
Amherst College

EXPRESS GRANT & Contract Routing Sheet

Only use this form if the proposal:

1. is a non-federal application for fellowship, course development, or research funding; and

2. does not require any matching funds or contributions by Amherst College; and

3. does not involve animal or human subjects, recombinant DNA, purchases of equipment over $2,000, or a subcontract/sub-award with another institution.

All other proposals need to use the complete routing form.

Faculty/adminstrative staff member

Principal Investigator (PI) / First: / Last: / Department: / Project start date:

Grant/agency information

Funding agency:


Submission deadline:


Grant Request: $

Grant information

Project Title:

Abstract (approximately 100 words):

Percent of academic year and/or summer to be spent on grant by PI: %

Location of project Amherst campus other:

Budget (check all that apply)

Grant will cover:

Summer salary for PI


Leave replacement for PI


Other personnel

Academic year salary for PI


Visiting faculty







Other (Explain):


If funded, will there be any restraints on publication of research results?

no yes (explain):

Will the grant activities require the use of College IT personnel for training, set-up, maintenance or other function during or after the granting period?

no yes: I have discussed and received approval from the Director of IT


Principal Investigator: ______


Date: ______

Department Chair: ______


Date: ______

Dean of the Faculty: ______


Date: ______

Comptroller: ______


Date: ______

Amherst College Express Grant Routing Sheet

this section to be completed by comptroller's office
Summary and Approvals

Direct costs

/ $ / Date:

Indirect costs

/ $ / Date:

Total $

/ $ / Date:
Comptroller Information
Budget draft checked for: date, initials, comments

Mathematical accuracy

Salaries (rate increases)

Fringe benefits (rates)

Indirect cost (rate)


Financial disclosure

Grants Invention Statement


Final budget checked to draft

Amherst College Express Grant Routing Sheet: Disclosure of financial interst

Disclosure of Significant Financial Interest

Before completing please read The Financial Disclosure Policy. The following disclosure is made pursuant to the requirements of the PHS rule "objectivity in Research" (42 CFR Part 50 Subpart F) and NSF rule "The Investigator Financial Disclosure Policy." This disclosure must be updated annually, and whenever new reportable significant financial interests are acquired.


Significant Financial Interest—Anything of monetary value, including but not limited to salary or other payments for services (e.g., consulting fees or honoraria), equity interests, and intellectual property rights. The term does not include (a)salary, royalties or other remuneration from Amherst, (b) income from seminars, lectures or teaching engagements sponsored by public or nonprofit entities, (c) income from service on advisory committees or review panels for public or nonprofit entities, (d) equity interest in business enterprises or entities if the value of such interests both does not exceed $10,000 and does not represent more than a 5% ownership interest for any one enterprise or entity when aggregated for the investigator and the investigator's spouse and dependent children, and (e) salary, royalties, or other payments that are not expected to exceed $10,000 over the next twelve month period when aggregated for the investigator and the investigator's spouse and dependent children.
Investigator—The Principal Investigator and any other person at the College who is responsible for the design, conduct or reporting of research educational or service activities funded, or proposed for funding, by certain Federal Agencies. Typically this will include the Principal Investigator and co-Investigators. For the purposes of this disclosure requirement, the term "investigator" includes the investigator's spouse and dependent children.


Investigator Name: / Department / Renumeration:
Source: /

Type of Organization:


biotech firm


engineering firm

software firm


Nature of Remuneration that is greater than $10,000:
salary royalties consulting licensing honoraria other
Types of holding whose fair market value is greater than $10,000:

stocks/stock options patents/copyrights other

Equity Interest of greater than 5%:
Enterprise or Entity:
Investigator's Signature:
______/ Date:

*Please note a separate form is required for each enterprise or entity in which a significant financial interest is identified.