Student Copy

  1. Why do you want to get a college education?
  2. Why do you think your parents want you to attend college?
  3. What is your current GPA?
  4. In the list that follows indicate the most important four factors (with a 1, 2, 3, 4) and the least important four factors (with 20, 19, 18, 17) which you would consider when choosing a college:

______Atmosphere: faculty/student ratio, architecture, landscape

______Offers major that you are interested in pursuing

______Quality of faculty

______Fulfilled admission requirements: courses, grades, and test scores

______Quality of the facilities (labs, library, etc)

______Cost of attending and the availability of financial aid

______Geographical location/distance from home

______Living accommodations you are looking for

______Single sex or coed campus

______Religious opportunities on or near campus

______Opportunity to change majors or transfer

______A wide variety of courses


______Size of the college (student population #)

______Employment potential on or near campus

______Extra-curricular activities (arts, clubs, sports, and etc)

______Special program opportunities (study abroad, student designed majors)

______Level of academic competition

______A prestigious college/university

______Parent approval of college

  1. Have you discussed with your parents how much they will be able to afford for your college education?
  2. What is the maximum amount of money your parents are prepared to spend each year for your college education? ______
  3. What do you feel your parents expect of you in return for their financial support of your education?
  4. Do you think you would be eligible for financial aid?
  5. Would you be willing to spend time researching possible sources of financial aid?
  6. Are you willing to put any savings you may have or work in the summer to contribute financially toward your college education?
  7. In what field or subject do you plan to major?
  8. Do you thoroughly understand the entrance requirements for the colleges to which you plan to apply?
  9. In a total of 100% what percent of the decision as to which college to apply should be made by the parents? ______% by student? ______%
  10. Do you think it is desirable for you to have a part-time job while attending college?
  11. Please put the following in the order of importance in deciding upon a college to attend (number 1-4, #1 being most important):

______Facilities (architecture, landscape)

______Students (friendliness, interests)

______Faculty (availability, advanced degrees)

______Services (library, counseling)

  1. If you “flunked out” of college, what do you think would be the reason?
  • What do you think your parents’ reactions would be should this occur?
  1. Please circle one (or more) item(s) on each line below to indicate what would be relevant to your choice of college.
  • Cost per year (cost of attendance: includes tuition/room & board, etc)

$2000 $5000 $15,000 $25,000 $30,000 $40,000 $50,000+

  • Region

CAWest Mountain CentralEast Other:

  • Competitive Environment

Highly Competitive Competitive Moderate Below Moderate Relaxed

  • Climate/Location

Doesn’t matter Ocean Mts Cold Warm Rainy Dry Urban Rural

  • Social Life

Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant

  • Extra-Curricular

Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant

  • Religious Opportunities

Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant

  • Prestige of college

Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant

  • Major/Field of Study

Very Important Important Moderate Little Importance Unimportant

  • Housing

Home Dorm Fraternity/Sorority Off campus Other

  • Enrollment

1000+ 5000+ 10,000+ 15,000+ 20,000+

  1. What is the possibility that you would transfer to a different college after the first year?
  2. Name 3-4 colleges in order of preference to which you would apply
  • Note the percent chance you think your student has of being admitted.
  • Note your estimate of the yearly cost to attend the college.

1. ______%$______

2. ______%$______



20. Are there other acceptable alternatives for youafter high school besides going to college? If so, what?

Other notes:







College Planning Quiz – Student rev. 5/11