BIO Ed 9-Adult Advising Worksheet (Fall 2013)
General Studies for B.A. Degree:
Communications (grade of C or better):Social and Behavioral Sciences:
ENG 101__(Choose 1 from EACH group)
ENG 102__HIST 103, 104, 210, 211__
COM 101__GEO 205, 206__
Fine Arts/Humanities:Wellness/Phys Ed (1 health & 2 PE):
(Choose one from 2 groups below)Choose HE 253 (2h) or HE 250 (3h)__
ART 100, 140, 340, 341, 343__PE 101, 102 (take 2h) __ __
COM 203, 211, THE 100, 300__Restricted Electives- Choose 1 from entire
FA 101__list; choose a second that is not Foreign Lang.
MUS 130, 330, 331__ECON 101, 102, GBUS 140, HIST 103,
Literature (ENG prefix)__HIST 104, POLS 101, 201, PSYC 101,
SOC 150, 201, PHIL (any),
FOR LANG (any)__ __
BA BIO Ed 9-adult4:
Core Courses:
BIO 124/125 (Prin Bio)__/__CHEM 112/113 (Chem II/lab)__/__
BIO 200 (Botany & lab)__PHYS 101/110 (Physics I)__/__
BIO 202/203 (Zoo/lab)__PHYS 102/111 (Physics II)__/__
BIO 221 (Biostats)__MATH 145 (Precal)__
CHEM 110/111 (Chem/lab I)__/__
Required Courses in addition to Core Courses:
BIO 325 (Micro & lab)__BIO 300-400 (Elective; 1-2h)__
BIO 302/303(Anat I/lab)__PHYS 315 (Sci Trends/Issue)__
BIO 328/334 (A&P II/lab)__PHYS 345 (Earth/Space)__
BIO 401 (Genetics & lab)__BIO 482 (Bio Ed Capstone)__
BIO 404/405 (Eco/lab)__
Education Courses1:
EDUC 100 (Intro; F/S)__EDUC 301 (Ed Psych; F/S)2__
EDUC 207 (Found; F/S)__EDUC 293 (Design; F/S/Su)2,3 __
EDUC 290 (Instr. Tech; F/S)__EDUC 340/342 (Methods; S)2,3__
SPED 241 (Excep.; F/S)__SPED 320 (Spec Learn Needs)2,3 __
READ 302 (Content Instruct)2,3 __
Professional Education Block- Student Teaching4 (EDUC 409, 470,480, 482)
1requires 125 hours out of class observation time; see field experience coordinator in Professional Education
2requires Admission to Professional Education Program
3Secondary block- taken the semester before student teaching
4requires Admission to Professional Education Semester
All courses in major require grade of C or better (EDUC, SPED, READ, BIO, MATH, CHEM, PHYS)
The Biology Education 9-adult curriculum must be monitored by both a Biology faculty member and an Education faculty member. Each will advise the student regarding classes in their own specialization. The student is responsible for registering for the West Liberty Education listserv. This service provides timely announcements of pertinent information like scheduling of portfolio interviews and PRAXIS exam schedules.You are responsible for your curriculum and meeting all requirements for graduation as described in the College Bulletin. This worksheet is intended only as a guide.
Students are required to maintain a gpa of 2.5 with at least a grade of “C” in each course within the BIO Ed 9-Adult curriculum to graduate.
Revised 9/24/2013; effective Fall 2013
F/S/Su designations are approximate, schedule may change as demand necessitates; consult WINS schedules