The Ministry of Education of Latvian Republic

The Higher Education Department

The documents for accreditation of the study program

Educational establishment: Latvian University

The title of the study program: Pre-school pedagogue

(program code: 411411 01)

Awarded qualification: Pre-school pedagogue

(qualification code: 3320 01)

Official address: Raiņa bulv. 19., Rīga, Latvia, LV-1586, Tel. 7034301

The Principal of the Institute of Education and Psychology asoc. prof. T.Koķe

The program director: asoc. prof E.Černova


1. The description of the program …………………………………………………. 3

1.1. Social order……………………………………………………………………. 3

1.2. The objective of the study program…………………………………………… 3

1.3. The tasks of the study program ……………………………………………….. 4

1.4. The volume of the study program …………………………………………….. 4

1.5. The content of the study program …………………………………………….. 4

1.6. Comparison of the study program with programs of other countries ………… 6

1.7. The statements of matriculation ……………………………………………… 7

1.8. Teaching staff ………………………………………………………………… 7

1.9. Material and technical base …………………………………………………… 7

2. The study plan of the pre-school pedagogue’s qualification achievement ………8

3. The plan of the pre - school pedagogue's qualification subdivided

into semesters ……………………………………………………………………… 10

4. The implementation of the program ……………………………………………. 11

5. Annotation of the courses ………………………………………………………..12

1. The description of the program

1.1. Social order

There are 27% of pedagogues working at the pre-school educational establishments who have the secondary pedagogical education. The most of them were working hard mastering their pedagogical skills during the last 10 years, every year participating in the annual seminars, courses organized by the Ministry of Education and Science, as well as enriching their professional experience by means of participation in projects (for example, supported by Soros Foundation project “Step by step”, etc.), organizing the experience exchange trips to overseas (Denmark, Norway, Poland, Estonia, u.c.), actively co-operating with OMEP.

All these activities support the teachers’ desire for perfection in their work – to achieve the higher education.

The statements of the Latvian Ministry of Education Nr. 347 (since 03.10.2000.) about requirements for compulsory pedagogues education and professional qualification suppose that in pre-school educational establishment can work only those persons who have got the higher professional education.

Thus the study program of the first level of the higher professional education (the fourth level of professional qualification) is developed grounding on the need of the State and working pedagogues.

The Pedagogical and Psychological Institute of the Latvian University got a License Nr. K 0006 (14.06.2001.) of the Ministry of Education and Science which confirm this first level of the higher educational qualification (see attachment).

This is two-year part-time study program.

1.2. The objective of the study program

To prepare the qualified specialists who could objectively support the spiritual and physical development and education of a child.

1.3. The tasks of the study program:

·  To ensure the content of the program corresponding to modern scientific level and world practice;

·  To select the forms, methods and strategies of implementing the program, enhancing the formation of knowledge, and skills necessary for pre-school teacher;

·  To create a possibility for every future pre-school teacher to develop her activity (ethical aesthetic, intellectual, physical) forming inner wish to study and acquire the experience of the teachers of previous generations.

1.4. The volume of the study program

The duration of studies is 2 years, which are subdivided into 4 semesters. The total curriculum volume is 80 credits. 1 credit corresponds to 40 contact hours. The content of the program includes two parts:

Part A – 55 credits, including 6 credits of pedagogical practice;

Part B – 13 credits

Students are supposed to work out the 1st year project paper – 4 credits.

The work on the final paper and its defense – 8 credits.

Finishing the studies students have to pass the state examination in child’s pedagogy, psychology and methodology.

1.5. The content of the study program

The study program includes special disciplines of pedagogy and psychology and as well as general subjects, which are subdivided into A and B parts and help students to develop concept about pedagogical conformities and their manifestations in the process of the development of a pre-school child. The description of the courses reveals their core. The pedagogical practice is the necessary component of the part A of the study program.

The aim of the Pedagogical practice:

To support the non-interrupted connection between the students’ achieved theoretical knowledge and practical pedagogical activity, to provide a possibility for the future teachers step-by-step achieve the pedagogical knowledge, skills and abilities.

The General tasks of the pedagogical practice:

·  To study out of the child’s personality with an aim of to investigate and develop his cognitive and creative activity, learning and spiritual needs, taking into account the child’s interests, needs and abilities, directing and preparing pupils for the work for other’s sake;

·  To use the different conditions of the child’s work, methods, forms, means and skills of the pedagogical interaction.

Period of practice is divided:

·  Introduction (1st year, 1nd semester, 1 week, 2nd semester 2 week);

·  Study (research) (2nd year, 3rd semester, 3 weeks);

Practical activity has a special place, because the teacher works in close contact not only with experienced colleagues, but also guided theoretically. It sets high requirements for the use of teachers pedagogical abilities (organizational, didactic, speech and other). The rhythm of pedagogical activity, possibility of unexpected situations require good orientation in these situations and their practical solution. Practice stimulates self-evaluation of the student, teachers to analyze and evaluate colleagues’ work, enriches professional experience.

1.6. Comparison of the study program with programs of other countries

We compared the programs of pre-school training according to the allotted time to studies, number of the obtained credit points and accordance to subjects. Study time in different countries is different. For example, in Denmark - 3.5 years, in France - 2 years, in Finland - 2.5 years, in Lithuania and Estonia - 4 years, etc.

We looked upon in detail at study programs of pre-school specialty in Australia and Denmark.

In Denmark it is necessary to obtain 135-140 credit points.

In Australia - 100 credit points.

The subjects included in Australian program are divided into 2 parts: pedagogical psychological cycle (for example, theory of Pedagogic - 22 credit points, theory of human development - 19.4 credit points, theory of games - 4.2 credit points, etc.) and the second part includes social subjects (for example, computer science, foreign languages, mathematics, etc.), every subject gives 4.2 credit points. Practice takes an important place - 16 credit points.

The Danish program envisages 2 semesters of pedagogic and psychology, but in the 2nd academic year an attitude is formed towards pedagogical and psychological theories. In the 3rd year the acquisition of theoretical knowledge continues and the students must write specialized annual paper. One month is devoted to international projects when they sum up also their own experience. Pedagogical practice lasts for 3 months (20 credit points). The program includes psychology, pedagogic, art, social sciences, environmental studies. The program is attractive because there is freedom of the choice of subjects.

The comparative analysis of study programs allows to conclude that program which we offer corresponds to the pre-school teacher training level abroad in its content, scientific level, form of the organization of studies.

1.7. The statements of matriculation.

For this program on a competitive basis by means of interview can apply those who have the secondary pedagogical education or secondary education and pedagogical experience at the pre-school educational department no less than 2 years.

The studies are financed by the students themselves or other physical or juristic persons. The tuition fee is determined and confirmed in accordance to the LU Senate decision. The scientific methodological implementation of the program is controlled by the Council of the Institute of Pedagogic and Psychology.

1.8. Teaching staff

The realization of the study program is ensured by 27 academic staff. From them 3 are professors, 3 asoc. professors, 7 docents and 14 lecturers. Teaching staff of the Institute of Education and psychology cooperate with Leipzig University (Prof. A.Spona), OMEP (asoc. prof.R.I.Kanepeja), UNESCO National committee (Dr.paed.R.Andersone), Latvian programme of the Soros foundation "Changes in Education",Liepajas Pedagogical Academy u.c. Experienced pre school specialists are involved in the process of studies (for example, director of Jekabpils kindergarten Mag. paed. I.Aizporiete reads the cours "The theory of handwork". The course " Pre -school management" is delivered by methodologist of Jelgavas kindergarten Mag.paed. L.Lidaka)

1.9. Material and technical base

Pedagogical practice takes place in Daugavpils, Riga, Valmiera, Jelgava. Students and teaching staff can use the modern computers class, coping machine, Internet, special literature and literature on methods and library of the LU.

2. The study plan of the pre-school pedagogue’s qualification achievement.

Matriculation statements:

·  Secondary pedagogical education

·  Secondary education and work experience no less that 2 years.

The achieved qualification and documents:

·  Pre-school pedagogue;

·  The 1st level higher professional qualification diploma (4th level professional qualification.)

Part A
Nr. /
The title of the course
/ Course credits / A member of contact hours
Pedagogy and psihology
/ General pedagogy / 2 / 48
2.  / History of pedagogy in Latvia / 2 / 48
3.  / Pre-school pedagogy / 2 / 48
4.  / Special pedagogy / 2 / 48
5.  / Theory and methodic of education / 2 / 48
6.  / The scientific researching methods of pedagogy / 1 / 24
7.  / Introduction to Psychology / 3 / 72
8.  / Developmental Psychology / 2 / 48
9.  / Social Pedagogical Psychology / 2 / 48
10.  / Psychology of communication / 2 / 48
11.  / Psychology of Personality / 2 / 48
12.  / Theory and methods of teaching physical culture / 2 / 48
13.  / Music pedagogy and educational theory / 2 / 48
14.  / Art Pedagogical and fundamentals of design / 2 / 48
Total: / 28

Special subjects

15.  / Anatomic and Psychology of children / 2 / 48
16.  / Pediatric and hygiene of pre-school children / 1 / 24
17.  / Environment and education / 2 / 48
18.  / Development of the mathematical concept / 2 / 48
19.  / Plays and games’ organization / 2 / 48
20.  / The theory of handwork / 2 / 48
21.  / Children's literature / 2 / 48
Total: / 13
22.  / Introduction to the culture of mothertongve and that teaching methodology / 2 / 48
23.  / Fundamentals of philosophy / 2 / 48
24.  / Aesthetic and ethics / 2 / 48
25.  / Computer science / 2 / 48
Pedagogical practice / 6
Total: / 8
Total : Part A 55 CP
Part B
NR. /
The title of the course
/ Course credits / A member of contact hours
Pedagogy and psihology
/ Folk pedagogy / 1 / 24
2.  / Pedagogical background of interaction / 1 / 24
3.  / History of psychology / 1 / 24
4.  / Develop of social skills in the lessons / 2 / 48
5.  / History of pedagogic / 2 / 48
Total: / 7

Special subjects

6.  / Children’s rights and protection / 2 / 48
7.  / Neurobiology / 2 / 48
8.  / Fundamentals of medical science / 2 / 48
9.  / Pre -school management / 2 / 48
Total: / 8
10.  / Fundamentals of economics / 2 / 48
11.  / Introduction to the culture of behavior / 1 / 24
Total: / 3
Total: Part B 18 CP
Optional courses (Part B) total 13 CP.
Project - paper 4 CP.
The work on the diploma project work and its defense – 8 credits
The organization of the pedagogical practise:
1. year (I sem.) - research (1 week)
(II sem.) - research (2 weeks)
2. year ( III sem.) - pedagogical (3 weeks.)
Final Examinations:
- Integral state examination in child’s pedagogy, psychology and methodology.
-  The defense of the diploma project work.
Applicants' requirements:
·  interview in psychology and pedagogy (the level of the pedagogical school).
3. The plan of the pre - school pedagogue's qualification subdivided
into semesters.
Nr. /
The title of the course
/ Course credits / A member of contact hours
/ Introduction to pedagogy / 2 / 48
/ Pre-school pedagogy / 2 / 48
/ Introduction to Psychology / 3 / 72
/ Anatomic and Psychology of children / 2 / 48
/ Pediatric and hygiene of pre-school children / 1 / 24
/ Introduction to the culture of mothertongve and that teaching methodology / 2 / 48
/ Computer science / 2 / 48
The choice from the Part B
/ 3 / 72
Total: 17 CP, 408 contact hours
/ History of pedagogy in Latvia / 2 / 48
2.  / Theory and methodic of education / 2 / 48
3.  / Children's literature / 2 / 48
4.  / Fundamentals of philosophy / 2 / 48
5.  / Aesthetic and ethics / 2 / 48
The choice from the Part B / 6 / 144
Total: 16 CP, 384 contact hours
/ The scientific researching methods of pedagogy / 1 / 24
2.  / Developmental Psychology / 2 / 48
3.  / Psychology of communication / 2 / 48
/ Theory and methods of teaching physical culture / 2 / 48
5.  / Environment and education / 2 / 48
6.  / Plays and games’ organization / 2 / 48
The choice from the Part B / 4 / 96
Total: 15 CP, 360 contact hours
/ Special pedagogy / 2 / 48
2.  / Social Pedagogical Psychology / 2 / 48
3.  / Psychology of Personality / 2 / 48
4.  / Music pedagogy and educational theory / 2 / 48
5.  / Art Pedagogical and fundamentals of design / 2 / 48
6.  / Development of the mathematical concept / 2 / 48
7.  / The theory of handwork / 2 / 48
The choice from the Part B / 3 / 72

Total: 17 CP, 408 contact hours

4. The implementation of the program.

Nr. / Name of the course / Course credits / Responsible person

Part A

1.  / Introduction to pedagogy / 2 / Dr.paed.,asoc.prof.E.Chernova
Dr.habil.paed.,Prof. I.Zogla
2.  / History of pedagogy in Latvia / 2 / Dr.paed. asoc.prof.,A.Kruze
3.  / Pre-school pedagogy / 2 / Dr.paed.,asoc.prof.E.Chernova
4.  / Special pedagogy / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.A.Baumane
5.  / Theory and methodic of education / 2 / Dr.habil.paed.,Prof. A.Spona
6.  / The scientific researching methods of pedagogy / 1 / Dr.habil.paed.,Prof. A.Spona
7.  / Introduction to Psychology / 3 / Dr.habil.paed., Dr.habil.psych.,
Prof. A.Vorobjovs
8.  / Developmental Psychology / 2 / Mag.psych.,lect.I.Pischinska
9.  / Social Pedagogical Psychology / 2 / Mag.psych.,lect.I.Pischinska
10.  / Psychology of communication / 2 / Mag.psych.,lect.V.Raschchevskis
11.  / Psychology of Personality / 2 / Dr.habil.paed., Dr.habil.psych.,
Prof. A.Vorobjovs
12.  / Theory and methods of teaching physical culture / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.R.Sausch
13.  / Music pedagogy and educational theory / 2 / Mag.paed.doc.L.Lasmane
14.  / Art Pedagogical and fundamentals of design / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.N.Rudzja
15.  / Anatomic and Psychology of children / 2 / Dr.biol.,doc.I.Kraukle
16.  / Pediatric and hygiene of pre-school children / 1 / Mag.paed.,lect.I.Laizane
17.  / Environment and education / 2 / Dr.paed., Dr.psych.,M.Pupinsch
18.  / Development of the mathematical concept / 2 / Dr.paed.,lekt.R.Andersone
19.  / Plays and games’ organization / 2 / Dr.paed.Asoc.prof.E.Chernova
20.  / The theory of handwork / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.I.Aizporiete
21.  / Children's literature / 2 / Dr.paed.,asoc.prof.R.I.Kanepeja Mag.paed.,lect.A.Vasilenoka
22.  / Introduction to the culture of mothertongve and that teaching methodology / 2 / Dr.paed.,asoc.prof.R.I.Kanepeja
23.  / Fundamentals of philosophy / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.,I.Ostrovska
24.  / Aesthetic and ethics / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.Z.Rubene
25.  / Computer science / 2 / Dr.paed.,Doc.A.Lasmanis
Part B
26.  / Folk pedagogy / 1 / Dr.paed.doc. D.Magazniece
27.  / Pedagogical background of interaction / 1 / Dr.paed Asoc.prof.E.Chernova
28.  / History of psychology / 1 / Dr.habil.paed., Dr.habil.psych.,Prof. A.Vorobjovs
29.  / Develop of social skills in the lessons / 2 / Dr.paed.,lekt.R.Andersone
30.  / History of pedagogic / 2 / Dr.paed.,doc.I.Kestere,
31.  / Children’s rights and protection / 2 / Lekt.A.Goromiko
32.  / Neurobiology / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.I.Laizane
33.  / Fundamentals of medical science / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.I.Laizane
34.  / Pre -school management / 3 / Mag.paed.,lect.L.Lidaka
35.  / Fundamentals of economics / 2 / Mag.paed.,lect.I.Ostrovska
36.  / Introduction to the culture of behavior / 1 / Dr.paed Doc.I.Kestere

5. Annotation of the courses