NOAA Chapter Blacks In Government

Barbara Tobe Scholarship


History and Fact Sheet


TheNationalOceanicandAtmosphericAdministration(NOAA)supportequalemployment opportunityanddiversityinthe workforce. Itactivelyseeksandrecruitswomenand minoritiesforcurrentandfutureemployment. Tothatend,in1996,theNOAAChapterofBlacksInGovernment(BIG)establishedanAfricanAmericanScholarshipCommittee thatawards$1,000scholarshipseachyeartograduatingseniorsfromlocalareahighschoolswhoplantoattend collegeimmediatelyafterhighschool. The primary purpose of the scholarship was to assist exceptional African American students with college expenses and to introduce them to NOAA and future career possibilities. To date, the Scholarship Committee has awarded over $69,000 to local students.


  • Anycollege student ofa currentNOAAemployeeor NOAA contract employee who graduated high school in 2017 mayapply.


EachapplicantforthescholarshipmustindicateadesiretomajororminorinoneofthefollowingNOAA-related categories:anyofthesciencese.g.biology,physics,chemistry,oceanography,atmosphericsciences,meteorology; mathematics,computerscience,engineering,informationormanagementtechnology;business,management, administration,contracts,law,aviation,geography,medicine,orrelatedfields. Ingeneral,anycollegemajoror minorthatrelatestotheoceansortheatmosphereorany majororminorthatsupportstheNOAAadministrativeor managerialinfrastructure.


In addition to the above, eachstudentthatappliesfortheNOAABIGBarbara Tobe Scholarship mustmeetthefollowingcriteria:

  • Scholastic Achievement- must have a cumulative 3.0 or better grade point average.
  • School Activities- must have participated in and excelled in an authorized school activity, e.g. band, football, cheerleading, 4H Club, computer club, science fair, etc. Excellence in a school activity is evidenced through awards received, recognition from peers, teachers, administrators, or sponsors.
  • Leadership- must have demonstrated exceptional leadership abilities through personal achievements or from holding an office in an authorized school activity.
  • CommunityOutreach- must have demonstrated a keen or abiding interest in the community from participation in community related activities e.g. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, YMCA, YMCA, church choir, homeless shelters, food drives, Humane Society, etc.
  • Special Talents/Award- identify any special talents e.g. musical, voice, dance, chess, pageant winner, science/math fair, etc.
  • Moral Character- must exemplify the highest standards in good moral character.


ForStudentsofCurrentNOAAEmployees or contract employees:

  • NOAAemployeeswillbeadvisedofthescholarshipapplicationperiodthroughpublicposters,flyersor throughelectronicmeansincludingtheNOAABIGWebsiteat
  • ApplicationsmaybedownloadedfromtheNOAABIGWebsiteat
  • Students ofNOAAemployeesor contract employees areeligible. Studentincludesson,daughter,grandchild,niece,nephew,foster, orcustodialchild. NOAAemployeesand contract employees mustbecurrentlyemployed with NOAA.
  • Thestudentmust meettheacademic,community,andpersonalcriteriadescribedintheabove section “Whatis the SpecificCriteria?”inordertobeeligible. Allinformationprovidedonthescholarshipapplicationissubject toverification.
  • Theapplicationmustbesubmittedbytheindicateddeadline (October 12, 2017).


  • Send applications,forms,andanyotheritemsrequestedby email to Salim Abddeen at or faxAttn: to Salim Abddeen at 301-713-0983by3:00 P.M. October 12, 2017.
  • If moreinformationis needed,pleasecallSalim Abddeen at 301-628-0956, email , or visit


  • Thewinningstudentswillbenotifiedbyphoneandbyemailusuallyaboutoneweekaftertheapplication deadline, whichis October 12, 2017.
  • Thestudents will be presented their scholarship at the Barbara Tobe Scholarship Ceremony at theNOAASilverSpringfacility, but the check will be sent to the college or university.


Use and attach additional page(s) if needed

Blacks InGovernment



SilverSpring,Maryland 20910


Student’s Name Age

Address Phone (h)

Phone (c) E-mail Address

City/State Zip

High School Graduation Date

Address Phone

City/State Zip

GradePointAverage ClassRank(ifknown)

Describe high school activities inwhich you participate or excel:

Describe your activities which you believe demonstrate your leadership qualities - e.g. Do you hold or have you held an office in a club? Have you organized a rally for a cause? Are you the chairperson or have you been the chairperson of a committee?

Describeyourcommunityoutreachactivities-e.g.BoyorGirlScouts,YMCA,YWCA,Church Choir, work in homeless shelters, any volunteer work, etc.

Describe your special talents/awards – e.g. musical, voice, dance, chess tournament player, pageant winner/participant etc.

Describe your plans - e.g. What college do you attend? College Major and Minor? What profession do you plan to enter? What do you hope to achieve in life? What can you offer society?


The use of your images or videos is not a requirement for the scholarship, but NOAA BIG asks that you allow us to post you on our website, Facebook, etc…

I consent to any photos or videos taken by NOAA BIG be posted on their website and/or social media platforms. If awarded the scholarship, I will send a video telling NOAA BIG how I am adjusting to college life and my future plans.

I DO NOT consent to any photos or videos taken by NOAA BIG to be posted on their website nor social media platforms.

CERTIFICATION: Idoherebycertifyandaffirmthattheinformationprovidedonthisformistrueand accurateandthatIhavenotknowinglymadefalseormisleadingstatements. Iunderstand thattheinformation providedissubjecttoverification,andthatIcanbedisqualifiedforprovidingfalseormisleadinginformation. IfurtherassertandaffirmthatIexercisegoodandethicalconductinallthatIdoandthatIlivebythehighestmoral standards.

Student Signature: Date

If this form is submitted by a NOAA employee, pleaseprintyourname, phone number, and your

relationship tothe student.


Fax Forms to: Salim Abddeen, Scholarship Chair, NOAA BIG at 301-713-0983

(Remember -fax both sides of application form and send the student’s final high school report card or high school transcript for GPA verification) or Email forms to: . For more information, please call Salim C. Abddeen at 301-628-0956 or visit our website at

NOAA BIG Form 10 (06/2017)