Honors Humanities
Class Schedule: 2/8-2/12
· Map Quiz: The Europe map quiz is Thursday, 2/11.
· Note: The Day of Empire assignment over chapter 2 on Rome is due Tuesday, 2/23. We will have a quiz and grade your notes just like last time. If you want to go ahead and get your notes should be organized in the same way as the previous chapter.
· This a big unit with lots of vocab, so make sure you’re embedding the vocab in your notes and studying regularly as the unit goes on!
Monday 2/8
· Topic for Discussion: Golden Age of Athens
Reading for Monday:
· Read the Allegory of the Cave posted on the blog and answer the questions. You may have trouble with some of the questions, just know that we’ll have time to discuss them in class.
· Review the reading about Athens from Friday in preparation for class.
Tuesday 2/9
· Topic for Discussion: Alexander’s conquest an the collapse of the Persian Empire
Reading for Tuesday:
· Read Ch. 5.4, pages 142-145.
o How did the Greeks react to the growing threat posed by Philip of Macedon and what was the outcome?
o Take notes tracing the conquest of Alexander’s empire. Be sure to check your vocabulary as you take notes.
o What happened to Alexander’s empire after his death?
Wednesday 2/10
· Take SPICE notes over the Hellenistic civilization. Note almost everything will relate to the cultural themes. Make sure you relate your notes to the specific sub-themes.
Thursday 2/11
· Map Quiz: The Europe map quiz is Thursday, 2/11.
Friday 2/12
· Topic for Discussion: Alexander’s conquest an the collapse of the Persian Empire
· Reading—Ch. 6.1, pages 155-159.
o The social theme is addressed a little in this reading—what can you learn about the social and economic classes of Rome? Think as you read because you will have to separate social from political in this reading
o The political theme is heavily represented here:
§ Political structures and forms of government—take notes about the government of the Roman Republic and about the laws of early Rome
o You should also note the innovations the Romans made in organizing their army
o What new labor system (that is an economic theme) was introduced in Rome after the end of the Punic Wars?
· You also need to read the Roman mythological origins handout answer the included questions.