boys Seniors –70 kg
  11. Kumite Boys Seniors –80 kg.
  12. Kumite Boys Seniors –90 kg
  13. Kumite Boys Seniors +90 kg

4.2 Technical Aspects:

The officialtechnical meeting will be held an evening before tournament, along with conducting the last referees’ preparation for tournament and setting up the order of participation and the allignment to Honbu Kata, but the specific discussions will take place daily.

The participation list will be completed and filled in by every dojo operator/admin dojo, by division, and send it No Later Than June30, 2012nd , along with the next papers:

The scanned copies (please, in .pdf format) of the I.D. documents of the participants;

The scanned copies of IKO Sosai Honbu Cards;

copies of the registration form signature (for all participants; of a parent for those under 18 years old).

Original Team Official Medical Document, signed by a medic for the whole team, both for the IKOKS ISG 2012 and IKOKEC 2012.

4.3. IKOKEC 2012Kata Divisions Conditions: see Appendage Kata Contents.

4.4.IKOKEC 2012Kata Assessment: will be done by a 5-referee team (1xcentral and 4xcorner)

First Round will be assessed from 7.00 to 7.90

Second Round will be assessed from 8.00 to 8.90

Third Round will be assessed from 9.00 to 9.90

4.5. IKOKEC 2012Kata Performance. The participants will act as follows:

1. On hearing his/her name (by official speaker announcement), the participant will appear at the front line of tatami (opposite side of the central referee), salute „Osu” and wait for the command „NAKKAI” in order to step in the tatami;

2. On the command of the central referee – „NAKKAI” – the participant will step in the tatami up to the drawn line inside tatami, say „Osu” and wait for the next command of the central referee;

3. The central referee will command/ask the kata name„KATA?”(depending on each division, in accordance with APPENDAGE KATA CONTENTS) and the participant will repeat the name of the kata, thus the central referee will be sure the participant understood it;

4. The central referee will command directly „MUSUBI DACHI – MOKUSO” , the name of the kata, and then „YOI”. The participant will perform the required specific gestures.

5. After the participant’s required performance, the central referee will command directly „HAGIME” and the participant will start to execute/perform kata in his/her way, while the whole referees team is observing/watching/assessing the kata performance.

6. When kata performance is finished, the central referee will command, one by one, „NAORE” & „YASME”, and the participant will perform the required specific gestures, waiting for the referees’assessments in FUDO DACHI, facing the central referee.

7. The central referee will command „HANTEI” and the corner referees will prepare their digits assessment, keeping their heads down, watching „just for themselves”, without being influenced by the other team referee members.

8. The central referee will command „HANTEI – TORIMASU” immediately using the whistle, and the corner referees will raise up their digits assessment boards facing the official table, still keeping their heads down for 3 seconds, watching „just for themselves”, without being influenced by the other team referee members.

9. The official table speaker will announce/speak up the digits assessments, starting with the central referee and continuouing with the other 4 corner referees in the clock way.

10. When the last referee’s assessment is announced, the central referee will use the whistle and the other 4 corner referees will put down their digits boards.

11. The central referee will command „JOGAI” along with the specific gesture and the participant will say „Osu”, step out the tatami’s boundary, backwards, without turning his back to the official table and central referee. When reaching out a few centimeters the tatami’s boundary, the participant will say „Osu” for the last time, turn right and leave the area for the next participant.

4.6. Kata Special Issues:

1. There will be 5 announced assessments (one for each referee). The final result will consist of the sum of the 3 middle assessments, while the lowest and the highest assessments will be cut off.

2. After the first round, only the first 8 results will be qualified in the second round, respective third round for senior divisions.

3.If the participant will apply big mistakes during performance, by modifying kata, performing another kata than the announced one, or by stopping performing the entire kata, the referees will assess the performing with the lowest assess digits (7.00, 8.00 or 9.00) and the central referee will announce „SHIKKAKU” (disqualification).

5. In case of DRAWING/EVEN situation,after the final round, the difference between the two participants will be made by the next criteria, in the order below:

- 1st criteria: the higher announced assessment is winning;

- 2nd criteria: the lower announced assessment is losing;

- 3rd criteria: if the drawing situation is still in place, then the 2 participants (AKAand SHIRO) will perform the kata that will be chosen by the referee team and will be performed in the same time by the 2 participants, being watched/observed/assessed simoultaneously. After finishing the kata performance, the central referee will command „HANTEI” and the corner referees will prepare their flags, keeping their heads down, watching „just for themselves”, without being influenced by the other team referee members. The central referee will command „HANTEI – TORIMASU” immediately using the whistle, and the corner referees will raise up their flags (AKAand SHIRO), still keeping their heads down for 3 seconds, watching „just for themselves”, without being influenced by the other team referee members. The central referee will be the final decision maker and will point out the winner.

Note:An example of a kata performing will be demonstrated to all the participants before the competition will start and the eventual questions may be raised up!!!

4.7. Kumite Divisions Conditions are as follows:

The kumite divisions will take place IAW (In Accordance With) the next 2 attached official Honbu documents:

1.IKO Kyokushinkaikan Official Tournament Rules;

2.IKO Kyokushinkaikan Referees and Judges Seminar.

5. IKOKEC 2012 Costs:

Every Division Fee is 30 Euro.For those who will attend both Kata and Kumite Divisions, the Registration Fee is 45 Euro.The Registration Fee will be paid upon arrival, to Daniela Eva BOZDOC Sempai.

6. Registration: Please register as early as possible by completing the attached form, and send it by each dojo operator or dojo administrator No Later Than June 30, 2012toand Cc.

We look forward to have you here in Romania this 2012 Summer Gasshuku.

All the best, sincerely yours in Sosai’s Budo, Daniela Eva BOZDOC,

IKOK Sosai Romania General Secretary, Osu!

0040-723-21-20-22 (mobile),

0040-755-24-26-23 (mobile),

0040-769-74-13-11 (mobile),

0040-369-42-46-04 (home),


Appendage KATA contents

of 3rd IKOKEC 2012

(compulsory kata) / Second Round
(compulsory kata) / Third Round
(free choice)
Kata MIXT under 7 years / Taikyoku Sono Ichi / Taikyoku Sono Ni / N/A
Kata Girls Individual 7-8 years (10-9 kyu) / Taikyoku Sono Ichi / Taikyoku Sono Ni / N/A
Kata Girls Individual 7-8 years / Taikyoku Sono San / Pinan Sono Ichi / N/A
Kata Girls Individual 9-10 years (10-9 kyu) / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Girls Individual, 9-10 years / Pinan Sono Ichi / Pinan Sono Ni / N/A
Kata Girls Individual, 11-13 years / Pinan Sono Ni / Pinan Sono San / N/A
Kata Girls Individual, 14-16 years / Pinan Sono San / Pinan Sono Yon / N/A
Kata Girls Seniors Category „C”, 10-9 kyu / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Girls Seniors Category „B” (8-3 Kyu) / Pinan Sono Ichi / Pinan Sono San / N/A
Kata Girls Seniors Category „A”, 2-1 Kyu and Yudansha / Tsuki No / Gekisai Sho / Seienchin, Seipai, Kanku Dai, Garyu, Sushiho
Kata Boys Individual 7-8 years, 10-9 kyu / Taikyoku Sono Ichi / Taikyoku Sono Ni / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 7-8 years / Taikyoku Sono San / Pinan Sono Ichi / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 9-10 years, 10-9 kyu / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 9-10 years / Pinan Sono Ichi / Pinan Sono Ni / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 11-13 years (10-9 kyu) / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 11-13 years / Pinan Sono Ni / Pinan Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 14-16 years, 10-9 kyu / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Individual 14-16 years / Pinan Sono San / Pinan Sono Yon / N/A
Kata Boys Seniors Category „C”, 10-9 Kyu / Taikyoku Sono Ni / Taikyoku Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Seniors Category „B”, 8-7 Kyu / Pinan Sono Ichi / Pinan Sono San / N/A
Kata Boys Seniors Category „A”,2-1 Kyu and Yudansha / Tsuki No / Gekisai Sho / Seienchin, Seipai, Kanku Dai, Garyu, Sushiho
Kata Youth Individual Mixt / Pinan Sono Ichi / Pinan Sono San / N/A


N/A = Not Applicable