The Civil Rights Projectdue date: March 11, 2016

No man is an island and the choices one makes as a Leaderareinfluenced by the times in which he lived. You will be randomly assigned to an Important Person or Event from 1945-1970and asked to prepare a Newspaper Article following the outline given and create a folder/trifold for thePerson/Event. Try to learn as much as possible about the political and social climate in which the Person/Event lived or occurred. What outside influences shaped their choices?

Part 1:The Newspaper (40 points)

Go to my website or use your notes to complete the chart provided. Once you have completed the chart as thoroughly as possible, research more information about your Person/Event.

Using your findings, you will write a minimum 1 page Newspaper using the guidelines provided. It may be typed or handwritten. This goes on the back of your folder.

Names of Presidents

  1. Carl Vinson
  2. Richard B. Russell
  3. Roosevelt’s Ties to Georgia
  4. William B. Hartsfield
  5. Ivan Allen Jr.
  6. Ellis Arnall
  7. Herman Talmadge
  8. Benjamin Mays
  9. The 1946 Governor’s Race
  10. The End of the White Primary
  11. The Impact of Brown v. Board on Georgia
  12. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
  13. The 1956 State Flag
  1. The Major Developments of the Civil Rights Movement (1960-1970)
  2. The Major Developments of Atlanta (1960-1970)
  3. The impact of the transformation of agriculture on Georgia’s growth. (1960-1970)
  4. The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC)
  5. The Sibley Commission
  6. The Desegregation of the University of Georgia
  7. The Albany Movement
  1. The March on Washington
  2. The Civil Rights Acts
  3. Maynard Jackson
  4. Lester Maddox
  5. Andrew Young
  6. Consequences of the End of the County Unit System and Reapportionment
  7. Jimmy Carter
  8. The Rise of the Two Party System in Georgia
  9. The Effect of the Olympic Games on Georgia
  10. Immigrant Communities in Georgia

Here is a step by step guide on how to write aNewspaper with a Headline

1st paragraph: name, age (time period), address at time of death, date of death, cause (or suspected cause of death)

2nd paragraph: date of birth, birthplace, parents’ names, educational accomplishments, marriages, and residential history

3rd paragraph: social, political, economical, cultural impact during the Person’s/Events life, accomplishments (good things that he did and be remembered for)

4th paragraph: church membership, civic or club memberships, hobbies, other interests of Persons’ or Event’s Leader.

5th paragraph: survivors, family that preceded him in death (usually spouse, parents, & children)

6th paragraph: any people or groups that you wish to publicly thank for care given to the deceased, give details of the funeral including the location, who will preside at the funeral, who the pallbearers are, when it will be, etc.

Person’s/ Events full name: / Date of birth/Start of Event: / Date of death/End of Event:
Person’s/ Events Time Period of Influence: / Where the Person was from/ Location of Event:
Family background, education, early jobs, or career of Person/ People who led the Event
Representative ideal, phrase, or slogan of Person/Event:
Person’s/ Events’ Political Impact on the State of Georgia:
Person’s/ Events’ Cultural Impact on the State of Georgia:
Person’s/ Events’ Social Impact on the State of Georgia:
Person’s/ Events’ Economical Impact on the State of Georgia:
Other interesting information:

Part 2:Folder/Trifold (60 pts)

This is the creative part of the project! Put all the information on the above graphic organizer on the inside of your folder. Be creative in how you design and present the information. Use color, make it look like a scrapbook of their life. Put a picture of the person on the front, their name, date of birth and death, and the number president they were, when they were president, state they represented, and their political party.

Chapter 12 &13 Project Rubric – Turn this in with your project

NAME ______Block: ______

Newspaper (40 pts)

Format: (15 pts)

Pts earned / Description of scoring criteria
5 pts: neatly handwritten or typed / 3 pts: fairly neat / 1 pt: sloppy
5 pts: 1 page minimum / 3 pts: approx. 3/4 page / 1 pt: approx. 1/2 page
5 pts: no spelling or grammatical errors / 3 pts: 1-2 errors / 1 pt: 3 or more errors
5 pts: / 3 pts: / 1 pt:

Content: (25 pts)

Pts earned / Description of scoring criteria
5 pts: paragraph 1 & 2 content complete / 3 pts: more than half complete / 1 pt: less than half complete
5 pts: paragraph 3 content complete / 3 pts: more than half complete / 1 pt: less than half complete
5 pts: paragraph 4 complete / 3 pts: more than half complete / 1 pt: less than half complete
5 pts: paragraph 5 complete / 3 pts: more than half complete / 1 pt: less than half complete
5 pts: paragraph 6 complete / 3 pts: more than half complete / 1 pt: less than half complete

Folder: (60 pts)

Pts earned / Description of scoring criteria
21 pts: All required elements from graphic organizer– Line 3 down / 3 points each
21 pts: Everything on first two lines of graphic organizer on front of folder / 3 points each
10 pts: Creative design/Visually Appealing / 5 pts: lack of evidence of time spent on project; no color, interesting design
8 pts. Neatness / 4 points: Somewhat messy, lack of evident of time spent on project

______TOTAL POINTS EARNED ON PROJECT (out of 100 pts possible)