Use this form to submit proposals for revised majors, minors, concentrations, options, etc.

Note: A department, with its dean’s approval, may change up to two courses per year within an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., per year without seeking review of A2C2 and/or graduate Council, provided that (1) the total credits do not increase or decrease for the major, minor, concentration, option, etc., and (2) the change does not affect other departments or the University Studies Program. A2C2 and/or Graduate Council do, however, wish to be informed of these changes. Use form Notifications.

If a department wishes to make more extensive revisions to an existing major, minor, concentration, option, etc., complete and submit this form with the appropriate number of copies. Refer to Regulation 3-4, Policy for Changing the Curriculum, for complete information on submitting proposals for curricular changes.

Department: _Health, Exercise and Rehabilitative Sciences______

Title of Program: _Cardio-Pulmonary Rehabilitation______

Revised: __X____ Major ______Minor ______Concentration ______Option ______Other

List all Major/Minor Codes that Apply: ______

New: ______Major ______Minor ______Concentration ______Option ______Other

List all Major/Minor Codes that Apply: ______

Total credit hours: __27 SH in option to 26 SH _____ Classroom Hours ______Lab Hours ______

Proposed Implementation Date: __Immediately_______

Please attach to this proposal a narrative with the following information:

A.  Statement of major focus and objectives of the revised program.

The major focus and objective of the major will NOT change with the reduction of 1SH of required Practicum.

B. New Catalog Content

1. Provide a list of program content as it would appear in the catalog including required courses, electives, etc., by number and name. Include the number and name for each prerequisite, and all prerequisites of proposed prerequisites. All such prerequisites, and prerequisites of prerequisites, should be included in the total credit hour calculations for the revised program.

Currently students are required to complete 3 semesters of practicum for 1 SH each. The first and third are on the WSU campus and the 2nd is at Winona Health. Over the past two years, it has proven that the second WSU practicum is redundant. Students attain adequate clinical experiences with Phase I & II patients at Winona Health and Phase III patients at WSU. Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation majors also complete a 600 hr capstone Internship.


HERS 361 Clinical Practicum 1 SH repeatable for a TOTAL of 3 SH

Core Requirements 50 SH

Cardiac Rehabilitation option 27 SH


HERS 361 Clinical Practicum 1 SH repeatable for a TOTAL of 2 SH

Core Requirements 50 SH

Cardiac Rehabilitation option 26 SH

2. New catalog narrative, if any.


C. Description of Revisions, to include

1.  A display of current program requirements next to proposed new requirements for clear, easy comparison.

Core Requirements / 50 S.H. / Cardiac Rehabilitation (27 SH)
HERS (32 SH) / HERS (21 SH)
*235 Professional Issues in Exercise Sci / 3 / HERS 344 Electrocardiography / 3
280 Techniques of Fitness Programming / 2 / HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
291 Prevention&Care of Athletic Injuries / 2 / HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
314 Anatomical Kinesiology / 3 / HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
340 Physiology of Exercise OW / 4 / HERS 385 Senior Sem: Cardiopul Rehab / 3
360 Nutrition for the Physically Active / 3 / HERS 420 Clinical Ex Test & Prescription / 4
370 Mechanical Kinesiology / 3 / HERS 497 Internship in Cardiopul Rehab / 8
380 Lab Methods in Exercise ScienceOO / 3 / NURS (3 SH)
389 Strength & Conditioning / 3 / NURS 392 Cardiac Risk Prevention / 3
403 Epidemiology OR Stats 440 OCA / 3 / COUNS ED (3 SH)
445 Medical Aspects of Exercise OW / 3 / CE 432 Stress Mgmt / 3
PER (3 SH)
300 Motor Learning / 3
Cardiac Rehabilitation (27 SH) / Cardiac Rehabilitation (26 SH)
HERS (21 SH) / HERS (20 SH)
HERS 344 Electrocardiography / 3 / HERS 344 Electrocardiography / 3
HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1 / HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1 / HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
HERS 361 Practicum in Cardiopul Rehab / 1
HERS 385 Senior Sem: Cardiopul Rehab / 3 / HERS 385 Senior Sem: Cardiopul Rehab / 3
HERS 420 Clinical Ex Test & Prescription / 4 / HERS 420 Clinical Ex Test & Prescription / 4
HERS 497 Internship in Cardiopul Rehab / 8 / HERS 497 Internship in Cardiopul Rehab / 8
NURS (3 SH) / NURS (3 SH)
NURS 392 Cardiac Risk Prevention / 3 / NURS 392 Cardiac Risk Prevention / 3
CE 432 Stress Mgmt / 3 / CE 432 Stress Mgmt / 3

2.  A clear identification of each proposed change.

3. The following information for each required or elective course:

a. Course number and name,

b. A brief course description, and

c. A brief statement explaining why the program should include the course.

Attach a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet.

Attach an Approval Form.

Also fill out the MNSCU New Program Application or the Program Redesign Application, whichever applies and submit directly to the VPAA.

Department Contact Person for this Proposal:

Shellie F. Nelson, EdD, ATC, HERS Department Chair, 507-457-5214,

[Revised 7-05-07]



Course or Program___HERS: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation______

Include a Financial and Staffing Data Sheet with any proposal for a new course, new program, or revised program.

Please answer the following questions completely. Provide supporting data.

1. Would this course or program be taught with existing staff or with new or additional staff? If this course would be taught by adjunct faculty, include a rationale.

This course serves a dual purpose as a practicum for WSU Cardiopulmonary majors and a service to Winona community members. The practicum experience offers one semester at WSU with Phase II patients. The other practicum is at Winona Health’s Cardiopulmonary Laboratory with Phase II & III patients.

The reduction of 1SH in the Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation major will not affect current load and assigned duties.

2. What impact would approval of this course/program have on current course offerings? Please discuss number of sections of current offerings, dropping of courses, etc.


3. What effect would approval of this course/program have on the department supplies? Include data to support expenditures for staffing, equipment, supplies, instructional resources, etc.


[Revised 9-05]


Routing form for new and revised courses and programs. Course or Program__HERS: Cardiopulmonary Rehabilitation Major__

Department Recommendation
Department Chair Date e-mail address
Dean’s Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Dean of College Date
A2C2 Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Chair of A2C2 Date
Graduate Council Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
(if applicable)
Chair of Graduate Council Date
Director of Graduate Studies Date
Faculty Senate Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President of Faculty Senate Date
Academic Vice President Recommendation _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
Academic Vice President Date
Decision of President _____ Approved _____ Disapproved
President Date
Please forward to Registrar.
Registrar ______Please notify department chair via e-mail that curricular change has been recorded.
Date entered

[Revised 7-5-07]