Hardin-Jefferson ISD Student Technology Applications Checklist Sixth Grade Page 1

1. See the following websites for grade-level lessons and templates.

a.  http://www.midwayisd.org/99610121210329760/site/default.asp

b.  http://www.pasadenaisd.org/sailon/grade6.htm

c.  http://www.pasadenaisd.org/sailon/tech_apps6-8.htm

d.  http://edcommunity.apple.com/ali/index.php

2.  Join the Technology Applications Teacher Network and have access to best practices technology lessons from across the state. http://www.techappsnetwork.org/

Be sure to check the Second Grade and Fifth Grade STACKs to see what was to have been mastered by the end of second grade and the end of fifth grade. Re-teach if necessary.

FOUNDATIONS – Introduce and reinforce fundamental skills and use the correct terminology and behavior throughout the year
Identify basic computer hardware and peripheral devices and use technology terminology appropriate to the task. / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Teacher will introduce Sixth Grade Technology Applications Terminology. / 1E,1H / I
Review Kindergarten through Fifth Grade Technology Application Terminology / 1E / R, M
Select an appropriate software application and research and present a comparison and contrast of LANs, WANs, Internet, and intranet. / 1C, 1I / I, R
Select an appropriate software application and research and present a comparison and contrast of various input, processing, output and primary/secondary storage devices / 1B, 1C / I, R
Demonstrate appropriate care and use of mouse, keyboard, monitor, system box, printer, CD/DVD-ROM, flash drive, digital camera, scanner, microphone, laptop, digital movie camera, joy stick, track pad, track point. / 1E, 2A / I, R, M
Demonstrate Computer Management Skills.
Organize saved files in folders in home directory. / 1A, 1B / M
Save and organize files in correct location on computer. / 1A, 1F / M
Choose correct printer. / 1B / M
Understand compatibility issues and choose appropriate file formats to share files successfully, e.g. .txt, .csv, .pdf, .avi, .wmv, .mov, .docx, .mp3, .mp4 … / 1D, 1A / I, R
Scan secondary storage devices for viruses before opening stored files on a district computer. / 1A, 1B / I
Use photo editing software to edit and save digital images in a format that conserves memory and retains image quality. / 2D / I
Ethical/Legal Issues/Society
Understand that there are a set of rules called the Acceptable Use Policy and that students will lose computer privileges for violating the policy. / 3B / M
Read, discuss, and sign the HJISD Acceptable Use Policy or Sixth Grade AUP. / 3B / M
Show respect for hardware, software, and the work of other users / 3B / M
Design a rubric or checklist that evaluates digital projects for compliance with Copyright Law and Fair Use Guidelines. Turn in the rubric/check list with each project. / 3A, 9A, 12B, 12D / I
Correctly cite sources on every digital project. http://www.noodletools.com/index.php / 3A / I, R
Discuss Copyright Law and Fair Use Guidelines and describe consequences of copyright violations. http://school.discoveryeducation.com/schrockguide/referenc.html / 3A, 3C / I
Discuss and apply strategies to avoid plagiarism. http://school.discovery.com/schrockguide/referenc.html#copyright Scroll down to the plagiarism section. / 3A, / I
Identify and discuss the impact of technology applications on society through research, interviews, and personal observation / 3D / I, R
Understand and discuss relevancy of technology in future careers, life-long learning and daily living for individuals of all ages. / 3E / I, R
Use correct posture at all times. / 2B / M
Place hands correctly on keyboard. / 2B / M
Use rhythmic keystroke patterns while practicing to increase speed. / 2B / M
Use digital keyboarding standards such as one space after punctuation, em/en dashes and smart quotation marks. / 2C / I
Be able to keyboard at least 24 words per minute with 90% accuracy. Document with at least two keyboarding tests – one each semester. / 2B / R, M
INFORMATION ACQUISITION – Students practice safe use of the Web and successfully use it to evaluate and acquire information. Students will complete a minimum of two projects a year. http://www.netsmartz.org/netteens.htm http://cybersmartcurriculum.org http://www.ctap4.net/projects/cybersafety.html
Internet Safety / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Students play appropriate games and complete activities on the Netsmartz, Cybersmart, and/or ctap4 sites. / 3B, 7H / R, M
Evaluating and Acquiring Information
Conduct narrowed searches using Boolean Logic
Boolean Operators / 4A, 4B / I, R
Develop a specific template or use the Web Research Form as a tool to gather and document links, resources and citation data. / 6C, 9A / I, R
While researching, identify and make use of various file types such as text, bitmapped or vector graphics, images, video, and audio files. / 5A, 6B, 5B / I, R
Compare at least three resources found in a narrowed search. Look for conflicts; develop strategies to resolve conflicts. / 6A, 9B / R, M
Determine whether Websites provide useful and valid information. Web Evaluation Checklist / 6A / R, M
Use the Internet as an online help source as needed to solve specific problems. / 5C / R, M
Project Description: / 7J, 8E
Project Description: / 7J, 8E
SOLVING PROBLEMS & COMMUNICATION -- Word Processing/Writing/Desktop Publishing: Students will complete a minimum of three projects during the year. One project will use technical writing strategies to create a product such as a technical instruction guide.
Managing, Formatting, and Editing Documents / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Plan/outline documents using Inspiration. / 7A / R, M
Edit Documents. Track changes and assess use of fonts, styles, and sizes, page design and graphics use. / 7A, 10D, 12B / R,M
Set left and right tabs / 7A / M
Set center, decimal and bar tabs / 7A / M
Insert headers and footers. / 7A / M
Insert hyperlinks / 7A, 10A / I, R
Wrap text around graphics. / 7E / I, R
Create columns in a word processing program. / 7E / I, R
Format columns in a word processing program. / 7E / I, R
Create and format tables in a word processing program. / 7G / I, R
Insert, delete, move, and copy rows and columns. / 7G / I, R
Split a table. / 7G / I, R
Set cell alignment. / 7G / I, R
Integrate two or more productivity tools into a document, e.g., tables, charts and graphs, graphics from paint or draw programs or complete a mail merge. / 7G / I, R

Project Description: (Technical Writing Strategies) / 7J, 8E, 7I, 10A, 10D, 11A, 12D
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 7I, 10A, 10D, 11A, 12D
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 7I, 10A, 10D, 11A, 12D
SOLVING PROBLEMS & COMMUNICATION – Spreadsheet: Each student will complete a minimum of three projects during the year that record and graph data in a spreadsheet. Projects will utilize a variety of spreadsheet layouts, descriptive labels and page settings based on project purpose.
Enter/Edit/Format Data / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Cut, copy, paste data / 7B / M
Move Data / 7B / M
Use AutoFill / 7B / M
Choose appropriate layouts and data labels for effective communication. / 10C / I, R
Format numbers. / 7B / I, R
Format dates. / 7B / I, R
Wrap text in a cell. / 7B / I, R
Change alignment in a cell. / 7B / I, R
Change the orientation of data in cells. / 7B / I, R
Center text across cells. / 7B / I, R
Work with multiple worksheets. / 7B / I, R
Shade cells. / 7B / I, R
Insert Hyperlinks. / 7B / I, R
Insert headers and footers. / 7B, 10C / I, R
Print spreadsheet using page setup to set sheet design and orientation. / 7B, 10C / I, R
Performing Calculations
Use Average and Sum functions / 7B / M
Create simple and complex formulas / 7B / I, R
Charting Data
Select the type of chart that best communicates the data. / 10E / I, R
Create labels and legends that successfully clarify the purpose of the chart. / 10E / I, R
Explode a wedge in a pie chart. / 10E / I, R
Insert chart into a Word document or a multimedia presentation. / 7G / I, R
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 10A, 10C, 10D
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 10A, 10C, 10D
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 10A, 10C, 10D
SOLVING PROBLEMS & COMMUNICATION – Multimedia: Each student will complete a minimum of two projects individually or collaboratively.
MS PowerPoint or Keynote / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Format text by using bullets and numbering / 7D, 10D / I, R
Insert hyperlinks. / 7D / I, R
Insert video. / 7D, 11B / I, R
Save presentation and video in same folder. / 7D / I, R
Insert audio or voice recording. / 7D, 11B / I, R
Use different printing options. / 11A / I, R
Format text boxes, e. g. colors, lines, transparency. / 7D, 10D / I, R
Utilize action buttons to create at a nonlinear presentation. / 7D / I, R
Create a rubric or checklist to track progress of assigned project. / 9A / I, R
Working with Graphics
Save slides as .jpg files and insert into presentation program / 7G, 11B / I, R
Create a graphic in paint program and insert into presentation. / 7F, 11B / I, R
Using a vector program to create graphics for PowerPoint presentation or Keynote. / 7F, 11B / I, R
Plan, storyboard, and gather images for story, keeping audience in mind. / 7D, 11B / R, M
Complete project based on storyboard. / 12 D / R, M
Save as a movie. / 7D / R, M
Create a rubric or checklist to track progress of assigned project. / 9A / I, R

Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 10, 10D, 11A, 11B, 12D
Project Description: / 7J, 8E, 10, 10D, 11A, 11B, 12D
SOLVING PROBLEMS & COMMUNICATION – Virtual Field Trips/Electronic Collaboration: Class will utilize the portable video conferencing equipment to collaborate with a class on another campus or district OR utilize the video conferencing equipment to take a virtual field trip. See http://www.cilc.org and http://connect2texas.org to find collaborations and field trips.
Virtual Field Trip / TA TEKS / C-Scope Integration
Description: / 7H
Collaboration / OR
Description: / 8A, 8C

I – Introduce: Student receives a high level of direction from the teacher. R – Reinforce: Requires less teacher interaction for student to complete task. M – Master: Student can perform task without teacher supervision.