Meeting of Great Bentley Parish Council
Held on 2nd November 2017 at Great Bentley Village Hall


Public questions: None

Meeting commenced at 7.58 pm

Present: Councillors J Hills (Chair), K Plummer, P. Balbirnie, G Wright, P Drew and R. Adams. Also in attendance were ECC Cllr A Goggin, PCSO Julia Brandon, Parish Clerk Karen Paradise and 14 members of public.

11.17.160 Apologies for absence: Cllr Herbert, Cllr Taylor and Cllr Edwards

11.17.161 Election of New Vice Chairman: Due to ill health Cllr Herbert has currently stood down as Vice Chairman. The Parish Council wished him well and declared that he is an asset to the Council. Proposed Cllr Balbirnie, Seconded by Cllr Wright, Resolved: Unanimously agreed that Cllr Kevin Plummer is now Vice Chairman.

11.17.162 Declarations of Interest: Cllr Adams declared a non-pecuniary interest in item 11.17.169 (invoices from Father in law)

11.17.163 Actions, information and reports since last meeting:

Clerk: Community Governance Review schedule completed and returned to TDC.

Mobile Library survey completed. It was in the Parish Magazine for villagers to comment.

Hearing loop will be put into the Michael Wright Room during the current Village Hall Refurbishments

Quotations for tractor and mower service requested from two companies, no reply as yet.

Map for footpath cutting received from David Gollifer and sent to Highways for them for a quotation before sending in the application forms.

Allotment income – All rents paid apart from 6 people.

Sign for play area should be done this week. The broken bar on the railing is being repaired.

Chairman: The new tractor and mower costs circa £30-40,000 and £20,000 respectively – finance over 5 years is being considered. Chairman will do schedule of costs, Clerk will add to agenda for next meeting.

The Chairman suggested a screen to be placed on the wall so that the public who attend meetings can see items i.e. photographs, drawings etc more easily. Clerk to research prices and speak to St Osyth Clerk.

11.17.164 Minutes of the last meeting: Proposed: Cllr Drew, Seconded: Cllr Wright, Resolved: To approve the minutes of the meeting on 5th October 2017 as an accurate record of proceedings.

11.17.165 County and District Councillors Reports

a)  County Councillor - Cllr A Goggin gave his report (Appendix A)

b)  District Councillor – Cllr L McWilliams’ report was read by the Chairman (Appendix B)

11.17.166 Other Reports:

a)  PCSO - PCSO J Brandon attended the meeting. She reported that Trucam has been approved. There has been some problems with youths at the allotments and she has issued allotment holders shed alarms. (For her in depth report see Appendix C)

b)  Transport – Mr Peter Harry advised that a traffic management plan may have to be implemented or upheld if there is one already in place regarding extra traffic emanating from Brightlingsea. Extra traffic to be monitored.

c)  Footpaths- Mr D. Gollifer read his report. ( Appendix D)

d)  Caretaker - Mr R. McWilliams report was read by the Chairman (Appendix E)

11.17.167 Data Protection Bill. It was agreed that the Clerk will be the Data Protection Officer (DPO) for the Parish Council.

The Councillors agreed that all Councillors should have a licensed Councillor e-mail address. Clerk to arrange.

11.17.168 Correspondence:

a) A request for an advertising board on the Green was denied. This is a conservation area. Clerk to inform.

b) Request from Circus Tyanna to attend the village 9-14 July 2018 was agreed. Clerk to inform.

11.17.169  Finance:

a) The monthly expenditure report was approved. (Appendix F)

b) The Bank Reconciliation to 31st October 2017 was noted (Appendix G)

c) The Clerk pointed out that the accounting system used is 14-15 years old and has corrupted so much that it is no longer accurate. There are two systems which can be used. Clerk to investigate cost

11.17.170  Village Green Working Party:

a)  Report: There is no report for the working party. Cllr Wright highlighted some of the old salt stored for use when needed on the highways has started to solidify and go hard, some has also melted and is now affecting his storage facility, he asked if he could depose of any product that had deteriorated. Old material would be difficult to spread, Agreed. Salt for this winter has arrived. It was agreed to pay John Glover to use Cllr Wright’s quad bike to disperse salt this year if required. Cllr Wright to speak to John Glover

b)  Allotments: Rat poisoning at the allotments to be carried out by a contractor. Cllr Wright has given the contact details to the Clerk. Clerk to arrange.

It was agreed a new combination padlock can be purchased for the allotments.

11.17.171 Highways:

Residents at Westwood Park and Flagship Parks have asked for a speed restriction along B1027 as they find it difficult to cross the road to reach the bus stop ahead of cars which appear from the blind corners either end of this stretch of road. Cllr Goggin will investigate

Other matters: Contacts for mowing and strimming area of the village are due to expire. Clerk to request tenders for next season

Cllr Balbirnie said there needs to be lighting at the end of Larkfield Road, Heckford’s Road end – this area is nearly dark, could another street lamp be erected here? Clerk to inform Cllr Taylor

Meeting closed at 8.43 pm

Public questions

Cllr Balbirnie has had 3 letters regarding the problem on the B1027. A discussion took place regarding lorries passing through the village. Clerk to write a polite letter asking if another route could be used.

Appendix A

Councillor Goggin report

Mobile library consultation ends 6th November

Cllr Gogin holds a residents clinic at Brightlingsea Library the next is on 21st November. It is for all not just Brightlingsea residents.

Flag Hill – A speed survey has been carried out. There are currently no plans to make any changes to the speed limit along here.

Appendix B

Cllr Lynda McWilliams

Tendring District Ward Councillor Report to Parish Council

My apologies for not being with you this evening, but I am presenting annual sports awards at the Town Hall.

I have been very pleased to be able to take part with the discussions at the station with concerned residents and Greater Anglia representatives around the sudden demolition of the station waiting room. I have no doubt that Roger will give a good report on the matter and issues to date.


The Local Plan Committee is this evening going through several documents which include the final stages of consultation of the Local Plan regarding Garden Communities. This is the joint working between Tendring, Colchester, Braintree and Essex County in producing three Garden Communities local to our area of Essex County.

As there are extensive reports with documents around the Garden Communities proposal, plus the emerging Local Plan reports and documents which is too much to explain here; Jonathan would never forgive me if I took up too much of his time; they are all on TDC’s website, I have included the link for those who may be interested.

The committee shall also be discussing the 5.1-year Housing Land supply issue.


Centenary Way Clacton/Housing Land supply

Just a quick update on the position so far.

TDC has now handed over the relevant papers for a Judicial Review, regarding the concerns it has around the reasons as to why the Government Inspector, for the appeal hearing of Centenary Way, Clacton approved the proposal.


Cliff Stabilisation - Clacton and Holland on Sea

Work is needed on the cliffs from Clacton to Holland on Sea coastline; they have been unstable for several areas. The last time any work was carried out on the cliffs was back in the 1950’s and 60’s.

Consultation has taken place with residents on the latest plans for the major £5 million scheme to stabilise cliffs.

The money has been found to carry out the work from the Coastal Protection Scheme.

Appendix C

PCSO reports

Considerate parking initiative

06/10/2017 / 19.10 / N / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 807
06/10/2017 / 20.36 / N / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 808
07/10/2017 / 20.05 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 809
13/10/2017 / 12.10 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 810
13/10/2017 / 16.00 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 811
14/10/2017 / 13.15 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 812
15/10/2017 / 21.00 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 813
17/10/2017 / 19.36 / N / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 814
21/10/2017 / 11.20 / Y / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 2122
21/10/2017 / 11.31 / Y / 71108 / Junctions / 2123
21/10/2017 / 13.00 / N / 71108 / Junctions / 2124
21/10/2017 / 13.02 / N / 71108 / Pavement Parking / 2125



Crime Reports

25/09/2017- Protection investigation.

27/09/2017- Criminal Damage.

30/09/2017- Assault without injury.

01/10/2017- Public Order.

01/10/2010- Theft of Bike and alleged assault.

03/10/2017- Criminal Damage/Graffiti.

05/10/2017- Concern.

07/10/2017- assault without injury.

07/10/2017- assault ABH

08/10/2017- Threats to cause criminal damage.

08/10/2017- Criminal damage to motor vehicle.

15/10/2017- Malicious communications.

15/10/2017- Witness intimidation.


25/09/2017- Nuisance youths.

27/09/2017- Sus Premises.

28/09/2017- Alarm Track.

28/09/2017- Sudden death.

29/09/2017- RTC

29/09/2017- Civil Dispute.

01/10/2017- Sudden Death.

03/10/2017- Bail breach.

04/10/2017- Abandoned Vehicle.

04/10/2017- Concern for welfare.

05/10/2017- Concern.

06/10/2017- Alarm.

07/10/2017- threats.

07/10/2017- Concern/call on.

07/10/2017- Concern Call on.

08/10/2017- Criminal Damage.

10/10/2017- Civil Dispute.

15/10/2017- Domestic.

19/10/2017- Fight.

20/10/2017- RTC.

20/10/2017- Concern.

21/10/2017- Concern Missing person-

21/10/2017- Concern/missing.

23/10/2017- Missing Person..

24/10/2017- Domestic.

24/10/2017- Information.

24/10/2017- Drink Driving

25/10/2017- Stop check 2 youths- Station car park.

25/10/2017- PNC Vehicle/ motor bike x2- vehicle /person checks.

Appendix D

Footpath Report for Great Bentley Parish Council, October 2017

The numbering of paths in the parish of Great Bentley is as stated on the “Definitive Map of Public Rights of Way for the County of Essex” dated 1 July 2002, scale 1:10,000. For descriptions of paths please see previous reports.

Notes on paths as at 31/10/17

11. Footpath sign on A133 missing. (Highways informed (Ref. 2537887)

13. Two stiles in need of repair. Highways informed (Ref.2537885)

17. Footpath sign needs straightening to upright position

A proposal to apply for funds to EEC which includes a schedule of sections of paths that the Parish Council wish to take responsibility for cutting during 2018, was submitted to the P.C. on 08/10/17


Footpath Representative (31/10/17)

Appendix E

Caretaker Report

Hi Karen, sorry it's a bit late. All fly tipping in our area has been removed. Play area is tidy and all equipment is in good order. Bottle bank, clean and tidy and well used. New clothing bank is also clean and tidy and being well used. Nothing to report on both the Station car park or the Village Hall car park. All other areas covered by the weekly sheets, again nothing to report on.

Many thanks. Bobby

Appendix F

Items of Expenditure for Approval 2nd November 2017

Net Vat Total

Total £ 8119.03 320.07 8439.10

Appendix G

Bank Reconciliation £

Balance B/fwd 1st April 2017 51454.40


April 40903.63

May 4269.42

June 85.63

July 285.63

August 226.88

September 115.63

October 40614.82




April 7104.73

May 7187.61

June 3942.00

July 15557.54

August 11635.59

September 5466.55

October 4278.77

DD Oct E-On 520.30


Balance as at 31st October £ 82262.95

Balance at bank 23rd October 83109.83

Less o/s cheques: 846.88

Balance Before November cheques approved £ 82262.95