DIME/ITDG SGOctober 2016

Directors of Methodology/IT DIRECTORS

Steering Group

19Ocotber 2016

Item 1 of the agenda

Agenda (Draft)


22/23 February 2017

Eurostat1 DIME/ITDG SG December 2014/3/EN

Directorate B: Methodology; Corporate statistical and IT services
Unit B-1: Methodology and corporate architecture
DIME/ITDG Plenary, day 1,Ampere
22of February 2017, Luxembourg
Start / Item / Topic / Purpose
D= Decision
F= Feedback
O= Opinion
I=Info / Who
09:30 / 0 / Opening and Agenda adoption / D / Chair
09:40 / 1 / ESS Vision 2020: ESS.VIP VALIDATION
The ESS VIP Validation implementation phase started in 2016. The state of play of work will be presented with a focus on the validation policy, the business and IT architecture, the methodological handbook and the Validation and Transformation Language (VTL 1.1) / F/D / ESTAT
10:15 / 2 / ESS Vision 2020: DIGICOM, towards an ESS strategy on (linked) open data
The item will present the results of the ESS Workshop on open data dissemination which will take place in Malta in January 2017.The DIME /ITDG will then be invited to discuss a draft ESSstrategy on (linked) open data. / F / ESTAT
11:00 / Coffee break
11:15 / 3 / ESS Vision 2020: other activities
Based on a short overview on progress with regard to other ESS Vision 2020 projects, DIME/ITDG contributions will be discussed. / F / ESTAT
12:30 / LUNCH
14:00 / 4 / Smart Statistics business case
The DIME/ITDG will be informed on progress and invited to discuss the envisaged next steps. / F / ESTAT
14:30 / 5 / Moving forward on the ESS standardisation process
Progress on the implementation the process of standardisation and strategic discussion on the added value and expected use of ESS standards in practice / F / ESTAT
15:00 / Coffee break
15:15 / 6 / Benchmarking and Balancing Time Series in a NSI
Susie Fortier, from Statistics Canada, will present the methodological challenges related to coherence of time series that may be addressed with benchmarking and/or balancing. The emphasis will be on operational considerations related to their implementation and their use in a production setting. / Seminar / STATCAN
17:00 / End of the first day
DIME/ITDG Plenary, day 2,Ampere
23 of February 2017, Luxembourg
Start / Item / Topic / Purpose / Who
09:30 / 7 / ESS Enterprise Architecture – state of play and way forward
The DIME/ITDG will be informed on the roadmap, the outcomes and lessons learned from ESS.VIP project reviews; Focus will be on the need to improve the ESS EA and Statistical Process Reference Architecture to strengthen ESS interoperability and the potential of benchmarking ESS architectures. / F/O / ESTAT
10:15 / 8 / Eurostat AWP 2018-2020
Eurostat will present the Annual Work Programme for the period 2018-2020. DIME/ITDG member will have the opportunity to discuss it before the submission to ESSC for approval. / O / ESTAT
11:00 / Coffee break
11:15 / 9 / Report on the developments in the field of quality
Debriefing from the Working Group on Quality in Statistics and an update on the progress concerning QUAL@ESS Vision 2020. / F / ESTAT
12:00 / 10 / ESS public use files for EU-SILC and EU-LFS data
The item reports on the development of public use files for the two most requested microdata sets for scientific purposes: (EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC)) and EU Labour Force Survey (EU LFS)). Itincludes information on how the data will be made available to the public. / F / ESTAT
12:30 / LUNCH
14:00 / 11 / Using block chain technology as a future decentralised secured computation platform in the ESS
Using a peer-2-peer network for running joined secure computations on data. / D / ESTAT and CBS
14:30 / 12 / NTTS2017 / I / ESTAT
15:00 / 13 / DIME/ITDG Governance: 2017 meetings and WGs reporting / I / ESTAT
15:15 / Coffee break
15:30 / 14 / Conclusions and Opinion drafting / O / Chair
16:00 / End of the meeting