Request for support in Early Help

To be returned to

Date of request / Request received from / Choose an item. /

About you:

Name: / Role: / Choose an item. /
Address: / Agency (if professional):
Telephone Number: / Mobile:
Has consent been given to proceed with this request / Choose an item. /
We may want to contact you to discuss further, what is the preferred method of communication? / Choose an item. /


Name of Parents/Carers / DOB: / Gender / Choose an item. /
DOB: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of child: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of other children: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of other children: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of other children: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of other children: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Name of other children: / DOB/EDD: / Gender / Choose an item. /
Current Address: / Land Line:
Postcode: / Email:
Does the child have a Disability? / Choose an item. If Yes, please state
Is the child a Young Carer? / Choose an item. If Yes, to whom
Is the child aware you have made this request? / Choose an item. / Date:
What is the main area you are requesting support in? Type X in the appropriate boxes
Alcohol misuse - adult / Drug misuse – adult / Parental Conflict
Alcohol misuse - child / Drug misuse – child / Parental illness
Anti-Social Behaviour / Education/Learning/Training / Parenting Support
Attendance Issues / Family bereavement / Potential private fostering
Child behaviour management / Family relationships / Risk taking behaviours
Child routines & boundaries / Financial issues / Self-esteem and confidence
Child illness / Housing issues / Self-harm/Self-Injury
Development delay / Missing from education / Sexual Development
Domestic Abuse / Missing from home / Young Carer
Other, please state:
Brief description of current situation that has led to this request for support
What do you think will make things better for the family?

Do you have safeguarding concerns about this child? If yes do not complete this form

You must contact the Children’s Hub on 01429 284284

or email:

Request for Support April 2018 v3