American Literature
10th Grade Honors English Fall Semester 2011
Course Description
10th Grade Honors English emphasizes the study of American Literature. Course objectives are grouped into four units, each approximately four to six weeks in length. Students will be challenged to respond critically to selected literary works and make relevant connections between the works and their own lives. At the end of the course, students will take the English High School Assessment, a requirement for graduation. Students will prepare for this test through class objectives and testing practice both in the classroom and at home.
10th Grade English Themes
- Home and Family
- Fences and Crossing Borders
- Defining Ourselves and Others
- Heritage and Language
Important: Honors Courses are defined for students who consistently exceed the objectives and expectations of the basic curriculum, both in terms of content knowledge and application. Successful completion of Honors English coursework will prepare students for college prep classes and post high school education.
Elements of Literature: American Literature Writers Choice
The Crucible Language Usage Handbook
To Kill a Mockingbird
Of Mice and Men
Fahrenheit 451
Grading Scale
A: 90-100
B: 80 – 89
C: 70 – 79
D: 60 – 69
F: 59 and below
Grading Policy
The grading method used in this class is “Total Points.” For example, if a student misses 4 points out of a total of 25 points, the student will receive a 21/25 or an 84%.
Grading will occur with several types of assignments including but not limited to writing (BCRs/ECRs), group work, projects, tests, quizzes, and presentations.
Classroom Code
- Be on time.
- Stay in your seat.
- Bring all materials to class.
- Follow teacher’s classroom procedures.
- Do not throw anything (pens, papers, garbage, etc.)
- Allow others to learn
- Keep all IPODS, MP3 PLAYERS, and CELL PHONES turned off and out of sight. They will be CONFISCATED and kept until the end of class and/or given to the office.
- Pick up after yourself before you leave the classroom (Textbooks should be put on the shelves/papers and writing utensils off the floor/throw any trash away).
- When leaving the classroom, you must have a pass (agenda) and sign out and in on the clipboard located by the door of the classroom.
- Do not interrupt class (class discussion, lecture, presentation, etc) to leave the classroom for restroom use and/or get water) this is a disruption to learning. Instead, wait until there is a break in the activity and then ask permission to leave.
- You may chew gum, but you may not have candy, food, soda, juice, etc. (if you crack your gum or blow bubbles, you will be asked to throw out your gum and you will lose this privilege.
Discipline Steps for Class Code Violation(s)
- Verbal Warning
- Call/E-mail Home
- Detention
- Referral
Writing Portfolio
- Students will keep a Working Writing Portfolio containing all ECRs/BCRs completed throughout the semester. Students will also have a Showcase Portfolio containing their CRES ECR and BCR assignments. The CRES Portfolio is worth 20% of their final semester grade.
- All assignments must be completed on time.
- Failure to hand in an assignment will result in the lowering of the assignment’s grade by 10% for each day it is late.
- It is the student’s responsibility to make up any work missed.
- An absentee file will be located in the classroom. All missed worksheets/handouts will be placed in the absentee file.
- Students will have the same number of days as their absence to make up work for full credit (excused absences only). Unexcused absences will be discounted 10% each day after the due date, in fairness to those who meet deadlines.
- Notebook Paper
- Pencils/Pens
- Assigned Books
- Course Handouts
- Folder or Binder
*****Bring all supplies to class everyday. It is not the teacher’s responsibility to supply students with supplies such as pens, pencils, and paper.*****
Contact Information
If you would like to contact me regarding an assignment or to discuss your grade, I can be reached by email at: or by phone: 240-236-6554
I’m looking forward to a fun, interesting, and productive semester!
Mrs. DeLucchi
Please sign below and return (this page only) to Mrs. DeLucchi by Wednesday, August 31, 2011.
I have read and understand the information provided for Mrs. DeLucchi’s 10th Grade Honors English class. I have also shared this information with my parent(s)/guardian(s)
Student’s Name:______
Student’s Signature:______
Parent/Guardian’s Signature:______
Parent/Guardian’s daytime phone number:______
Parent/Guardian E-mail address:______