The First Communicator

The First Communicator is published monthly by First Presbyterian Church of Mankato,

P.O. Box 495

Mankato, MN 56002-0495

Phone: (507) 387-2160


Find us on the web at

Pastor: Chris Conlin; Administrative Assistant: Karisa Glade; Treasurer: Jamie Goulson; Christian Education Coordinator: Hugh Henry; Children’s & Youth Choir Director: Madelaine Smith; Sanctuary Choir: Grace Stromer; Bell Choir Director: Cheryl Holicky; Organist: Holly Havemeier; Custodians: George Johnson and Gina Goodrich

No. 12 December 2015

Pastor's Note for December 2015

Discipleship and Outreach. Looking inward and looking outward. Our Christian faith requires that we do both. Advent and the Christmas season provide a perfect opportunity to be intentional about deepening our spiritual lives and reaching out to others. The secular culture has embraced Christmas as a time to help those less fortunate and needy - the Salvation Army red kettles, mitten trees, all the end of the year appeals you get for donations from worthy charities and causes, and of course heartwarming Hallmark specials and holiday movies. It is great that we have this cultural help to remind us to focus not only on ourselves and our families, but also to widen our gaze to include our larger community.

But aside from a sense that we all are in this together, civic responsibility and humanitarian good, the secular culture doesn't particularly help us with why we do that - at least not from a religious perspective. So the other thing we could make time for this season is being intentional about our spiritual lives.

Maybe we can set aside some daily or weekly time for prayer - or devotional reading. Make time in our too busy schedules for actually picking up the Bible. Read through a Gospel for example. This year the Sunday readings focus on Luke's Gospel so that might be a good one to start with. Or pick one of Paul's letters, or the Psalms.

Advent is a wonderful season - it anticipates all the glories of Christmas and reminds us to prepare. Not just for the coming of the holiday but for the coming of our Savior into our lives and into our hearts.

May Advent be a time when peace and love increase in our world. May each of us take time to deepen our faith. As we reach inward may we find the strength, courage and compassion to reach outward to show God's love to a hurting world.

In the name of poor little Mary's boy - who is the King of Kings,

Pastor Chris

Parish Notes

Belated congratulations to parents Eric and Vicki Miller and big brother Parker Miller on the birth of Spencer Mark Miller.

Spencer was born onSeptember 25.

At the November 15 congregational meeting the following slate of officers were elected:

Elders: Norb Smith, Nan Rushton and Dave Stinocher.

Deacons: Jeanne Steiner, Susan Hahn, Becca Rader and Sherry Folsom-Meek

Nominating Committee: Leah Cameron, Brett Taylor, Sally Coomes,

Alethea Voris, and McKenzie Sonnek.

Thank you to all for serving.

Tissue paper

small or travel size:

soap shampoo

tissues hand lotion

mouthwash (alcohol free)

We will be assembling the kits on Dec. 13th.

KIWANIS HOLIDAY LIGHTS AND YOU! We need YOU to help represent FPC on Sunday, December 27! In addition, we will need to help with putting up and taking down lights. In exchange, our church will receive a $500 donation. In order to receive this money we must collectively volunteer at least 50 hours, and only folks over the age of 16 will have their hours count. We invite the entire church family to join us in this Christmas Tradition, representing FPC. Thank you to the Wilkie Family for donating a decorated tree for FPC to the Holiday Lights. Contact Hugh Henry if you would like more information.

FPC ANNUAL CHRISTMAS EVE ORCHESTRA will be rehearsing on Thurs., Dec. 24 at 2:30 p.m. in the Sanctuary. The Orchestra will perform at 4:30 before the service.

POINSETTIA SALES have begun. Please call the office, email or stop in to purchase a poinsettia for the Sanctuary. The small, red poinsettias are $12, the larger, white poinsettias are $28.50. Payment must be turned in by Dec. 10


2015 DONATION REMINDER: All donations for 2015 tax year must be dropped off in the church office or postmarked no later thanDecember 31stto be given credit for the 2015 tax year.

THE MITTEN TREE will be in the narthex ready for your contributions startingSunday, December 6. Mittens, hats and other donated outerwear will be collected throughout the Christmas season and delivered to Partners for Affordable Housing and CADA in January for distribution throughout the year as needed. Thank you to the donors, Partners in Outreach and to the Deacons.

LESSONS AND CAROLING will be Sunday, Dec. 20, during Worship.

YOUTH GROUP will continue taking orders for holiday treat boxes through Dec. 6! Prices are $15, $20, and $25 for a wide variety of goodies! Pick up will be Sunday, Dec. 20. There won’t be any extra boxes available, there will be small treat bags for $5.

The Youth will also be serving lunch that day, Chicken Noodle Soup and Chili.

Please email Chrystal at to purchase a treat box.

CAN YOU HELP??? Deacons will be serving a meal at the Salvation Army on Dec. 20 and will give a Christmas gift to each of the guests. We need any of the following to fill about 200 shoe boxes with unisex items:

tube or crew socks antiobiotic ointment

washcloth small hand towel

band aids small flashlight

small hand mirror adult body wipes

deodorant comb or brush

chapstick disposable razors

small notebook pen or pencil

energy bars Christmas candy

snack size Ziploc bags ribbon, tape

Christmas wrapping paper


12/1 Jordan Ornelas

12/2 Gary Derner

12/3 Kiri Scott, Benjamin Hughes, Chet Swanson

12/4 Grant Wilkie, Emmitt Monson

12/5 Carol Williams, Jonathan Blom

12/6 Wayne Schwichtenberg, Deb Kienholz, Nick Peterson

12/8 Frank Brown, Kris Connors

12/9 Chuck Danish, Chuol Yat, Jesse Mertens, Benjamin Otopalik

12/10 Dixie Johnson, Mckenna Gager

12/11 John Sonoc, Andrew Heikes

12/12 Pattie Kramlinger, Barb Geertsema

12/13 Dylan Welling

12/14 Joyce Finkler, Paula Chesley, Logan Palm

12/15 Carolyn Graham, Kelly Raymond

12/16 Jake Tracy

12/17 Kay Hughes, Brandon Whitney

12/18 Daryl Arzdorf, Charles Bass

12/19 Matt Hughes

12/20 Suellen Lloyd, Bill Stallkamp, Carol Budde, Rick Fleming, Paul Mueller, Bryan Stading

12/21 Ruth Finnern, Erin Raines

12/22 Bill Edwards, Kian Olson

12/23 Marguerite Burns, Nick Attarian, Kolton Wanous

12/25 Gil Hanson, Britta Moline

12/26 Patricia Hansen, Jeff Kienholz, Dalton Hinsch

12/27 Tye Scott

12/28 Adam Guss

12/29 Ryan Taylor

12/31 Ken Lloyd, Becca Rader, Pam Guss, Chris Leipold


Flower Delivery

The flower deliverers for the month of November are:

Dec. 6 Open

Dec. 13 Joy Lutzi

Dec. 20 Open

Dec. 27. Open

Scripture Readers

Please check the sign up sheet on the kiosk for open dates. Call or email the church office.

Dec. 6 Sally Coomes

Dec. 13 Madelaine Smith

Dec. 20 Pete Steiner

Dec. 27 Open

Sunday Drivers

12/6 Paul Mueller

12/13 Dave Stinocher

12/20 John Erdahl

12/27 Renee Bristol

We can always use more volunteers to drive members to church on Sunday morning. Please call or contact the church office to help with this important ministry.

Session Report November 19, 2015

The Session took the following actions:

·  Approved increasing our custodian’s wage to $15.00/hour.

·  Approved moving our administrative assistant off probationary status and increasing her wage to $15.00/hour as of January 1, 2016 as previously agreed.

·  Approved spending up to $5,000 to replace a crucial valve for the fire sprinkler system, and up to $1,120 to repair roof leakage on the flat roof.

·  Approved allocating our denominational mission support according to the percentage formula recommended by the Presbytery: 10% to General Assembly, 10% to Synod, and 80% to Presbytery.

·  Approved the following dates:

Installation of new Deacons and Elders - Jan. 10, 2016.

Joint meeting of Deacons and Elders - Jan. 23, 2016.

Annual congregational meeting - Jan. 24, 2016. Year-end reports due Jan. 8.

Christian Growth and Development Committee will meet with the Personnel Committee to discuss the Christian Education Coordinator position and bring a proposal to Session.

On December 6, Deacons will train and assist Elders to take communion to Home Connections members.

Shoe Box mission project is very exciting. Volunteers are needed to wrap boxes after church on Dec. 13. Boxes will be delivered on Dec. 20 at the Salvation Army dinner.

John McKay will be filling the pulpit during Pastor Conlin’s vacation days Nov. 29, Dec. 27 and Jan. 3.

New Beginnings was discussed. Communication with the congregation will be forthcoming.

Session agreed we need to revitalize the Worship committee.

Pete Steiner is recruiting a team to suggest uses for the Ann Herlihy music fund.