Briefing Note - 07.12.11

Sent on behalf of Howard Cooper, Interim Director of Adult Social Services: -


Date: 7 December 2011

Dear Councillors and Colleagues,

Main Developments

Wirral Volunteers meet The Queen

Volunteers from Wirral attended a lunch with Her Majesty The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh at the Floral Pavilion last week.

Member of the Learning Disability Partnership Board were among the 60 guests at the prestigious event.

, who was fortunate enough to sit at The Queen’s table for the lunch, said: “I was completely overwhelmed - both nervous and excited. The thing that made me the most nervous was that I have always wanted to meet the Queen but I never dreamed I would have lunch with her.”

The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh unveiled commemorative plaque at the Floral Pavilion and Conference Centre; the flagship project in New Brighton’s long awaited regeneration.

Her Majesty and His Royal Highness enjoyed a short performance in the theatre by students of St Mary’s CatholicCollege in Wallasey, before meeting groups of guests.

New Carers’ Hub opened

A New Guide for Carers in Wirral was launched on 2 December, Carers’ Rights Day. This is a joint venture between DASS, NHS Wirral, Wirral University Teaching Hospital (WUTH) and Wirral Information Resource for Equality and Disability (WIRED). A Carers’ Hub, run by WIRED has recently opened in Birkenhead town centre. If you look after someone and would like a copy of the guide or want to know more about what support is available to you, you can contact the Carers’ Helpline on 0151 670 0777.

Members of staff from DASS, NHS and WIRED were available to speak to anyone who wanted to know more at ArroweParkHospital on 6 December. There was a lot of interest and new carers came forward to be registered as carers. This means that they will receive a regular newsletter and updates about carers’ issues, which will make it easier for them to be able to receive support and information.

Transforming Day Services Consultation

As part of the Day Services Consultation, a number of engagement events have been planned with staff, service users and key stakeholders to ensure their views are considered.

The events will run on a staggered basis over both afternoons and evenings for a period of 12 weeks at the following times and dates:

Consultation dates

Daytime Sessions

Centre / Beaconsfield / Cambridge Road / Eastham Centre / Heswall Centre / Highcroft / Moreton Centre
Date / Monday 12 December
2011 / Wednesday 11 January 2012 / Wednesday 7 December 2011 / Thursday 22 December 2011 / Tuesday 17 January 2012 / Thursday 8 December 2011
Time / 1-3pm / 10am-12pm / 1-3pm / 1.30-3.30pm / 1-3pm / 1-3pm

Evening Sessions

Centre / Beaconsfield / Cambridge Road / Eastham Centre / Heswall Centre / Highcroft / Moreton Centre
Date / Tuesday 6 December 2011 / Tuesday 10 January 2012 / Thursday 8 December 2011 / Thursday 12 January 2012 / Thursday 26 January 2012 / Tuesday 13 December 2011
Time / 6-8pm / 6-8pm / 7-9pm / 7-9pm / 6-8pm / 6-8pm

We are looking to find out what you think works well, hear your ideas for how day services might work in the future, and get your suggestions on how they could be improved for everyone.

Advocates will be available at the events if you feel you need support to put across your thoughts.

Please contact if you would like to come along to any of the events, get a copy of the questionnaire, or tell us a better way of communicating with you

There are a three main ways you can tell us what you think between now and February 2012.

You can:

  • Fill-in a questionnaire online by going to clicking in the campaign box and following the link to the questions.
  • Ask for a copy of the questionnaire to be posted to out to you
  • Come along to one of the above events (places are limited so book early to avoid disappointment).

Information can also be obtained from Wirral Well or from Wirral’s Central Advice and Duty Team on 0151 606 2006.

Information at your fingertips

The Wirral Well ( is a‘one stop shop’ for wellbeing, health and social care services in Wirral. All the Adult Social Services Public Information Factsheets have been reviewed and almost all of them are available online on the website at: .

National Strike - 30 November 2011

The Chief Executive has thanked everyone for the professional behaviour displayed during the recent strike. Whether taking part in the action or not, all staff were courteous and respectful of their colleagues which was appreciated.

Further information about individual facilities or services please call the Council’s Central Advice and Duty Team on 0151 606 2006 or visit the Wirral Well ().

Howard Cooper CBE