Coaches Month-to-Month

“Year at a Glance”

Initial and Full Implementation


(PRACTICES) / Deliverables from PBIS Teams
(Provide to SCCOE Regional Coach, Rebecca Mendiola)

Before Students Return

Tier 1 / - Review prior year’s ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data
- Review prior year’s SAS/SET data / Work with PBIS Teams to:
- Establish monthly PBIS School-wide Team meetings
- Establish schedule for reporting to & celebrating with staff
- Plan for staff, student, parent, and bus driver kick-offs (teaching of behavior expectations, assemblies, etc)
- Establish monthly PBIS Lead meetings
- Establish monthly District PBIS Leadership Team Meetings / - Conduct staff kick-off
- Conduct parent kick-off / PBIS Team Profile
PBIS Handbook
  • Staff Training
  • School Rules
  • Expectation Grid
  • BE Lesson Plans
  • Schedule for teaching lessons across school settings
  • Office Discipline Referral Form
  • School Discipline Policy
  • Flow Chart defining expectations for teacher managed versus office managed behavior
  • Acknowledgement System
Team meeting schedule
PBIS Lead meeting schedule
District PBIS Leadership meeting schedule

Tier 2/3

/ -Review prior year’s SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic
- Review prior year’s MATT data / Work with Tier 2/3 Teams to:
- Determine students needing tier 2/3 interventions.
- Establish bi-weekly/monthly Tier 2/3 behavior team meetings.
- Plan for staff presentation of CICO process / Tier 2/3 Team Profile
CICO Handbook
  • Introduction & Description
  • Referral Process
  • Request for Assistance Form
  • School Personnel Referral Form
  • Parent/Guardian Referral Form
  • Parent/Guardian Letter (beginning of year)
  • Initial Meeting Overview
  • Roles & Responsibilities
  • Daily Procedures
  • Adjustments/Revisions/Fading Process
Team Meeting Schedule

1st Week of School

Tier 1 / -Familiarize yourself with website for completingTeam Implementation Checklist (TIC), PBIS Self Assessment Survey (SAS), and SET.
- Check in with Team leads and Administrators / - Conduct student kick-off
- Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct school-wide celebration

Tier 2/3

/ - Familiarize yourself with website for completing MATT.
- Check in with CICO coordinator/specialists / -Conduct staff presentation of CICO process



Tier 1 / Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data
Schedule SET / Prompt Team:
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach
- Plan for fall booster
- Administer and score PBIS SAS (on if completed in fall previous school year
- Complete TIC if for progress monitoring / - Conduct grade level celebrations
- Oregon Coaches Institute
- Conduct District PBIS Leadership Meetings / - Parent/Community Newsletters
Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Complete MATT and CICO self-assessment for progress monitoring / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1 / Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data
- Review results of PBIS SAS / Prompt Team:
- Complete Action Plan (based on TIC, SET, and SAS)
Administer and score SET (on / - Conduct grade level celebrations
APBS Conference- Tier 2-3- Chicago / - PBISAction Plan
-PBIS Teams
-District PBIS Leadership Team
- Present PBIS SAS results
- Present school-wide data update AND decidewhich behaviors/procedures need to betaught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic
-Review BAT and MATT / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Conduct and review with team Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT)
- Complete Action Plan (based on BAT and MATT) / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1 / Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data
Share SET results / Prompt Team
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach
- Plan for fall school board presentation
- Review Action Plan / - Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct grade level celebrations
- Conduct fall booster
- Check with new students, staff and
parents to see if they understand
expectations & reward system / - Present school-wide data update AND decide
which behaviors/procedures need to be
taught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
-Present SET results to staff and families
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Review Action Plan / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1 / Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data /

Prompt Team

- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)

- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach

- Complete Team Implementation Checklist

- Review Action Plan

- Plan motivator to keep staff using PBIS

- Plan for re-teaching of expectations 1st day back from break


- Teach scheduled lesson plans

- Conduct grade level celebrations

- Present to school board


- Present school-wide data update AND decidewhich behaviors/procedures need to betaught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate

- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Complete MATT and CICO self-assessment for progress monitoring
-Review Action Plan /

Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1

/ Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data / Prompt Team:
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach
- Process Team Implementation Checklist & do Action Plan
- Plan reinforcement for indoor recess day / - Re-teach school-wide expectations 1st day back from break
- Conduct grade level celebrations / - Present school-wide data update AND decide which behaviors/procedures need to be taught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s) / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1

/ Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data /

Prompt Team

- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)

- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach

- Complete Team Implementation Checklist

- Review Action Plan

- Plan for booster

/ - Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct grade level celebrations
Northwestern PBIS Conference / - Present school-wide data update AND decide which behaviors/procedures need to betaught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Complete MATT and CICO self-assessment for progress monitoring
-Review Action Plan / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1

/ Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data / Prompt Team:
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach
- Process Team Implementation Checklist & do Action Plan
- Begin to focus on goals/outcomes for next year
- Administer and score PBIS SAS (on if completed in spring previous school year / - Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct grade level celebrations
- Conduct spring booster
APBS Conference / - Present school-wide data update AND decidewhich behaviors/procedures need to be taught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s) / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas


Tier 1

/ Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data / Prompt Team:
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Develop needed lesson(s) & schedule time to teach
- Plan for the end-of-the-year school board presentation
- Plan for team membership changes for next year
- Plan for end-of-year celebration
- Administer and score PBIS SAS (on if completed in fall previous school year

- Complete Team Implementation Checklist

-Review Action Plan and complete Action Plan for next school year (based on TIC, SET, and SAS)
- Determine training and support needs based on TIC results
- Begin to review and modify PBIS Handbook / - Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct grade level celebrations
Northwest PBIS Conference- Portland / - Present school-wide data update AND decide
which behaviors/procedures need to be
taught/retaught/acknowledged at higher rate
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s)
- Conduct and review with team Benchmarks for Advanced Tiers (BAT)
- Complete Action Plan (based on BAT and MATT) / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas

May /June

Tier 1

/ Prompt Team:
- Review ODR graphs, suspension, ethnicity, attendance, & academic data summaries for year
- Review results of TIC
- Review results of SET / Prompt Team:
- Conduct PBIS School-Wide Team meeting(s)
- Finalize PBIS School Profile Tool / - Teach scheduled lesson plans
- Conduct school-wide celebrations
- Present to school board / - PBISAction Plan
-PBIS Teams
-District PBIS Leadership Team
- Present PBIS SAS results
- Parent/Community Newsletters
- Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas
- PBIS Lead Team meeting minutes/agendas
- District PBIS Leadership Team meeting minutes/agendas
- Present school-wide data summary for year
- Present a summary of PBIS interventions for theyear – School-wide, secondary/ tier 2, and tertiary/ tier 3

Tier 2/3

/ Prompt Team:
-Review SWIS individual student referral, suspensions, attendance, & academic / Prompt Team:
- Conduct Tier 2/3 Team meeting(s) / Team Meeting Minutes/Agendas

Coaches Year- At- A- Glance


Dates / Fall
Kick-Off / Report
Survey Results / BOQ/
Completed / Faculty
Data / Re-teach/
Boosters / TIC
Completed / Climate
Completed / Celebrations/

Coaches Year- At- A- Glance