Grammarunit 8 PRACTICE 2

Present perfect: affirmative and negative

1 Complete the table.

Verb / Past form / Past participle
(1) do
(2) ______
(3) ______
(4) eat
(5) have
(6) ______
(7) visit
(8) ______
(9) fall
(10) meet
(11) ______
(12) swim / ______
______/ ______

2 Complete the sentences with the past participles of the verbs in exercise 1.

1 I’ve never ______in the Pacific Ocean.

2 Ben’s ______all of his homework.

3 I’ve never ______a sports car.

4 Suzy’s ______off her bike!

5 They’ve never ______octopus.

6 We’ve ______my bedroom blue.

7 She’s never ______a famous person.

8 I’ve never ______anything on the internet. I prefer shops.

3 Write affirmative and negative present perfect sentences.

1 they / swim in the River Nile

2 you / not meet my sister

3 He / ride on an elephant

4 I / never / break a leg

5 she / not be to the USA

Present perfect: questions

4 Jaime and Laura are on a school trip to Barcelona. Complete the questions and answers.

Things to do / Jaime / Laura
see the Opera House / û / ü
visit the cathedral / ü / ü
see Camp Nou / û / û
walk along the Ramblas / ü / ü
write postcards / û / ü

Has Jaime seen the Opera House?

No, he hasn’t but he’s visited the cathedral.

1 ______the Opera House?

Yes, she ______and she ______the cathedral, too.

2 ______Camp Nou?

No, they ______but they ______along the Ramblas.

3 ______any postcards?

No, he ______.

5 Write questions with ever. Use the ideas in the box. Then answer the questions for you.

Have you ever won a trophy?

Yes, I have. / No, I haven’t.

1 ?

2 ?

3 ?

4 ?

5 ?


Vocabularyunit 8 PRACTICE 2



Vocabularyunit 8 PRACTICE 2

Past participles

1 Complete the crossword with the past participle of the verbs.

1 / 2
6 / 7
8 / 9

Across Down

1 fall 2 eat

4 speak 3 do

5 be 5 buy

8 swim 6 drive

9 try 7 meet

11 study 10 have


2 Match the phrases 1–6 with the pictures a–f.

1 a broken leg

2 a burnt hand

3 a cut finger

4 an insect bite

5 a bruised leg

6 a sprained ankle

a b c

d e f

3 Complete the dialogues. Use words from the summary.

Doctor What’s the problem?

Patient I fell down the stairs and hurt my leg.

Doctor Yes, your ankle is black and blue. That’s a very nasty (1) ______.

Patient Do you think I’ve (2) ______it?

Doctor No, but I think you’ve (3) ______it. Don’t play sport for a week.

Mum Be careful with that knife!

Sam Oh no! I’ve (4) ______my finger.

Kerry Hi, Lola. Did you have a good holiday?

Lola Not really. There were too many mosquitoes. I’ve got (5) ______all over my body.

Kerry What about the weather?

Lola It was very hot! I’ve got a
(6) ______back.