Q1 Observe the figures, read carefully and write whether you will use Area, Perimeter or Volume for measuring these.

To make a photo frame Capacity of water for this fish tank Snooker table surface


carrom board size pack books in this carton paint a door


Q2 Fill in the blanks

a)The distance around the edge of a figure is its ______

b)Perimeter of rectangle= 2 X ( ______+ ______)

c)The amount of surface a figure covers is its ______

d)Perimeter of a square = 4 X ______

e)Side + side + side + side = Perimeter of a ______

f)For an area of 12 sq. cm, _____ squares of 1cm side is needed.

g)Area of a rectangle = ______X ______

h)Area of a square = ______X ______

i)If unit used for length is cm, then area will be measured in ______

j)If unit used for length is m, then perimeter will be measured in ______

Q3) Do as directed

Find the Area and Perimeter for the rectangles with the given measurements

a)Length = 10 cm, breadth= 5 cm

b)Length = 8 m, breadth = 6 m

B) Find the area and perimeter of the given squares



Q3 Find the volume of the objects with the given measurement

1)Length = 5cm, breadth= 2 cm, height = 4 cm

2)Length = 12 cm, breadth= 6cm, height = 10 cm

3)Cube with length of each edge= 8 cm

Q4 Find the areas of the given triangles

Areas of

Q5 Slove the word problems given below.

a)Raja jogs around a square park every day. If the side of the square park measures 50 metres, how much distance will he cover if he takes 3 rounds of the park?

b)A painter needs to paint a wall that has a length of 5m and its breadth is 4m. What is the area to be painted?

c)The total length of a lace used for a square pillow was 96 cm. What is the length of each side? Also, find the area of the pillow.