March 4, 2014 | 3:00-4:30p.m., |
Location: 9C-5
VOTING: Ujala Batool, Claudia Walukouw, Art Torres, Nora Azzawi, Adrian Del Villar
NON-VOTING: Jocelyn Ang
GUESTS: Andreanna Luu, Dielle Danica Kuffel, Alice Terriquez, Ambo Usongo, Breana Jenning, Mauricio Madrigal-Avina, Destina Valladares, Alex Hsu, Jessica Pardio, Esteban Escobedo, Fernando Aguayo, Dunia Valladares, May Ochoa, Elizabeth Bravo, Tanner Naas
The meeting was called to order at 3:00p.m. by Jocelyn Ang
Motion to approve the minutes of 2/25/14: M/S Claudia Walukouw/Art Torres. Vote: 4/0/0. Minutes are approved.
A. Resolution #1 – That the Associated Students approve to support that water bottle attachments be added to drinking fountains. M/S Nora Azzawi/Art Torres, discussion followed.
Amendment: M/S Ujala Batool/Adrian Del Villar to make wording changes proposed by Maryann Tolano-Leveque. Vote: 5/0/0.
Vote: 5/0/0
B. E-Cigarettes – Karina Maureira addressed the issue of ecigarettes being approved as part of the smoking ban policy. Possibly, a survey through IT polling the students, and if they think that the ban of ecigarettes should be made.
C. Student Trustee Goals – Karina Maureira also announced that wants to work on better veteran representation on campus.
D. Nomination and appointment of Senate Chair - M/S to open floor to nominations: Ujala Batool/Adrian Del Villar. Three students were nominated: Adrian Del Villar, Claudia Walukouw and Nora Azzawi. Each gave a two minutes speech. Voting followed. Adrian Del Villar won with the most votes.
E. Nomination and appointment of Elections Committee member – M/S to open floor to nominations: Ujala Batool/Art Torres. No students accepted nominations, Jocelyn Ang nominated herself. Vote for Jocelyn: 5/0/0
Advisor Report – Maryann Tolano-Leveque thanked Jocelyn Ang for nominating herself for elections committee. March in March was a good trip, 28 students attended. David Myers resigned today as Student Services Senator. The Leadership “it” will be given to the next person at next week’s meeting. Also, for any students interested in applying for Senate, take a look at website to see what positions interest you.
AS President – Amayrani Ochoa told everyone to let Daniel Algattas know if anything needs to be fixed in the Student Center. She reminded everyone serving on committees to make sure you are filling out the committee tracking card, and reporting back from the meetings, or you risk being dropped. Volunteers are needed for Seniors Day coming up this Saturday. She has been getting emails from students regarding issues on campus such as parking, microwave, etc. She encourages everyone to check their emails and help respond to students who have concerns. We need more poster boards to publicize events. Congratulations to Adrian Del Villar as the new Senate Chair.
Student Trustee – Karina Maureira congratulated Adrian Del Villar as the new Senate Chair. There is an alumni hockey game at the Ontario Reign stadium coming up. Thanks to all who attended March in March. Regarding the support of City Council member Mary Su, Karina is personally endorsing. Dr. David Hall would like to know if the Associated Students are endorsing her as well, a resolution would need to be written for this.
ICC – Andreanna Luu reported that new clubs are being activated soon. The first ICC meeting is March 10. She encouraged all to attend Puttin’ on the Hits this weekend.
Activities Committee – Dunia Valladares announced that Puttin’ on the Hits is this weekend. Also, A.S. Visibility is this Wednesday and Thursday, volunteers are needed see Claudia. She encourages all to recruit good students for A.S. There is a new faculty orientation coming up, they would like someone from A.S. to come and speak on its behalf. Ujala Batool reported that the elections committee will start meeting next week. At 2:40 this Thursday there will be a flashmob at the 26 building.
X. BOARD COMMUNICATION – Everyone should expect a text from Claudia about times for A.S. Visibility. Claudia shared that the classroom presentations are very helpful in recruiting students. Nora Azzawi told everyone to go to to purchase Puttin’ on the Hits tickets. There is a committee called “Faculty Sustainability Committee” that talks about environmental issues. The next meeting is 3/14. Jocelyn Ang announced that there used to be a “Ask a Mountie” program where A.S. had a booth outside and would be available to ask questions. Jocelyn also reminded everyone to RSVP for the Inspiring Women luncheon on 3/26/14.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:56pm.
Leslie J Hennings, A.S. Secretary
Senate Meeting Minutes
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