Georgia Council of Trout Unlimited
USFS Gainesville, GA
December 5, 2009
Minutes of the meeting
1.Call to Order Charlie Breithaupt, Chairman 9:00 am
2.Introductions, Roll Call and Opening Remarks Charlie 9:00- 9:15
Young of the Year Award….CB/Josh – Nominations for 2009 – Josh will Chair a sub committee for selection and presentation at the Rendezvous.
Roll call of Chapters …ten of twelve chapters were represented
Special welcome to all agency personnel and a big thanks for your continued support. Thanks to Michael Joyce for our meeting place. Also welcome others…NGTO and AFF Club ?
After years of drought, three events have been affected by too much weather…OAD in September (lightning); Fly Fishing for Vets in Nov (flooding) and today's Council meeting …maybe. However, other events went on…Chili Cook Off by CoosaValley; Ist Gold Rush Cup (and the 2nd is already scheduled); Blue Ridge had another river clean-up.
Five of us went to Augusta (Mack, Bob, Garland, Ken Griffin and me) to meet with Central Savannah
River Area Fly Fishing Club (CSRA FFF) club. Plan is to work for the future.
About two weeks ago Kathy and I attended TU National meeting for Youth Camps in WV.
TU has added three new staffers; met all three. Damon Hearne…SE Lands Protection Coordinator; Franklin Tate…Director of Youth Education Programs; Scott Laeser…Climate Change. Scott spoke to the OconeeRiver and Rabun Chapters at their November meetings.Damon and Franklin arebased in Asheville and Scott is in Arlington.
Our donation to TNC/DNR for the Amicalola Tract has proved to be very significant. Damon Hearnewas in Atlanta at a meeting and head of TNC met him and praised what TU had done. There may be an article in Trout magazine about this project. Thanks for all 12 chapters supporting this.
We have been given 15 rods & reels from Sierra Club. We will keep those to loan out to any Chapter.
Special note: Welcome back Alex Watson who has recovered from a recent heart attack. Ken Griffin is about to have shoulder replacement.Doug Reid’s (Chatt/Nan) wife Susan who is fighting cancer.
TenChapters of twelve were represented: attendees
Blue Ridge:Carl Riggs
Chattahoochee Nantahala:none
Cohutta:Ron Minick,Garland Stewart, Tony Rackie, Alex Watson, Larry Vigil, Jeff Wilson,Thom Underwood
CoosaValley:Paul Diprima
Flint River:none
Foothills: Jimmy Harris, Rocket Roy Lowe
Goldrush:Sherman Head, Ken McKinnon, Richard Trotter, Fred Ruppel
Kanooka: Tony Kearns, Mike Kearns, Ben Traic
OconeeRiver:Josh Barnett
Rabun:Charlie Breithaupt, Kathy Breithaupt, Doug Adams,Ray Gentry, Larry Walker
Tailwater: Bill Egeland
Upper Chattahoochee:Kevin McGrath,Mack Martin, Dutch Earle, Louisa Hanney, Bill Malloy, Ted Prenares
Special Guests: DNR –Jeff Durniak/Rabun Chapter
USFS –Leon Brotherton, David Vinson, Mike Brod, Mike Joyce, Jim Wentworth
- 2010 Calendar – Kathy - 9:15 – 10:30 Information for 2010 TU events is on
Break 10:30 – 10:40
- Minutes of Previous Meeting Charlie (September 19 - Bring your copy) 10:40 – 10:45
Motion to approveby Ray Gentry - Seconded by Bill Egeland, motion passed.
- Treasurer’s Report Ray Gentry 10:45 - 10:50 End of fiscal year report –total cash on hand is $61,798.45 Hard copy in archives. Motion to approve by Larry Vigil.Seconded by Bill Egeland, motion passed. Ray will send an updated copy of the report with the corrections. Motion to move the Chattahoochee Escrow into the general fund by Carl Riggs and seconded by Larry Vigil, motion passed. Total to move into the general fund = $5,629.22.
Old Business
- GA Trout Camp/ Camp meeting in WVA - Charlie 10:50 – 11:00 Several camps attended from the Eastern US. We are one of the oldest and largest camps; the PA camp has 32 campers. NJ is planning to have 50 when they get going. Using the word “camp” has been approved by TU National. The background checks need to be in by April 1st. Note new forms - now 2 documents to sign. Please be sure to read the TU National Sexual Abuse Policy in your booklet and on the web. We are waiting to hear on a grant proposal from the Captain Planet foundation. TU National will look into grants on a national level for camps.
- Dream Trip for 2010 – Charlie 11:00 – 11:05 John McGarity has donated his cabin and will host the trip – this is an amazing trip. If all 2,000 tickets are sold, and each chapter sells 100, then each chapter will get a $500 rebate.
- CEI Report Form & Rechartering update - Larry Vigil 11:05 – 11:10 Eleven out of twelve Chapter have turned in their report – last one will be in shortly. Larry is encouraged that all Chapters will perform well this year. If there are any Chapters in GAthat need to be rechartered TU National will let us know.
- ChattoogaRiver Report - Doug Adams 11:10 – 11:15 The river has water! It has rained 20” in the last 60 days according to the gauge. There is no boating now during the appeal by Forest Watch and then American Whitewater. TU in GA is part of the group of the Friends of the Upper Chattooga – we had joined in the appeal initially, but as of this week we have withdrawn the appeal. The others have moved forward with the appeal of the USFS decision to allow limited boating.
- TU Accident Insurance - Kathy 11:15 – 11:20 Each Chapter needs to fill out the single sheet and sign at the bottom so Kathy can send to Adams Insurance.
- Bass Pro Day - February 20 – 21 Mack Martin 11:20 – 11:25 Additional forms are available from Mack if you need them. You need to let Mack know by January 15, 2010 and what you want to do. Do you need electricity? Table? We are setting up for 10 chapters now – we hope all 12 will attend. The purpose is to make more people aware of what TU is all about. Wonderful opportunity to get the word out about TU. There will be a Council table and separate tables for Chapters. Kathy will make copies of the Chapter Meeting Information to distribute.Bass Pro is really stepping up to help us with exposure – please try to get your Chapter there.
- Raffle Law and ByLaws – Ray 11:25 – 11:35 Raffle laws have been intended to overcome those organizations that do raffles and keep most of the money rather than contribute to the cause. Ray, the Council Treasurer, spoke with the sheriff of WhiteCounty (Ray lives in that county). The sheriff agreed that we could get a permit to hold a raffle and so we have a state wide permit for the Dream Trip. The paperwork is very extensive. Ray is finishing the paperwork; the fee has been waved.
The ByLaws are in the Council meeting booklet and are also on the website. Ray made a motion to ratify the ByLaws and Fred Rupple seconded it. Motion passed.
- 2010 Budget Approval Ray 11:35 – 11:45 Note changes in the amounts - Line 24 - $3,184 in 2010. Item 26 will also be adjusted – Ray will send an updated copy.Motion to approve budget,as amended,by Garland Stewart, seconded by Larry Vigil, motion passed. Kevin McGrath made a motion that the $4,000 for the GWF line item be removed from the Council budget – line 14 becomes 0, seconded by Ray Gentry, motion passed.
- Earth Share(possible new members) - Garland Stewart 11:45 – 11:50 ES has 30 or 40 participating organizations. Its purpose is to be the conservation alternative to the United Way – headquarters in Atlanta. The money from ES goes to the Council or Cohutta and UCCTU Chapters since those Chapters actively participate financially. They raised the points to quality from 12 – 15. We should have 16-19 points as a council so we should qualify. We get a few thousand dollars from it every year. Alex Watson offered to participate in any events. If you are interested in participating please talk to Garland.
- Other new Business & Chapter Activity Announcements Charlie 11:50 – 12:00
Federal Tax Return – Doug Adams = if you are over $25,000 use the 990 EZ be prepared to fill out the paperwork. The information is on the website and on the in the lines to leaders section.
Southeastern Rally - May 14-15, 2010 Friday and Saturday in TownsendTN. It will probably cost about $100 per person for lodging and meals. The TU Youth Ed and Southern Lands Coordinators will be there. Great time to network; make your plans to go if you can.
Rabun Rendezvous – January 23, 2010 at the Dillard House beginning at 5:00 pm.
Gold Rush Chapter is in the process of implementing an Appalachian Slam Certificate – more details to follow.
UCCTU is getting more aggressive on corporate matching gifts – please contact Dutch if you have had any experience with this or work for a company with this program.
Young of the Year Award for 2009 – Josh Barnett won in 2008, if you would like to nominate someone please contact Josh or Charlie by January 1st. We want to present this at the Rendezvous.
2009 diaries- Please turn in your diary regarding your fishing on the Chattooga North Fork to Doug Adams.
GA Wildlife Federation – at the last Council meeting GA TU was going to make a $5,000 pledge for four years to the Camo coalition. Jimmy Harris offered to donate a trip at Nacoochee bend to any Chapter to raise money for this cause. David Waller was not able to raise the remainder of the budget – the $4,000 that we earmarked that will not be used to fund the Camo Coalition. The Camo Coalition is now the responsibility of Glenn Dowling, the VP of the GWF – Charlie or Kevin will contact Glenn with issues, voting etc.
- Adjourn Charlie 12:00 pm
Thanks to Dutch Earl and UCCTU for providing the great food and to the USFS for the meeting space.