The University of Akron

Council of Deans

Meeting Minutes – March 29, 2011

Members Present: Belsky, Cheng, Cummins, Haritos, Kern Simirenko, Kristofco, Krovi, Lynn, Midha, D. Mugler,

K. Mugler, Newkome, Ramsier, Sherman, Shermis, Silverman, Wineman

Guest: Becky Hoover

Chair: Sherman

Recorder: C. Herold

Announcements / Sherman introduced and welcomed David Cummins, VP for Business and Finance/CFO who will attend meetings in the future. VP for Talent Development and Human Resources will also be attending the meetings. This position will no longer be an AVP. The VP for student success and VP/CIO will also attend. The VP for Capital Planning and VP for Development will be here as needed.
Recognized that Dean Wineman will be retiring September 30 and is stepping down as Dean on June 30.
Recognized that Dean Kristofco will be retiring on June 30.
Provost attended meetings at both colleges to acknowledge the announcements and be part of any questions or concerns from the faculty and staff. / If anyone has any other suggestions, please let Mike know.
Alternative Work Schedules / Becky Hoover discussed phasing down (preparing for retirement). Phasing down retirement would create cost savings.
Reduced work schedules: Some 12-month employees could be moved to 10-month (staff). Mechanisms are in place where individuals may work a reduced summer workload. Would be strictly voluntary. We are looking at administrative staffing needs. If it is not voluntary, it would become a “layoff.” Vacation accrual would be affected, but benefits would remain in place. Looking at pro-rating benefits. Full time is defined as 40 hours per week; could work fewer hours with full time benefits. We have flexibility because we are now self insured. Flex time not currently on the table for discussion. Working from home does not save money. Possible ERIP discussions. Negative cash flow first year.
With regard to vacant positions, looking at the core mission of the college. Is the position necessary? Should it be somewhere else? / Will need to develop strategy that facilitates the right kind of conversation on these steps.
Can talk with staff about 10-month options. Will explore on case-by-case basis.
HLC Progress Report / Draft progress report from last visit due on Thursday. Spring ’13 is next visit.
Close to finalizing conceptual framework for University Council. Will review at next meeting. / Send Rex feedback by mid day on Wednesday.
Attendance at Faculty Senate Meetings / Deans were encouraged to attend Faculty Senate meetings. / First Thursday of every month September through May from 3:00 – 5:00 in Buckingham. Make sure at least one dean at the meeting on a rotating basis.
Sherman will be in contact if necessary for attendance.
Alternative Credits / State-wide standard for recognizing military education approved by the state. Military service will count for credit through USO.
Follow up on Students who are at the 150-180 credit hour level / Need to look at equivalencies. Many varied reasons why a student would have high number of hours. / Any questions, contact Karla. Will look next at the 128-150 credit hours.
Student Research Symposium / Newkome – Looking for $$ for the symposium.
David Cummins / Looking at budget scenarios going into next year. Looking at possible 15% cut in SSI, 3.5% tuition increase, 3.5% increase in student credit hour production. Looking at possible deficit scenarios. Looking at vacancies. Currently $8-$9M in vacant positions. Need to determine what to leave vacant and what to fill. Budget currently looks like an SSI cut of about 15% for UA.
Budget Scenarios / Handout. Reductions would be differentiated among the college and academic support units. Will be effectively progressing toward a hybrid budget system here we adopt a different philosophy of managing revenue streams and how we manage courses. Will redirect funds to a 60/40 academic/ non-academic focus by 2013; 70/30 by 2020. Will be moving funding more toward academic units. Increasing revenue through enrollment growth has costs: $.40 to earn $1. Margin is $.60.
We have the second lowest default rate of our students. Fee and tuition structure still in place.
Need to look at near term needs for faculty this year. Have asked for input from deans about needs for faculty. Have met with each dean to discuss future strategy for investment in faculty. Need to get understanding of academic program from perspective of investing additional $$. / May need to call special meetings of deans and VPs as budget scenario unfolds.
Will ask for capacity analysis of each academic program to see where to invest in more faculty. Will be linked to academic program reviews.
Program Capacity / Chand: handout. Meeting with deans to highlight.
State of Academic Affairs Presentation / Will be April 14 at 3:00. Will resonate with the President’s state of the university address.
Next Meeting / April 26 – 9:00 – 12:00 – Leigh Hall 414.