Matthew T. Hoffman

Expert Witness Experience

Depositions and Testimonies

·  Highland Credit Strategies Fund v. Highland Capital Management, LP, Case No. 13-512-0180813 and Case No. 13-20-1300-1808, American Arbitration Association, NY; expert report filed, rebuttal report filed, testimony prepared; arbitration settlement in process, December 2015.

·  Highline Capital Management, LLC v. High Line Venture Partners, L.P., et al, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Civil Action Case No. 15-CV-660 (VEC); expert report filed, testified at deposition; case settled, November 2015.

·  GoldenTree Asset Management LP v. Teamsters Pension Trust Fund of Philadelphia & Vicinity, United States District Court for the Southern District of New York, Case # 14-CV-8951 (CM) (HBP); expert report filed, questioned in preparation for deposition; case settled, September 2015.

·  Hawkeye Partners, LP, Scout Fund I-A, LP, and Scout Fund I-C, LP v. Garrison Investment Management LLC, and Garrison Investment Group LP, Ref. No. 1425013109, Judicial Arbitration and Mediation Services; expert report filed, questioned at preliminary hearing; case settled, October 2013.

·  FBI (Federal Bureau of Investigation), U.S. Department of Justice, and the U.S. Attorney's Office, U.S.A. v. Florian Wilhelm Jeurgen Homm, Case No. 13-MJ-00740, U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Los Angeles; Securities and Exchange Commission v. Ficeto, 11-CV-01637, U.S. District Court, Central District of California, Los Angeles, questioned in preparation for trial as fact witness expert in an international, asset management, conspiracy case of securities fraud and wire fraud; March 2013.

·  Rothschild Capital Partners, LP, et al. v. Gorfine, Schiller & Gardyn, P.A., et al., Circuit Court for Baltimore County, MD, Case No. 03-C-11-007033; expert report filed, testified at deposition; case settled, November 2012.

Research and Reports for Asset Management Litigation

·  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; performed analysis and provided research on cases relating to valuations of securities, investment process and procedures, and compliance procedures relating to asset management, multiple cases, May 2012 – January 2014.

Analysis for Securities Trading Litigation

·  U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; research and analysis performed on case involving cross trading, insider dealing, and securities mismanagement, March 2013.

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