Student Copy
- Why do you want to get a college education?
- Why do you think your parents want you to attend college?
- What is your current GPA?
- In the list that follows indicate the most important four factors (with a 1, 2, 3, 4) and the least important four factors (with 20, 19, 18, 17) which you would consider when choosing a college:
______Atmosphere: faculty/student ratio, architecture, landscape
______Offers major that you are interested in pursuing
______Quality of faculty
______Fulfilled admission requirements: courses, grades, and test scores
______Quality of the facilities (labs, library, etc)
______Cost of attending and the availability of financial aid
______Geographical location/distance from home
______Living accommodations you are looking for
______Single sex or coed campus
______Religious opportunities on or near campus
______Opportunity to change majors or transfer
______A wide variety of courses
______Size of the college (student population #)
______Employment potential on or near campus
______Extra-curricular activities (arts, clubs, sports, and etc)
______Special program opportunities (study abroad, student designed majors)
______Level of academic competition
______A prestigious college/university
______Parent approval of college
- Have you discussed with your parents how much they will be able to afford for your college education?
- What is the maximum amount of money your parents are prepared to spend each year for your college education? ______
- What do you feel your parents expect of you in return for their financial support of your education?
- Do you think you would be eligible for financial aid?
- Would you be willing to spend time researching possible sources of financial aid?
- Are you willing to put any savings you may have or work in the summer to contribute financially toward your college education?
- In what field or subject do you plan to major?
- Do you thoroughly understand the entrance requirements for the colleges to which you plan to apply?
- In a total of 100% what percent of the decision as to which college to apply should be made by the parents? ______% by student? ______%
- Do you think it is desirable for you to have a part-time job while attending college?
- Please put the following in the order of importance in deciding upon a college to attend (number 1-4, #1 being most important):
______Facilities (architecture, landscape)
______Students (friendliness, interests)
______Faculty (availability, advanced degrees)
______Services (library, counseling)
- If you “flunked out” of college, what do you think would be the reason?
- What do you think your parents’ reactions would be should this occur?
- Please circle one (or more) item(s) on each line below to indicate what would be relevant to your choice of college.
- Cost per year (cost of attendance: includes tuition/room & board, etc)
$2000 $5000 $15,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000+
- Region
CAWest Mountain CentralEast Other:
- Competitive Environment
Highly Competitive Competitive Moderate Below Moderate Relaxed
- Climate/Location
Doesn’t matter Ocean Mts Cold Warm Rainy Dry Urban Rural
- Social Life
Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant
- Extra-Curricular
Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant
- Religious Opportunities
Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant
- Prestige of college
Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant
- Major/Field of Study
Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant
- Housing
Home Dorm Fraternity/Sorority Off campus Other
- Enrollment
1000+ 5000+ 10,000+ 15,000+ 20,000+
- What is the possibility that you would transfer to a different college after the first year?
- Name 3-4 colleges in order of preference to which you would apply
- Note the percent chance you think your student has of being admitted.
- Note your estimate of the yearly cost to attend the college.
1. ______%$______
2. ______%$______
20. Are there other acceptable alternatives for youafter high school besides going to college? If so, what?
Other notes:
College Planning Quiz – Student rev. 5/11