Fourth quarter 2014/15

NATIONAL ADP Core Outcomes / ·  PREVALENCE: Fewer adults and children are drinking or using drugs at levels or patterns that are damaging to themselves or others
·  LOCAL ENVIRONMENT: People live in positive, health promoting local environments where alcohol and drugs are less readily available
High Level Outcome / 1. Reduce prevalence of drug use / 2. Reduce demand for specialist drug services / 3. Reduce time from onset of drug use to seeking support
ADP Delivery Plan 2012-15 KEY CHANGES
·  Curriculum for Excellence (Health & Wellbeing) substance misuse guidance being implemented and delivered across primary and secondary education
·  Increase in parental and family awareness of, and access to effective parenting education and intervention programmes
·  Reduced demand for services and in the average time from the onset of someone’s problematic drugs use to them coming into treatment
Prevalence Targets
NPS social media awareness campaign ( experimental users) to target 30-40% of those engaging with key information and 15-25% directed to further support / A social media ADP pan-Grampian NPS campaign ran from 3rd July until 4th August 2014 with the strap line ‘Not for Human Consumption’. A review of the campaign shows that 76 % (1572 of 2066) received the key message and 21% (424 of 2066) clicked through to the CREW website for further support.
NPS training roll out across all tiers of partnership with minimum of 4 events / Q2 – 2 NPS training events held: 20.08.14 DA Penumbra event; 25.08.14 Crew event (69 in attendance); Q4 16.03.15 Crew event (32 in attendance) (See also DA training below)
To increase the number of people seeking advice and information about drugs (Target 360) / Q1 – 162*; Q2 – 235*; Q3 -176; Q4 not available yet
( * updated figures which have changed from previous report)
To engage with Aberdeen City Voice (citizens panel survey) around NPS / City Voice No 32 was used to get the views of Aberdeen City residents on NPS
To increase number of people seeking advice and information about NPS (Target 60) / Q1 – 24; Q2 – 30; Q3 – 24; Q4 not available yet
To increase queries from people aged under 25 years (Target 32 (male) 8 (female) / Q1 - 13 (m) 3 (f); Q2 – 27 (m) 3 (f); Q3 – 16 (m) 6 (f); Q4 not available yet
To maintain numbers of needles distributed (2013/14 – 397,025 issued) / Q1 – 97,430; Q2 – 111,112; Q3 – 120,130* Q4 – 111.008 (Total 439,680)
* Data revised from last report
To maintain number of attendances at needle exchange (2013/14 – 13,531 attended) / Q1 – 3,849; Q2 – 4,114; Q3 – 4,273 Q4 – 3,929 (Total 16,165)
To maintain average unique clients attending needle exchange (2013/14 – 805 average) / Q1 – 800; Q2 – 828; Q3 – 775* Q4 – 726 (average - 782 )
* Data revised since last report
To maintain number of patients starting treatment with the Integrated Drug Service (2013/14 – 646 started treatment) / Q1 – 138; Q2 – 142; Q3 – 144; Q4 not available yet
(running total 424)
Local Environment Target
To have a return rate of at least 60% of needles to the commissioned needle exchange provider / Q1 – 68% ; Q2 – 46% ; Q3 – 71% Q 4 – 62% (Average 62%)


Quarter / Organisation / Date / Participants / Location / Subject / Staff member
4 / Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 13th Jan 15 / 30 / Grammar School
Aberdeen S6 / Overdose / Gillian
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 20th Jan 15 / 40 / Grammar School
Aberdeen S6 / Overdose / Gillian
RCH SAMH clinical and care staff / 20th Jan 15 / 7 / Rosebank Cottage / NPS / Kenny
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 27th Jan 15 / 40 / Grammar School
Aberdeen S6 / Overdose / Gillian
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 28th Jan 15 / 120 / Cults Academy
Aberdeen S5 / NPS / Gillian
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 2nd Feb 15 / 100 / Old Machar Academy S2
Aberdeen / NPS / Gillian
Pathways Aberdeen
Care staff / 2nd Feb 15 / 8 / Pathways Manor Ave. / NPS / Kenny
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 9th Feb / 6 / Cordyce School S2-S4
Aberdeen / Drugs and Effects / Gillian
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 10th Feb 15 / 6 / Dyce Academy
Support for Learning Pupils / Drugs and Effects / Gillian
RCH Student Nurses / 16th Feb 15 / 22 / RCH Seminar room A / NPS / Kenny
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 23rd Feb 15 / 5 / Cordyce School S2-S4
Aberdeen / NPS / Gillian
Aberdeen City Council
School pupils / 24th Feb 15 / 30 / Grammar School
Aberdeen S6 / Overdose / Gillian
NATIONAL ADP Core Outcomes / ·  HEALTH: People are healthier and experience fewer risks as a result of alcohol and drug use
·  RECOVERY: Individuals are improving their health, well-being and life chances by recovering from problematic drug and alcohol use
·  SERVICES: Alcohol and drugs prevention, treatment and support services are high quality, continually improving, efficient, evidence-based and responsive, ensuring people move through treatment into sustained recovery
High Level Outcome / 1. More drug users assisted to stabilise chaotic drug use / 2. More drug users assisted to move on from drug use and develop skills to avoid relapse / 3. More drug users assisted to move out of treatment and rehabilitation to sustained community based recovery
ADP Delivery Plan 2012-15 KEY CHANGES
·  Improvement in the number of people moving out of treatment and into long term sustained recovery
·  Recovery communities are visible and working together to create a strong positive active identity within Aberdeen City
Health Target
To issue 480 naloxone kits / Q1 – 85; Q2 – 74; Q3 – 130 Q4 – 108 (Total 397)
Recovery Targets
Number of people engaged with Aberdeen Recovery Community (ARC) service (Target 400) / Q1 – 236; Q2 – 212; Q3 - 227 ; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients engaged in accredited learning, such as City & Guilds (Target 150) / Q 3 – 2; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients receiving City & Guilds awards (Target 100) / Q3 – 2; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients receiving City & Guilds certificates (Target 50) / Q3 – 2; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients supported into part / full time education (Target 60) / Q1/Q2 – 3; Q3 – 3; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients supported into employment (Target 100) / Q1/Q2 – 23; Q3 – 28; Q4 not available yet
Number of ARC clients supported into employment who remain employed for greater than 13 weeks (Target100) / Q1/Q2 – 0; Q3 – 0; Q4 not available yet
Services Target
To maintain national standards for treatment / Q1 – 98%; Q2 – 97%; Q3 – 93%; Q4 not available yet


Scottish Ambulance Service – Naloxone administration / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Number of incidents in Aberdeen City / 15 / 11 / 11 / 13 / 17 / 24 / 20 / 18 / 22 / 29 / 20 / 11
Structured treatment patient numbers / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
1859 / 1817 / 1748 / 1873 / 1838 / 1805 / 1815 / # / # / # / 1968* / 1920

# Figures not available

*These are the estimated number of patients who have received a prescription for methadone or buprenorphine in the last quarter however it comes with the caviat that there will be a small element of duplication. This will have occurred if a patient has changedsurgery, been moved from the specialist service to a GP orhas beenprescribed more than one item(e.g. has switched from methadone to buprenorphine or the other way or has been initiated on naltrexone at the end of treatment) during the month. There has been recent issues regarding getting the ‘snapshots’ of these figures on a quarterly basis because of staffing issues within the Primary Care Contracts Team. Normal service is due to resume at the end of the financial year and figures will thereafter be gathered 6 monthly.

NATIONAL ADP Core Outcomes / ·  FAMILIES: Children and family members of people misusing alcohol and drugs are safe, well-supported and have improved life-chances
·  COMMUNITY SAFETY: Communities and individuals are safe from alcohol and drug related offending and anti-social behaviour
High Level Outcome / 1. More young people and families at risk are supported to stay together / 2. More children and young people at risk as a result of parental drug use are safer / 3. Reduce drug related criminal activity
ADP Delivery Plan 2012-15 KEY CHANGES - See section (Safer) within alcohol
Families target
To supply at least 90% of ‘at risk’ service users with appropriate secure methadone (home) storage / Boxes were only delivered late in the financial year and 2 were issued by end of March
Community Safety target
To implement the ‘Not for human consumption’ NPS prevention project in at least one target geographic area / Police Scotland is currently planning to hold an event, funded through the ADP. This was not held by the end of the financial year (actually held on 11.05.15)


Aberdeen City child protection register figures / 2012/13 / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Total number of children on child protection register / 83 / 87 / 66 / 83 / 93 / 91 / 121 / 108 / 71 / 79 / 97 / 99
Number affected by parental drug use / 23 / 22 / 18 / 27 / 30 / 29 / 36 / 22 / 13 / 17 / 28 / 37
Numbers who started Criminal Justice programmes / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
1. COVAID (Control of Violent and Impulsive Drinking) / 0 / 3 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 1 / 2
2. Community Payback Order – drug related orders / 2 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
3. Drug Treatment and Testing Orders / 2 / 3 / 2 / 2 / 2 / 3 / 2 / 0
4. Community Payback Order – alcohol related orders / 0 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 3 / 0 / 1 / 0
5. Community Payback Order – alcohol & drug order / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
Arrest Referral Figures / 2013/14 / 2014/15
Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4 / Q1 / Q2 / Q3 / Q4
Alcohol / 32 (28 male / 4 female) / 24 (17 male / 7 female) / 8 (all male) / 18 (15 male / 3 female) / 33 (29 male / 4 female) / 27 (19 male / 8 female) / 12 (11 male / 1 female) / 18 (14 male / 4 female)
Drugs / 3 (2 male / 1 female) / 4 (3 male / 1 female) / 9 (7 male / 2 female) / 7 (all male) / 2 (all male) / 5 (4 male / 1 female) / 11 (all male) / 10 (7 male / 3 female)
Alcohol and Drugs / 25 (all male) / 19 (17 male / 2 female) / 3 (all male) / 15 (13 male / 2 female) / 25 (24 male / 1 female) / 23 (19 male / 4 female) / 13 (11 male / 2 female) / 6 (5 male / 1 female)
Total / 60 / 47 / 20 / 40 / 60 / 55 / 36 / 34