Town of Pound Ridge
Tel.: 914-764-5511
Fax: 914-764-0102
Protocol for Head Lice
Head Lice are tiny wingless parasites that feed on the human scalp. Lice have been in existence since the dawn of time. There is no research-based manner to completely eradicate lice. They infest people regardless of age, race, sex, or socioeconomic class and are not an indication of poor hygiene. The most common method of transfer is direct head contact, although transfer may also occur through shared combs, brushes, hats, helmets, or other headwear. Itching and scratching of the head may be a sign of possible infestation, and should prompt parents to examine your child. Children should be examined weekly to catch an infestation as early as possible. See the attached information sheet for additional recommendations for parents/guardians. The following are protocols followed by the Town of Pound Ridge Recreation Department:
1. Campers suspected of having lice will be checked by the Camp Nurse. When a camper is checked, the parent/guardian shall be notified.
2. If any live lice are found, the parent/guardian of the camper will be notified to pick up his/her child from school. The student will remain in the First Aid Station until the parent/guardian arrives to retrieve the child. The parent/guardian will be given the town’s return to camp protocol.
3. Parent/Guardian should notify the Camp Nurse of any cases of lice found in the home.
4. The Camp Nurse will check other campers as necessary.
5. After the camper has been treated for lice, the camper will be re-checked by the Camp Nurse. If no lice are found, the camper will return to his/her group. The Camp Nurse shall re-recheck the student weekly for a period of one month.
6. The parent or guardian will be required to provide a written verification that the camper was professionally treated and cleared to return to camp.
7. After treatment and return to camp, if live lice are found by the Camp Nurse, the camper will be sent home for re-treatment.
8. Per the American Association of Pediatrics and Center for Disease Control recommendations, the Town of Pound Ridge Recreation Department does not have a “No Nit” Policy,” as “nits” are generally rendered harmless after treatment.
9. When a case of live lice is identified in a group, all families of the camp shall be notified in writing by the Camp Nurse and/or Camp Director and shall be provided educational material regarding the detection, prevention, and treatment of Head Lice.
10. In cases of repeated infection, parents shall be advised to consult with their physician/pediatrician to determine other treatment options.
Town House 179 Westchester Avenue Pound Ridge, New York 10576-1743