
Senator Albert DeGarmo


Senator Allie Benson

Senator Pro Tempore Sarah Wood

Senator Gabe Garcia

Senator Tiffany Roemer

Senator Luke Grieder

Senator Holly McKendry

Senator Luke Cagle

Senator Sebastian Raisanen

Senator Edward Lamar

Senator Shevawn Wofford

Senator Garrett Johnson

Senator Tyler Crump

Senator Kyle Nathan

Date of First Reading:February 14, 2011

S.R.S 2010-2011/5

“Disciplinary Review Team Conflict of Interest”

WHEREAS:The Associated Student Government of Texas State University – San Marcos believes that justice should be fairly administered in all issues across campus; and

WHEREAS:student organizations, including Greek chapters, can be investigated by the Disciplinary Review Team (DRT) for allegations of major violations of university policies and procedures; and

WHEREAS:according to Student Affairs Policy and Procedures Number 05.04 (SA/PPS No. 05.04) section 03.11, the DRT can place sanctions on student organizations including probation, restriction from university facilities and activities, withdrawal of financial support, suspension, special projects and expulsion; and

WHEREAS:SA/PPS No. 05.04 Section 03.02 states that the Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center/CASO shall chair the DRT along with two other student affairs staff members appointed annually by the Dean of Students; and

WHEREAS:on February 28, 2011 the position of Coordinator of Greek Life will become vacant; and

WHEREAS:The current Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center/CASO will become the interim advisor for various different organizations on campus; and

WHEREAS:This would create a substantial conflict of interest with the chair of the committee directly advising organizations that could be brought up to DRT; and

WHEREAS:SA/PPS No. 05.04 Section 03.03 states that if there is a conflict of interest, the Dean of Students can replace members of the DRT as needed; therefore

BE IT RESOLVED:that we the Associated Student Government recommend that this conflict of interest be reviewed; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:That if the Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center be the interim advisor for an organization that is under investigation by the DRT, that he/she appoint another member of the trained DRT team to serve as chair for the investigation and remove themselves from that hearing to ensure an unbiased and fair investigation; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED:That this piece of legislation be forwarded to Representatives and Executive members of the Interfraternity Council, Interfraternity Council President Todd Braden, Associate Director of the LBJ Student Center Michelle Lopez, Current Members of the Disciplinary Review Team, Director of the LBJ Student Center Andy Rhoades, ASG Advisor Kathy Weiser, Dean of Students Dr. Margarita Arellano, Vice President of Student Affairs Dr. Joanne Smith and President Dr. Denise Trauth upon passage.