Global Studies Packet

Ch. 16: Middle East

Name : ______

Due Date: ______


Define the vocabulary words from page 221. For each term, draw a picture that represents it.

Term / Definition / Picture


Middle East Map

Use pp. 80-81 of the atlas to match the countries and bodies of water with the correct numbers or letters.












______Saudi Arabia






______Arabian Sea

______Black Sea

______Caspian Sea

______Euphrates River

______Gulf of Aden

______Gulf of Oman

______Mediterranean Sea

______Persian Gulf

______Red Sea

______Strait of Hormuz

______Suez Canal

______Tigris River


Textbook Activity: Israel and Judaism

Israel (pp. 231-233)

1. Modern Israel was founded in ______. 95% of the people are ______and the main language is ______.

2. The religion practiced by the Jewish people is ______, which began at least ______years ago.

3. It was the first religion based on ______, which is the belief in one god. ______and ______are also monotheistic religions.

4. The sacred writings of Judaism are called the ______.

5. The greatest prophet of Judaism is ______. He led the Hebrews out of ______and slavery. This journey is called the ______. 6. God gave Moses the ______, which are basic to Judaism, ______, and ______.

7. The Hebrews returned to ______and created the kingdom of ______. It existed off and on until it was ended by the ______and the Jews were ______throughout the world.

Celebrations: Passover (p. 231)

1. Describe Passover. What is it? How long does it last? What does it remember?


2. Describe the Seder. What is it? What does it include?


3. Why do you think the overall spirit of Passover is joyful rather than solemn?



Basic Facts About Islam: Reading

Highlight the key information about Islam while reading. Then, use this sheet to complete the following matching activity.

1. Islam is the name of the religion. The word Islam means “surrender.” Muslim refers to the followers of Islam. The term Muslim means “one who surrenders to God.”

2. Worldwide, there are 1.2 billion Muslims. Islam is the dominant religion throughout large portions of Asia and Africa, with the largest Muslim populations living in Indonesia, Pakistan, and Bangladesh.

3. Islam is the third of the three largest monotheistic (belief in one God) religions, in addition to Judaism and Christianity.

4. The holy book is the Qu’ran. Muslims believe that the Qu'ran is God's word as revealed to the prophet Muhammad (570-632) through the angel Gabriel.

5. The Muslim place of worship is called a mosque and their prayer leaders are called imams.

6. There are five major duties of Muslims, known as the Five Pillars. 1. Belief in one God, Allah, and his Prophet Muhammad. 2. Pray five times a day - morning, noon, afternoon, sunset and evening. 3.Give to the poor. 4. Fast during the holy month of Ramadan. 5. Make a pilgrimage (religious journey) to Islam’s holy city of Mecca once if physically/financially able (Hajj).


7. A prophet is a messenger of God. According to Islam, there are five major prophets: Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus and Muhammad (God’s last and most important prophet).

8. Muslims, unlike Christians, do not believe that Jesus was God's son, although they do believe he was a prophet.

9. The Qu'ran contains much of the basic information told in the Bible's Old Testament and in the Torah as well as additional information.

10. Women dress modestly out of reverence for God, not for men. Muslim women are not more submissive than other women. Some argue that Muslim women, in fact, have been treated better than women in other cultures. For example, women in Islam were given the right to vote about 1,400 years ago, centuries before other women.

11. There are two main sects (branches) of Islam: Sunni and Shi'ite. One of their main differences is in their beliefs about who were the leaders following the death of Prophet Muhammad and how they became leaders (appointed by God or elected).

12. There is an Islamic idea known as jihad, which means “striving in the way of Allah,” but some Islamist extremists interpret it as “holy war.”

13. There are two major holidays in Islam: Eid al Adha is at the end of the pilgrimage to Mecca and Eid al Fitr (the most important holiday) is at the end of Ramadan.


Basic Facts About Islam: Matching

______1. Islam

______2. Muslim

______3. Monotheism

______4. Qu’ran

______5. Mosque

______6. Imam

______7. Five Pillars

______8. Allah

______9. Ramadan

______10. Pilgrimage

______11. Mecca

______12. Hajj

______13. Prophet

______14. Muhammad

______15. Sunni & Shi’ite

______16. Jihad

______17. Eid al Fitr

  1. A term that means “belief in one God.”
  2. A term that means “messenger of God.”
  3. A term that means “a religious journey.”
  4. The name of the people who practice the religion, which means “one who surrenders.”
  5. The name of the religion, which means “surrender.”
  6. The term Muslims use for God.
  7. The term that means “striving in the way of Allah,” but is sometimes translated as “holy war.”
  8. The holy month of Islam.
  9. The holy book of Islam.
  10. The most important holiday of Islam.
  11. The most important prophet of Islam.
  12. The holiest city of Islam.
  13. The most important duties of Muslims.
  14. The place where Muslims worship.
  15. A Muslim prayer leader.
  16. The pilgrimage that Muslims make to the holy city of Mecca.
  17. The two main branches of Islam.


Chapter 16 Review

Complete the chapter review activities on pages 236 to 237. Write out all answers fully!

Vocabulary Review (Write the sentence. Mark it as true or false. If false, change the underlined term to make it true)

1. ______


2. ______


3. ______


4. ______


5. ______


Chapter Quiz (Answer in complete sentences. Include the question in your answer.)

1. ______


______(p. 224)


2. ______


______(p. 231)

3. ______


______(p. 228)

4. ______


______(p. 226)

5. ______


______(p. 225)

The Star of David

and the Menorah

The Torah

Moses Receiving the

10 Commandments


Textbook Questions

Islam (p 223-224)


Islam started around ______. According to Islamic Faith, God sent an ______to a man named ______, who lived in the city of ______. The man was told that he was God’s messenger, or ______. From that day on, the man preached the word of God he had received and the messages were written in Islam’s holy book called the ______.

Short Answer

1. What was Muhammad’s main message?

2. What are idols?

3. Why did the people of Mecca plot to kill Muhammad?


_____1. Hijra

_____2. Medina

_____3. Mecca

_____4. Allah

_____5. Islam

_____6. Muslim

A. The name for people who follow the religion, which means “one who surrenders.”

B. The Arabic word for God.

C. The first year of the Islamic calendar, which marks Muhammad’s journey from Mecca to Medina.

D. The name of the religion, which means “surrender.”

E. The town to which Muhammad fled when he left Mecca.

F. The holiest city of Islam, which only Muslims may enter.


Map Skills: The Middle East

______1. Which of these countries is an island?

A. Iraq B. Cyprus C. Egypt

______2. Which country does not border the Persian Gulf?

A. Egypt B. Iran C. Kuwait

______3. Which country does not border the Mediterranean Sea?

A. Jordan B. Lebanon C. Israel

______4. Which city is the capital of Oman?

A. Cairo B. Muscat C. Jerusalem

______5. Which city is the capital of Iran?

A. Tehran B. BaghdadC. Damascus

______6. Approximately how many miles is Riyadh from Doha?

A. 125 B. 200 C. 670

______7. Approximately how many miles is Beirut from Baghdad?

A. 350 B. 600 C. 850


Ch. 16 Study Guide

Each Friday, we will have a quiz on the week’s packet. The most important things to know are on this study guide.

  1. Vocabulary
  2. define the terms, use them in sentences, and give examples
  1. Middle East Map
  2. match countries and bodies of water with their locations (a practice powerpoint is on Mr. Nolen’s website)
  1. Textbook Activity: Israel & Judaism
  2. define monotheism, Torah, Exodus, and Passover
  3. describe Moses
  1. Basic Facts about Islam
  2. describe Islam, Muslim, mosque, Five Pillars, prophet