2018 Membership Application Form

Name & AddressPresident: Dave KitchingActing Chairman: Calum Storey

First Name (s) / Title (e.g. Doctor)
Last Name / Gender (M or F)
Address 1 / Place of Birth
Address 2 / Date of Birth
Town / Ethnic Origin
(see over)
Post Code


Home Phone / Mobile Phone
Work Phone / Fax
E mail

Membership of Other Clubs

State any Other Club of which you are a Member / List your first claim Club & second claim Club in order. / Date of resignation from previous Club

Disciplines in which you expect to participate (tick box)

Cross Country /

Fell & Hill

/ Race Walking / Road Running / Track & Field

Membership fee is: Juniors - £20.00, Competing adult - £26.00, Adult not competing (Social member) - £11.00 and includes your £15affiliation fee to England Athletics. (For Family Membership see over) (As of January 2018)

I confirm that I am able to compete under U.K. Athletics Rule. I accept that my personal data will be held on a computer by the club.

“When you become a member of or renew your membership with Blyth Running Club you can also choose to be registered as a member of England Athletics (you will have to register with England Athletics if you ever compete for the club in competition Under UKA Rules). If you tick the box below we will provide England Athletics with your personal data which they will use to enable access to an online portal for you (called myAthletics). England Athletics will contact you to invite you to sign into and update your MyAthletics portal (which, amongst other things, allows you to set and amend your privacy settings). If you have any questions about the continuing privacy of your personal data when it is shared with England Athletics, please contact .

If you do not tick the box below and then decide to compete for the club, we will need to register you with England Athletics and we will inform you at that time.

Registered as a member of England Athletics

I wish to become a member of Blyth Running Club, and hereby agree to abide by the Club Rules & Constitution, a copy of which were issued to me upon completion of this application form, and payment of subscriptions.


Thank you for joining Blyth Running Club.

The Club runs from Blyth Sports Centre every Monday & Wednesday at 7.00pm Prompt. It is best to arrive at 6.45pm to establish your running group for that evening.

We also meet every Sunday, again at the Sports Centre, 9.00am.

Please see over the page

We have free use of male and female lockup changing rooms and showers at all sessions.

Any race entries, kit enquiries, coaching questions etc. will be dealt with Monday & Wednesday evenings, in the BAR.

The price of a club vest is £12.00, whichshould be worn in all competitions where a race permit has been obtained and is run under uk:athletics laws.

Club subscriptions are due on the 1st of January each year; regardless of the date you joined the club.(Cheques made payable to Blyth Running Club). There is a period of grace of 3 months, after which your membership will be deemed to have lapsed. Club race entries and the Grand Prix are open for paid up members only.

To keep you informed, it is best to read the notice board in the sports centre every week, or go on line to You will find information regarding races, training, social events and meetings.

Ethnic Origin / White (UK)
White (European)
White (non-European)
Black (UK)
Black (African))
Black (Caribbean)

This form can be returned by post to the address below;

Ralph Dickinson

8 Sheldon Grove

Northburn Lea



NE23 3LP

The club is run by volunteers – there are no salaried positions. We need more support from parents/adults to ensure that the club continues to cater for our expanding number of athletes.

Are you willing to volunteer in any way to help the club? (training can be arranged) YES/NO

Please circle or give details in what capacity you may be prepared to help:

Accounting / Admin / Buildings / Catering / Coaching / Coach Assistant / Events Support / First Aid / I.T Skills / Legal / Fund Raising / Media / Medical / Newsletter Publication /Officials / School Contacts / Social events /Technical / Tradesmen / Transport

Any other help you could offer:______

Family Membership

  • 2 adults + 2 juniors= £88.00(Saving £4.00)
  • 2 adults + 1 junior = £69.00(Saving £3.00)
  • 2 adults = £50.00(Saving £2.00)
  • 1 adult + 2 juniors = £63.00(Saving £3.00)
  • 1 adult + 3 juniors = £82.00(Saving £4.00)

Conditions: -All members to be from same family, and all members to pay at same time.