St Augustine Primary School
2015 Key Goals and Performance
- Staff have enhanced skill set in the explicit teaching of ‘writing’ Kindergarten to Year Six
- Staff understand how technology assists teaching and learning
- National Quality Standard improvement tool (QIP) assists in enhancing teaching and learning in years Kindergarten to Year Two
- Staff are using new knowledge to enhance teaching and learning practices
- Staff frequently share new knowledge and support each to use technology in teaching and learning; study groups are used when necessary
- Kindergarten to year Two staff formally revisit QIP every term, reflect, adjust and re-plan to meet desired outcomes
- Parents understand how technology assists teaching and learning
- You Can Do It social and emotional well-being program is making a difference in students’ lives
- Parents attend a series of workshops and information evenings, supporting the implementation of the 2016 Year 3-5 1:1 Chromebook program
- You Can Do It program is embedded in teaching and learning; students revisited initial survey indicating growth in the areas of organisation, persistence, resilience, confidence
- School infrastructure supports the implementation of the 2016 1:1 Chromebook program
- Instructional Rounds process is key to building capacity
- Whole School Improvement key structure in whole school growth
- School infrastructure (server, Wi-Fi, internet speed) upgraded to support up to 200 devices being used at once
- All teaching staff are involved in Instructional Rounds….
- Action Learning process and teams have ensured all stakeholders are involved in whole school improvement and practices; most professional learning now takes place within the school
- Evangelisation is fundamental to all processes and decisions
- Evangelisation document is a familiar document and appropriately referred to
2016 Key Goals
- Technology is embedded in appropriate place and proportion in learning and assessment
- Instructional Rounds provides vehicle for depth of knowledge and understanding of learning intentions and success criteria
- Learning intentions and criteria are clearly articulated by teaching staff and students
- Relationships in the community are constructive and built on honesty and respect
- Parents and the broader community are regular participants in community developments/planning, activities and events
- Renew and redevelop play areas to enhance natural play, games and sports play
- Increase learning area resources in variety and number (reading materials)
- Renovate classrooms including furniture and flooring
- Scripture is integral in prayer and liturgy’
- Evangelising activities provide opportunity to witness catholic mission and service
St Augustine Primary School receives its funding from three sources:
- Australian Government
- Stage Government
- School Fees
Each year the School Board works closely with Catholic Education to ensure budgets are met to set guidelines.
2015 School Budget
2015 Budget figures
Income / $2 529 967Expenditure / $2 409 664
Capital Income / $ 83 657
Capital Expenditure / $1 111 620
2015 Result / $ 120 303
2015 Tuition Fees
Kindergarten / $826 per childPre-Primary to Year 6 / $1286 per child
Parents & Friends’ Association
Mathematics (family resource) / $260 per family
$55 per family
$15 per family
Other charges
Insurance (kindergarten – year 6) / $15 per child
EduDance (pre-primary – year 6) / $32 per child
Swimming lessons (years 1- 6 / $110 per child
Sacrament fee (years 3, 4 & 6) / $45 per child
Diary (years 1 - 6) / $7 per child
Camp (year 6) / $300 per child
IT Infrastructure
Currently the School Board is working with the community to improve classroom aesthetics and furniture and play areas.
Whole School Improvement
The St Augustine Primary School community seeks feedback and looks for opportunities for improvement. The Action Learning model values the opinion of all community members and engages all staff in the decision making process, often seeking the opinion of students and parents in the formation of new ideas and processes. Action Learning processes ensure we are accountable to our core values, set clear goals and are reflective in our evaluations and actions.
Professional Growth
The staff at St Augustine Primary School are engaged in continuous improvement practices. The Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership provides the basis for our improvement practices. Teaching staff at St Augustine are involved in Instructional Rounds which is a process that intends to help leaders and teachers develop a shared understanding of what high-quality instruction looks like and what the school needs to do to support it.Instructional Rounds provides the teaching staff opportunities to develop specifically identified teaching skills and practices to improve individual and group areas of focus. In 2015, the focus was the explicit teaching of English ‘writing’ skills.
There are obvious benefits to being bilingual — like the ability to communicate with people from all around the world.Children at St Augustine are immersed in Italian and Mandarin language and culture lessons. The programs include Language Week activities and assemblies to show case the students’ learning. The teachers use a multi-mode approach in their lessons and use technology to support teaching and learning activities. All cultural activities are extremely well supported and attended by families, including extended family and friends visiting, story-telling and show casing aspects of their heritage. Annual cultural survey data recognises the strength of this learning area.
The Arts
The Arts have evolved into an area of strength for the students at St Augustine Primary School.
The School music program is enriched by the quality of the staff and the school’s substantial resources. All lessons are supported by a variety of instruments and engaging hands-on activities.
The school choir and band enter enter the the Catholic Schools’ Performing Arts Festival and receive outstanding critiques. There are a number of students who enter as solo performers achieving high accolades and winning sections of the competitions. The school band performs at all assemblies and students often play the keyboard for liturgical celebrations.
Students receive a dedicated ‘visual arts’ lesson every fortnight. All students have developed excellent skills in drawing, painting, mosaics and collage.
EduDance is conducted for one term at St Augustine Primary School, culminating in a concert /performance for the community. Each student participates in their year group to learn dance skills and build resilience. In 2015, the concert coincided with the end of year Christmas celebrations. Parents, grandparents, extended family members and friends join in this event, often resulting in more than 300 people supporting the students. Feedback from parents and students indicates that this annual event is purposeful, fun and a hallmark of the diversity of learning opportunities offered to all students.
St Augustine Primary School holds ‘double platinum’ status with the majority of students walking, riding or scooting to school. The TravelSmart team comprises of year six students and are assisted by a parent to organise events in conjunction with the local TravelSmart authority and designated events. This year the 2015 TravelSmart team was recognised by the Belmont City Council for its successful initiatives.
Student Voice
Chess Club
The Chess club is open to all students in years 1 to 6, before school once a week. Supervised by staff, the students guide and teach other and organise mini tournaments within the group. This year group elected 4 students to compete with local catholic schools in the annual tournament. This team performed outstandingly, to win the event.
Students in years 5 and 6 sat the AGAT assessment provided by Australian Council of Education Research. 15 students were identified to participate in weekly sessions to challenge and extend their problem solving skills. In 2016 the cohort will include the year 4 students and compete in a tournament at the end of the year organised by Curtin university.
School Board
The School Board has worked collaboratively to support staff driven initiatives. The Board established a subcommittee of parents, staff and students to assist in the implementation of the 1:1 Chromebook program in 2016; supported the purchase of the WiFi upgrade; supported the purchase of resources of the You Can Do It social and emotional program and approved a substantial amount of money for the improvement of reading resources.
Parents and Friends’ Association
The Parents & Friends’ group is an active fundraising and social group. This year’s events included a very successful lap-a-thon. The Parents & Friends’ donated a substantial amount of money that assisted the School Board purchase SmartTVs for each classroom and upgrade the School’s WiFi system.